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Explore this photo album by David on Flickr!
All of the pictures in this collection were taken underwater in a black pool usually just after sunset. The reflections are completely natural and are a consequence of the angle that the picture was taken from. Anyone who ducks under will see the same under all circumstances. Okay, so some of them are in the ocean ... I forgot to update the description.
I love Mac and Flickr!!!! "Cyan" and "magenta" that are a logo color of a "flickr" resemble relations of "Mac" and "Apple". スタッフの皆様 このような楽しいイベントをありがとう! To flickr staff. Thank you for holding a pleasant event this time. Ihuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Eu tinha preparado esse texto e esta foto pra colocar durante a seqüência dos dias da viagem, mas vou antecipá-la! Merecidamente! Lembram da promoção flickrcolou