Ruby 2.6 preview 1 has optional JIT that you can turn on with a command-line switch. It also has a mode where you can tell it to wait for JIT before running your code, which is marked as a "test" option. But can you just turn it on and get Ruby AoT for our Rails Apps? Let's check! I maintain Rails Ruby Bench, so that's what I'll be playing with here, but the JIT and AOT advice should apply to most
Back in November, I posted speed results for Ruby 2.5.0 preview 1. It was barely faster than Ruby 2.4, which was a bit of a disappointment. However, one very important performance patch landed before it finished, which made a big difference in the final speed. How big? Let's see, shall we? Quick GraphsYou just want to see the graphs, I'll bet. I'm the same way. Here's a great start: total-time run
Somebody on Reddit was curious: how are the Ruby folks doing on Ruby 3x3? This answer may be useful to some of you out there as well... (Please note that I don't decide this stuff, but I do keep track of it fairly closely.) The main announced thrusts of Ruby 3 are performance, concurrency and typing. For performance, the work is primarily occurring in the normal Ruby trunk. Matz has announced that
You may have read here about my benchmarking attempts for Ruby 3x3. In addition, there are various small benchmarks in the Ruby source and several other aggregations of benchmarks. But the other major benchmark currently used for Ruby 3x3 is called OptCarrot. It's written by Yusuke Endoh (aka mametter, aka mame.) It's a very well-designed benchmark. Let's talk a bit about why, shall we? Anatomy of
Ruby 2.4.0 introduced a lot of great new features. One of them was open addressing for hash tables - the details of open addressing are a bit obscure, but Ruby hash tables are now faster. Everybody uses hash tables, so everybody gets extra speed. Awesome! But how did that happen? There's an interesting story there. Let's tell that story and benchmark with Rails Ruby Bench, shall we? (Don't care ab
I've had a few conversations recently where I say things like, "the Japanese Ruby community uses Ruby for different things than in America"... and I get blank stares. Specifically, I mention that America is very centered on Rails and web apps with Ruby. No surprise, right? "But then," people ask, "if they're not using Ruby for Rails, what do they do with it?" And why does anybody care? For the sam
This week, I've been playing with Puma processes. Headius, Nate Berkopec, you can probably stop reading now. You won't learn much ;-) One consequence of the GIL is that a single Ruby process has limited ability to fully use the capabilities of a multi-core machine, including a larger AWS instance. As a result, the optimum number of Rails processes for your AWS instance is probably not just one. I'
At RubyConf 2015 in San Antonio, Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto announced Ruby 3x3. The goal of Ruby 3x3 is to make Ruby 3 be 3 times faster than Ruby 2. At AppFolio, we think this is awesome and want to help. [Update: watch Matz's keynote ] We have been using Ruby for the past nine years. Like most people, we initially came to Ruby via Rails. One of the main ideals of Rails was that developer happines