'Papers, Please' に使われてたのか、意外な先進性w
cu39 のブックマーク 2014/03/23 19:03
Gamasutra: Amir Fassihi's Blog - "0 – 60 fps in 14 days!" What we learned trying to optimize our game using Unity3D.[coding][flash][haxe][ocaml]'Papers, Please' に使われてたのか、意外な先進性w2014/03/23 19:03
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TechTarget and Informa Tech’s Digital Business Combine.TechTarget and Informa TechTarget and Informa Tech’s Digital Business Combine.Together, we power an unparalleled network of 220+ online proper...
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'Papers, Please' に使われてたのか、意外な先進性w
Gamasutra: Amir Fassihi's Blog - "0 – 60 fps in 14 days!" What we learned trying to optimize our game using Unity3D.
TechTarget and Informa Tech’s Digital Business Combine.TechTarget and Informa TechTarget and Informa Tech’s Digital Business Combine.Together, we power an unparalleled network of 220+ online proper...
128 人がブックマーク・25 件のコメント
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