Submarine Cable MapThe Submarine Cable Map is a free and regularly updated resource from TeleGeography.

What is OpenFreeMap? OpenFreeMap lets you display custom maps on your website and apps for free. You can either self-host or use our public instance. Everything is open-source, including the full production setup — there’s no ‘open-core’ model here. Check out our GitHub. The map data comes from OpenStreetMap. Using our public instance is completely free: there are no limits on the number of map vi
地震ハザードステーション J-SHIS コンテンツをロードしています。しばらくお待ちください。 ロードが完了したら自動的にページが切り替わります。
Open source formatPMTiles is an open specification for single-file tile pyramids built on compressed Hilbert ordering and queryable via HTTP Range Requests. Learn about PMTiles CDN Integration Protomaps can optionally be delivered through an edge network like AWS Cloudfront and Cloudflare for ultra-low latency, using Lambda or Workers. Deploy on CDN
ふるさとクリック 地図で見る 個人所得 全国の市区町村ごとのデータを地図とチャートで見る「ふるさとクリック」。物価高に伴って家計の負担が増し、生活費を賄う個人所得の動向に注目が集まっています。地価や株価も上昇しており、家賃収入や配当収入、売却益などの恩恵を受けやすい地域とそれほどでもない地域があることから、地域差は広がっています。あなたの街を調べてみよう。 総務省が毎年度公表している「市町村税課税状況等の調」から1992~2022年度個人住民税の「課税対象所得」と「納税義務者数」を取り出し、一人当たりの課税対象所得を市区町村別に算出しました。1992~2009年度の課税対象所得と納税義務者数は内閣府資料にあるデータを使いました。市町村合併の影響を考慮し、過去のデータについても現行の1741市区町村に名寄せしています。 各年度の納税義務者数はその年の1月1日現在の住所に基づいた集計です。課税
What are DROTAMs? DROTAMs™ are what SkyVector calls "Drone NOTAMs", or Notices to Airmen defining unmanned aerial systems operating areas (UAS OA). The U.S. Air Force, Customs and Border Protection Agency, public operators with a Certificate of Authorization (COA), or private commercial operators granted a Section 333 exemption may issue NOTAMs to advise pilots of their activities. Learn more at f
Includes about 1,130 operating systems so far Last updated: August 2024 In this post you'll find a family tree and timeline of operating systems. I have tried to include all operating systems, no matter how old or obscure. Of course, a complete list is virtually impossible, as there is no way to catalogue all the tiny hobby and embedded systems that may exist somewhere. Please also note that I onl
A state-of-the-art WebGIS platform that runs in the browser and is extensible through through plug-ins. Made with Extensible Create new functions with the plugin system: - Manipulate any data the core app can(Scene, Primitive, Layer...). - Create UI based widgets such as buttons, menus, panels, infobox and so on. Browser-based Developed with modern internet technologies, Re:Earth is designed to be
Organic Maps: Offline Hike, Bike, Trails and Navigation Organic Maps is a free Android & iOS offline maps app for travelers, tourists, hikers, drivers and cyclists based on OpenStreetMap data created by the community. It is a privacy-focused, open-source fork of app (previously known as MapsWithMe), maintained by the same people who created MapsWithMe in 2011. Organic Maps is one of the fe