特定箇所の色を残す減色、各種テクスチャー変換、Clear waifu2xによる超解像処理などを搭載した次世代画像最適化ツール
Working with hugedomains.com was a quick and easy process. We got to speak to multiple real people located in Colorado without having to wait on hold! Our only complaint was we felt we had to overpay more than this particular domain was worth, and we weren't able to negotiate it down to a level that we felt was fair. However, payment and delivery were seamless, and within a few hours we had all of
Interface Design Inspiration | 30 Beautiful Website Footer Designs This post is a part for dzineblog’s interface design inspiration series, the series which focuses on inspiration on graphic user interface designs that will help you in enhancing your interface design skills, Sometimes Before footers were used for the copyright notice and secondary navigation. Most footers are rather boring and uni
jQuery Dropdown Check List HTMLだけでは実現できないドロップダウンチェックリストの作成JavaScript。 複数選択式の選択リストは普通に作成することが出来ますが、チェックボックスを使ったわかりやすいUIの実現は難しいですね。 「jQuery Dropdown Check List」ならjQueryプラグインなので、非常に簡単に実現できます。 $("#s6").dropdownchecklist(); のように、1行で初期化できるところも素晴らしいですね。 一昔前にやっていれば、どうやってやってるんだろうと検討もつかなかったと思いますが、進化したものです。 関連エントリ JavaScriptを使ったULリストをツリー風に表示するサンプル「Simple Tree Menu」
Recently I was checking out some nice flash galleries and came across an effect that I really liked. I had a sudden urge to duplicate that similar effect but using my bread and butter (CSS and jQuery). I thought I’d share this and maybe some of you can find it useful. View Demo Build the Foundation - XHTML Our markup will be fairly simple, just an unordered three columned list. <ul class="thumb">