Marketing & SEO A Better Google Analytics AlternativeOur recent migration to GA4 left a lot to be desired and led us to explore for better google analytics alternatives. We tried just about everything out there, including Plausible, Fathom, and several others, all with their own pros and cons. The biggest hurdles were: limited features and higher costs.… CSS offers an array of tools that, when use
Dynamic PNG shadow position & opacity with jQuery by Daniel Kurdoghlian The Source Code Below you can see the magic interesting part of my script: function moveShadow(){ lightX = parseInt(lightbulb.offset().left) + lightCenterX; lightY = parseInt(lightbulb.offset().top) + lightCenterY; logoX = parseInt(logo.offset().left) + logoCenterX; logoY = parseInt(logo.offset().top) + logoCenterY; distanceX
20 Comments Blue Bubble and Foliogrid are nice theme. Thanks for share… It’s a small list but looks nice, clean theme maybe suitable for the magazine website than a personal web blog Really like the clean look, very appealing. I love the minimal look. I personally use the Clean Home design for my blog but I have made a few changes by adding style switching so users can change from red on white to
2013年4月2日 便利ツール Webサイトを作る際に、じっくり時間をかけたい作業とそうでないものがあると思います。細かい作業は便利なツールで作業時間の短縮をして効率よくすすめましょう!今回は私がいつも使っているものとSMASHING MAGAZINEで紹介されていて「おぉっ!」と思ったWeb制作に関する便利ツールを紹介します。 ↑私が10年以上利用している会計ソフト! Photoshopテンプレート まずは私Mana作のPhotoshop用テンプレート。グリッドなんぞ入れてます。グレーのエリアがファーストビュー。結構昔に作ってずっと使ってる感じです。 » Photoshopテンプレートをダウンロードする Instant Blueprint Webサイトを作る際の最初のステップを楽にしてくれるサイト。CSS, images, JSな
Polaroids with CSS3 In this playground adventure, we use some awesome CSS2 and CSS3 to turn an otherwise unassuming list of images into a full-blown set of polaroid pictures. Check out the demo and code snippets below. Read the blog post for more info » Note: Demo works best in Safari 4.x and Chrome 5. In Firefox you won't see the enlarging transition. How it Works Through a combination of browser