Everyone has probably read about or seen DHH's talk by now, where he advocates attempting to create small/medium sized, sustainable companies with a simple, direct business model (sell something directly to your customers).A lot of his examples are from 'real world' products (Italian restaurants, say), that clearly have very different economics from on line businesses. The marginal cost of another
mixiで話題沸騰とか。 シカゴ大学ビジネススクールのVeronica Guerrieri助教授をご紹介します。 http://www.chicagogsb.edu/faculty/bio.aspx?person_id=933341 http://faculty.chicagogsb.edu/veronica.guerrieri/ 専攻は、ナイスな(意味不明)マクロ経済学 労働経済学。 彼女によりますと、macroeconomics, search theory, labor and financial market frictions, dynamic contracting, and growth theory. "Coming from Europe, the malfunctioning of labor markets has always attracted my attent
Posted by: Alexandre Borovik | April 14, 2008 Donald Knuth: Calculus via O notation Continuing the theme of alternative approaches to teaching calculus, I take the liberty of posting a letter sent by Donald Knuth to to the Notices of the American Mathematical Society in March, 1998 (TeX file). Professor Anthony W. Knapp P O Box 333 East Setauket, NY 11733 Dear editor, I am pleased to see so much s
This is part of my interview question series. It's about shuffling arrays. The Question You have an array A of size N. Write a routine that shuffles the array in-place. The only restrictions are that all possible permutations of A must be possible and equally likely. This interview question serves as a test for basic algorithm construction. There's a canonical solution that's not too difficult
This is part of my series on interview questions, so welcome aboard! This installment deals with a common question about linked lists — how do we detect when one has a loop? Linked Lists Linked lists are one of the most simple data structures and most aspiring programmers learn them early on. But for completeness' sake let's cover that ground. A linked list is a sequence of nodes. Each node co
はてなー!!! 撮影者はマラさん バロン すわっちまったぜ ナガヤマさん 奥で竹迫さんとnaoyaさんが団らん 広いです 噂の ピンポン マラさん撮るのテラウマスwww 楽しい><