387 & 388 are Andrey Yazev his latest HTML & javascript experiments. Both work best with Safari or Google Chrome, especially 388. 387 388
387 & 388 are Andrey Yazev his latest HTML & javascript experiments. Both work best with Safari or Google Chrome, especially 388. 387 388
Stream Ras G's New EP Words: Shawn Reynaldo Photo: Theo Jemison The summer wildfire season is still a few months away, but Los Angeles is on fire right now. Seriously, the Southern California beat scene is absolutely bursting with talent and it seems like a new mindblowing record appears every few days. On April 27, Matthewdavid's Leaving Records will be adding El-Aylien Part 1, the latest EP from
LIVE dates / full length record on the way We’ve been holed up in the studio all winter recording our debut record and its nearing completion. We’re proud to announce our new collaboration with Guillermo Scott Herren (Prefuse 73). Guillermo is mixing our debut full length, Channel Pressure, and will be joining us on stage for live dates this spring. 17/03/2011 thur Austin @ SXSW (LIVE) 18/03/2
Most developers are coming from a background with relational database-specific experience, and then trying out some new NoSQL databases like MongoDB. Here are some “gotchas” I ran into while using MongoDB with my MySQL hat still on. Queries are case-sensitive Fields and queries in MongoDB are case-sensitive: var test1 = db.test.find({'tags': 'jquery'}).count(); var test2 = db.test.find({'tags': 'j
plamere From The Echo Nest Posts: 237 Registered: Sep 8, 2008 Some time in the next few hours we will be releasing the first official (i.e. non-beta) release of Version 4 of the Echo Nest API. There are lots of new features in V4 - too many to mention here, but to highlight just a few: Faster song/identify - Identifies a song given Echo Nest Musical Fingerpint hash codes. artist search - now s
最近は仕事でSinatraアプリを書いたりしているので、Sinatraアプリを動かすためにはどのHTTPサーバを使うのがベストなのかが気になっている。(先に結論を書いておくけれど、どれがベスト、という唯一の選択肢は今のところありません。適材適所です。) SinatraはRackの上に構築されているので、Rackに対応したHTTPサーバーを使って動かす事になるのだが、この数がやたらと多く、どれを使えばいいのか迷う。代表的なものを挙げただけでも、WebRick, Mongrel, Thin, Unicorn, Passenger(Apacheとかに組み込んで使うやつ), FastCGI, (普通の)CGI、これぐらいは選択肢がある(いくつかHTTPサーバじゃない物も混ざっているが、Rackが対応してるという点は共通している)。 WebRickはそもそもパフォーマンスに重点を置いていないし、Mo
MongoDB is designed for store JSON-style objects. The database understands the structure of these objects and can reach into them to evaluate query expressions. Let's suppose we have some objects of the form: > db.persons.findOne() { name: "Joe", address: { city: "San Francisco", state: "CA" } , likes: [ 'scuba', 'math', 'literature' ] }
In my work with the Firebug team over the past couple months I’ve been working with Jan Odvarko on a way to provide some form of unit testing that we can build off of. The result of my work is a new Firefox/Firebug extension called FireUnit. FireUnit provides a simple JavaScript API for doing simple test logging and viewing within a new tab of Firebug. For example, here’s some of the API that you