"This national obsession with force and violence also reflects a culture of toxic masculinity that has led to millions of deaths and incalculable destruction to marginalized people throughout the world. "
"Although Biden is certainly correct 2 challenge Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claims that Ukraine constituted enough of a threat to Russian national security that his government had 2 invade, Biden’s past puts him in a poor position to lead the international response to Russian aggression"
"The capacity 2 speak to people’s hope by addressing their longing to be part of a true community of meaning and purpose is just as important to the Dems’ ability to motivate their own voters to come out to the polls and vote for a world that will make their lives more purposive and meaningful."
"Though anti-Semitism has existed on the margins of American society for some time, it is only recently that hatred has broken out into the open in a more systematic fashion."
"The problem with many claiming identity politics today is they often base their understanding of it on the belief that race is an actual, biological definition—ironically reinforcing the white supremacist narrative that race exists."
"The Democrats will still have to address the main problem that has brought them down in this election—the problem of hierarchical and non-hierarchical interactions,the need to create a new political model fit for the 21st century and the new conditions created by the progress of our civilization"
"Seeing all of Israel's problems within a framework of mindless anti-Semitism, as Wistrich does, is to embrace a phantom, feeding self-pity and self-delusion. "
"In the post-Occupy era, questioning market fundamentalism requires learning a new language. The discourse of “jobs and growth,” 4 e.g., is a reactionary egalitarianism that forces the present 2 fit itself into a past that never existed, rather than trying 2 shape a future that meets our ideals"
"The main aim of the settlers is to make a Palestinian state impossible. All Israeli governments have supported them, openly or covertly. They are, of course, illegal under international law, but many of them are also illegal under Israeli law."
「But the Iranophobic response -- the push for ever-tighter sanctions, the covert efforts to destabilize the government, and the constant drumbeat for military attack -- is counterproductive. 」