Online GIF makerGIF maker allows you to instantly create your animated GIFs by combining separated image files as frames. Produced GIFs are of high quality and free of watermarks or attribution, making this tool ideal for developers and content creators. To make a GIF, you can upload a sequence of GIF, JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, HEIC, AVIF, and other types of images, a ZIP archive containing images, and
To use this icon, you must first accept the license agreement.
2020年の終わりに私たちLoose Drawingは始まりました。最初のころは、訪問者数が1日3人、5人という日もありましたが、今では月間10万人以上の方々にご利用いただいており、この場を借りて心から感謝申し上げます。 しかし、サービスの成長とともに運用コストも増加しています。私たちは、ユーザー体験を最優先に考え、広告は最低限に留めており、広告を増やして収益を上げることもできますが、それは私たちの理念に反します。 ここで皆様にお願いがあります。もしLoose Drawingが皆様の創作活動に少しでも役立っているなら、私たちにコーヒー1杯分のサポートをしていただけないでしょうか。皆様からの温かいサポートが、私たちのサービスを継続し、さらには発展させていく力となります。
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No attribution. Just attitude. No cost. No attribution. No worries. Create bold, fearless designs with absolutely no attribution required. Take all the credit – go on, you know you want to. No worries, relax with Commercial licenses. Take what you need, worry-free. Simply grab, go and use with Reshot's commercial license, applicable to both commercial and non-commercial projects. Read our license
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Unsplash Awards 2024The results are in. Celebrate this year’s finalists 🎉 Yes, it’s really free. All images can be downloaded and used for personal or commercial projects.
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Notice: Hello mobile user. Unfortunately, this parallax effect is not reliably achieved on mobile devices, so all you will see on this demo page are static backgrounds. Please visit this page on a desktop browser to see its full effect. Simple Parallax Scrolling parallax.js Parallax.js is a dirt simple parallax scrolling effect inspired by and implemented as a jQuery plugin. Download P
orientation-String-see exampleThis is the orientation (or direction) of the parallax effect. Choose up and when scrolling down, the image will translate from the bottom to the top (so the image will translate up). When scrolling up, the image will translate from the top to the bottom. Same logic apply for all others orientations (right, down, left, up left, up right, down left or down right). When