Features of a programming language, whether syntactic or semantic, are all part of the language's user interface. And a user interface can handle only so much complexity or it becomes unusable. This is also the reason why Python will never have continuations, and even why I'm uninterested in optimizing tail recursion. Thus spoke Guido - as LtU readers already know. Now, not even four weeks later,
Datalog is a declarative logic programming language. While it is syntactically a subset of Prolog, Datalog generally uses a bottom-up rather than top-down evaluation model. This difference yields significantly different behavior and properties from Prolog. It is often used as a query language for deductive databases. Datalog has been applied to problems in data integration, networking, program ana
Retroactive data structures Today's lecture is our second and final lecture on time travel, or more precisely, temporal data structures. Here we will study retroactive data structures, which mimic the "plastic timeline" model of time travel. For example, in Back to the Future, Marty goes back in time, makes changes, and returns to the present that resulted from those changes and all the intervenin
巷で噂の Unite.vim を導入してみることにした。 理由 MRU と QuickBuf で困ってはいなかったのですが、色々足らないなぁと思っていた QuickBuf は Terminal で色々上手いこと動いてくれない(環境 MRU は複数ファイルを同時に開けない 同僚の @itawasa (emacs) が anything.el が凄くいいよって教えてくれた、ただ emacs には行けないので ... 。 vim には Unite.vim というのがあるとの事を知る 普段は .vimrc なんかいじらないので vim の設定すらダメダメです。 いい機会だし環境を見直して一念発起してみようかなと。 とりあえず導入してみる 一番使うプラグインであるバッファ管理の QuickBuf を置き換えたい。 設定は @yuitowest やネットにあったモノをそのまま 条件としては、バッファ一