5月8日から米ニューオーリンズで、米国最大の通信関連イベント「CTIA Wireless 2012」が開催されている。高速通信システム「LTE」一色に染まった同イベントで、米国の通信事業者は周波数不足を訴え、将来を切り開くサービスをアピールした。LTEで先行する米国の最先端の動きは、これからLTEでの競争が本格化する日本の通信事業者の未来を映す鏡ともいえる。閑散としていたCTIAに活気が戻った理由
Laboratory Information Management System All of our products are built from the ground up to help laboratories improve productivity. While most LIMS systems take a year or more to implement – the LABTRACK LIMS can be up and running in your laboratory in just a few days or weeks. Its simple, intuitive design and the built-in Forms Definition, Menu Customization Module, and Custom Reporting Tool mak
First signs of Google's new 'semantic search' spotted, put to good use So, Google wasn't merry-dancing when it promised to update its search engine with new "semantic" algorithms. One of our readers sent in the screen grab above, which shows what happens when they search for "Howard Carter." In addition to all the regular links, there's a box on the right that seems to be distinctly aware of who t
In Visual Studio 2022 17.10 Preview 2, we’ve introduced some UX updates and usability improvements to the Connection Manager. With these updates we provide a more seamless experience when connecting to remote systems and/or debugging failed connections. Please install the latest Preview to try it out. Read on to learn what the Connection ...