バグ報告をレビューとして投稿しないでください。あなたのメールアドレスはアドオン作者に公開されませんので、作者が問題解決のためあなたに協力をお願いしたいと思っても、連絡を取ることができません。 このアドオンについて何かサポートを必要とされている場合は、サポート の項目を参照してください。 レビューガイドライン 詳細なレビュー
/************************************************************************ Firefox Quantum status Unfortunately, I haven't been able to update Web Search Pro for Firefox 57. You should still be able to use it until June 2018 if you switch to Firefox 52 ESR. Hopefully before then I'll have ported some of its functionality to a Quantum-compatible add-on, but I can't promise anything. The code is open
Power Twitter adds features to the twitter.com -main stream inlining of YouTube, Flickr, TwitPic, Google Maps, song.ly, and all sorts of playable/viewable media -link expansion -link translation to page titles Power Twitter currently overlays on the twitter.com website. We use the information on the website (such as your twitter name) to identify you and build a settings profile. Additionally, we
Firecookie has been integrated with Firebug 1.10 (currently beta) so you don't need install Firecookie for this Firebug version. Cookie manager for Firebug. Firebug has to be installed in order to use this extension. Use this extension to create a new cookie, delete existing cookies, see list of cookies for current site, manage cookies permissions and a lot more. Use http://code.google.com/p/fbug/
Report this add-on for abuseIf you think this add-on violates Mozilla's add-on policies or has security or privacy issues, please report these issues to Mozilla using this form. Please don't use this form to report bugs or request add-on features; this report will be sent to Mozilla and not to the add-on developer.