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なぜDMMがweb3に参入したのか。Seamoon Protocolが目指す新たなエンタメ体験の未来とは
Direct connect経由なFusion-IOとRDSはどっちが速いのかを繋いで、ベンチマークしてみた。 背景 目的 検証環境について TCP-Cについて ベンチマーク結果 コネクション時の通信帯域 MySQLサーバーのパラメーターの差異に関して 資料:セッティングパラメーター sysbench-lua 0.5について ベンチマーク結果 背景 RDBMSにおけるOLTP処理において、Fusion-io社のioDrive2はゲームなどを中心に非常に高い性能を示しており、各RDBMSのストレージとして採用されています。この事から、ioDrive2に匹敵する性能をクラウド求にられていくことが予想されます。 目的 本検証はハイブリッドクラウド環境において、ioDrive2搭載サーバの実運用性を検証することを目的としています。 EquinixにioDrive2を搭載した物理サーバを設置し、A
Never miss a beat. With the ECG app, Apple Watch is capable of generating an ECG similar to a single-lead electrocardiogram.2 And the Heart Rate app alerts you of high and low heart rates, as well as irregular rhythm.3 You snooze. You win. Set up a bedtime routine and track your sleep. See the time you spent in REM, Core, and Deep sleep, as well as when you might have woken up. And get notified if
Never miss a beat. With the ECG app, Apple Watch is capable of generating an ECG similar to a single-lead electrocardiogram.2 And the Heart Rate app alerts you of high and low heart rates, as well as irregular rhythm.3 You snooze. You win. Set up a bedtime routine and track your sleep. See the time you spent in REM, Core, and Deep sleep, as well as when you might have woken up. And get notified if
Engineering Building the platform where people around the world come to search, save and shop Our Engineering team is at the core of bringing our platform to life for Pinners worldwide. Working collaboratively and cross-functionally with teams across the company, our engineers tackle growth-driving challenges to build an inspired and inclusive platform for all. Natasha Magliui Engineering Manager,
Engineering Building the platform where people around the world come to search, save and shop Our Engineering team is at the core of bringing our platform to life for Pinners worldwide. Working collaboratively and cross-functionally with teams across the company, our engineers tackle growth-driving challenges to build an inspired and inclusive platform for all. Natasha Magliui Engineering Manager,