The Guardian has announced it will no longer post content on Elon Musk’s social media platform, X, from its official accounts. In an announcement to readers, the news organisation said it considered the benefits of being on the platform formerly called Twitter were now outweighed by the negatives, citing the “often disturbing content” found on it. “We wanted to let readers know that we will no lon
My earliest reading memory My sister and I were obsessed with Tomi Ungerer’s The Beast of Monsieur Racine, a picture book in which two children disguise themselves as a mysterious beast and are studied by a scientist. It’s a fun story, but on each page, comical and grotesque things are happening. A nail pokes up on a slide, a pickpocket steals something from a distracted woman, a falling axe split
Babel, which won fiction book of the year at the British book awards in 2023, is a speculative fiction novel by Kuang, a Chinese-American author also known for her novel Yellowface. No reason was given for the exclusions, which were revealed only on 20 January when the Hugo awards published the full nomination statistics for last year’s prize. Certain titles were listed as having been given votes,