Growl Growl is a notification system for OS X. Growl has been around since 2004, and was originally called Global Notifications Center. The name was changed to Growl (like the noise a dog makes) since we felt the name Notifications Center was too geeky. We were wrong about that haha. Growl was meant as a proof of concept which became something more for a long period of time. Before Growl was made
Table of contents 1 Introduction2 Common infrastructure3 Semantics, structure, and APIs of HTML documents4 The elements of HTML5 Microdata6 User interaction7 Loading web pages8 Web application APIs9 Communication10 Web workers11 Worklets12 Web storage13 The HTML syntax14 The XML syntax15 Rendering16 Obsolete features17 IANA considerationsIndexReferencesAcknowledgmentsIntellectual property rights F
Update 1: The Horizontal Way is open! Update 2: THIS POST MOVED TO THE ADDRESS Bye :) Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site. che script carino, mi casca proprio a fagiuolo :-) sto facendo un po’ di tweaking per centrare verticalmente il container in maniera crossbrowser e sto litigando un po’ con i css (in fire
In the Print & Illustration, Animation and Sketchbook pages of Tartelin’s website a div containing title and menu is placed on the “left sider� side by an horizontal scrolling div with an overflow:auto. (In this way the first section seems to use a position:fixed property) This div on the right contains several floating images with the same height and a small description on the bottom; some
IE7 をインストールすると IE6 を上書きする形で入るのではげしくうざいので調べてみた。 まず、IE7 をスタンドアローンで動くようにする IE7のセットアップファイル (IE7B2P-WindowsXP-x86-enu.exe) をダウンロード上記は自己解答形式の圧縮ファイルなのでなんかで解凍する解凍してできたディレクトリの shlwapi.dll を削除し、iexplore.exe.local という空ファイルを作る これでiexplore.exe起動すればIE7が立ち上がる。 ただこれで一度IE7を起動するとIE6でアドレスバーにURL入力するとIEではなくデフォルトブラウザで開くようになってしまう。(IE6がデフォルトブラウザな方は下記作業はいらないのかもしれない) なので、IE7終了したらIE7が追加したレジストリエントリを削除する必要がある。 Windows Registr