「iPhone」について 2008年6月4日 ソフトバンクモバイル株式会社 この度、ソフトバンクモバイル株式会社は、今年中に日本国内において「iPhone」を発売することにつきまして、アップル社と契約を締結したことを発表いたします。 SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp. today announced it has signed an agreement with Apple® to bring the iPhone™ to Japan later this year. プレスリリースに掲載されている内容、サービス/製品の価格、仕様、お問い合わせ先、その他の情報は、発表時点の情報です。その後予告なしに変更となる場合があります。また、プレスリリースにおける計画、目標などはさまざまなリスクおよび不確実な事実により、実際の結果が予測と異なる場合もあります。あらかじめご了承ください。
Running the Mac OS X maintenance scripts Mac® OS X is a UNIX®-based system, built in part on both BSD® and FreeBSD®. UNIX systems run scheduled maintenance routines — known as maintenance scripts — to clean up a variety of System logs and temporary files. By default, these are executed between 03:15 and 05:30 hours local time, depending on the script. If your Mac is shut down or in sleep mode duri
A plugin for Apple Mail that shows messages related to the currently viewed message. Download Note there is currently no version for Mac OS X 10.7 or later. Maybe someday… Current version: 0.9.1 beta – Requires Mac OS X Snow Leopard. (10.6) 10.5 users can use 0.8.4 beta which is the last version developed for Leopard. Release Notes RelatedMail is Freeware. If my grand plans for more features are r
At Apple, we are always working to create the best experience for our customers, which is why we design products that last. Designing for longevity is a company-wide effort, informing our earliest decisions long before the first prototype is built and guided by historical customer-use data and predictions on future usage. It requires striking a balance between durability and repairability while no