254A, Notes 0: A review of probability theory 1 January, 2010 in 254A - random matrices, math.CA, math.PR | Tags: almost sure convergence, conditioning, convergence in probability, independence, moments, random variables | by Terence Tao In preparation for my upcoming course on random matrices, I am briefly reviewing some relevant foundational aspects of probability theory, as well as setting up b
What's new Updates on my research and expository papers, discussion of open problems, and other maths-related topics. By Terence Tao Seven videotaped lectures from 1964 by Richard Feynman given in Cornell, on “The Character of Physical Law“, have recently been put online (by Microsoft Research, through the purchase of these lectures from the Feynman estate by Bill Gates, as described in this inte
Benford’s law, Zipf’s law, and the Pareto distribution 3 July, 2009 in expository, math.PR, math.ST, non-technical | Tags: Benford's law, Pareto distribution, randomness, Zipf's law | by Terence Tao A remarkable phenomenon in probability theory is that of universality – that many seemingly unrelated probability distributions, which ostensibly involve large numbers of unknown parameters, can end up