「文字の手帖01」 デジタルフォントの開発・販売をしているモリサワが、ついに書体関連アプリをリリースしました! 「文字の手帖01」は、デザインをお仕事とされている方はもちろん、文字に興味がある人、グラフィックやデザインを勉強する方々、書体にこだわりたい人など、色々な人に使って欲しいアプリケーションです。 見て、調べて、遊べる3つのコンテンツで書体の知識の幅を広げませんか。 〈コンテンツ〉 「書体見本帳」:400を超えるモリサワ書体見本をiPhone上で確認できます。 「Morisawa Font Dictionary」:フォントに関する用語をわかりやすくまとめた辞書です。 「文字あわせ」:書体を使った神経衰弱のミニゲームです。モリサワの代表的な書体の形に楽しく触れていただけます。 『書体見本帳』 iPhoneの画面サイズにあわせた書体見本です。 【使い方】 1) カード状に並べられた書体を
Our friends at Sifteo asked Stimulant to contribute to their launch portfolio of games that focus on kinesthetic learning, spatial reasoning, and collaboration. Based on our staff’s deep love of music, we decided to make the world’s smallest and simplest music sequencer. This creation, dubbed LoopLoop, went on to win “Best in Category: Expressing” and “Best in Show” awards at the inaugural Interac
We recognized outstanding Interaction Design from all over the world, welcoming work created by individuals, companies, as well as students. 2024 was the last edition of the Awards. Introducing mObywatel 2.0 , a game-changing mobile application from the Polish government, designed to transform how citizens interact with public services. Imagine a world where government processes are streamlined an
We recognized outstanding Interaction Design from all over the world, welcoming work created by individuals, companies, as well as students. 2024 was the last edition of the Awards. Introducing mObywatel 2.0 , a game-changing mobile application from the Polish government, designed to transform how citizens interact with public services. Imagine a world where government processes are streamlined an