“Our moral responsibility is not to stop the future, but to shape it… to channel our destiny in humane directions and to ease the trauma of transition.” —Alvin Toffler Plastic not so fantastic🥤 Used plastic isn’t all that valuable, and has never been, according to NPR and PBS Frontline. All that effort you’ve been making to separate plastics… It might well be for naught, depending on where you li
dirtyspork says: Thats gold. haha Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink ) Broken Haiku says: Great, now I won't need a backpack with separate drive, USB-hub, USB-ethernet card, a deck of cards to pass time while the slow processor/drive works and an external battery pack to make up for the built in one :-). Posted 9 months ago. ( permalink )
Google Global is a Firefox and Chrome Extension/Add-on for digital marketers that installs quickly and allows you to easily see what any Google search results look like in outer countries, cities and zip codes… exactly as if you were in that location. This extension is unobtrusive and the functions are only available when on a Google search results page so it will not clutter up your menu bar, rig
Ttersへようこそ! 「Tters(ッターズ)」は、自分に合った〇〇ッターを作成し、フォローして自由につぶやける匿名SNSです。 匿名だからこそ、人間関係のストレスやプレッシャーとは無縁で、自分らしく自然体でありながら自己表現が可能な空間を提供しています。 初めての方は、当サービスの代表的なタイムライン「みんなのッター」にて、思いの丈をつぶやいてみてください。ユーザー登録は必要ありません。 まずは挨拶してみよう この表示は一度つぶやくと消えます。