Yet we receive a surprisingly large number of requests for such resources: up to 130 million requests per day, with periods of sustained bandwidth usage of 350Mbps, for resources that haven't changed in years. W3CのサイトにおかれているDTDなどに対して、1日に1億3千万回ほどのアクセスがあるそうで。 たとえば、.NET FrameworkのXmlDocumentでXHTMLを読むなんてシチュエーションはありがちだと思いますが、XmlResolver = nullを指定せずにそのまま使うと、いちいちDTDにアクセスしに行ってしまいます。世界中でそういうことをされると、まあ、大変です
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Note: Several sections of this specification have been updated by other specifications. Please, see "Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) — The Official Definition" in the latest CSS Snapshot for a list of specifications and the sections they replace. The CSS Working Group is also developing CSS level 2 revision 2 (CSS 2.2). This appendix is informative, not normative. This style sheet describes the typic
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