U ovome radu predloženi su indikatori za procjenu stanja očuvanosti stanišnih tipova šuma koji su... more U ovome radu predloženi su indikatori za procjenu stanja očuvanosti stanišnih tipova šuma koji su uključeni u prijedlog mreže Natura 2000 za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Takođe su na osnovu ekoloških karakteristika predloženi indikatori prema kojim bi se moglo procjenjivati stanje očuvanosti vrsta Natura 2000 vezanih za šume. Predloženi indikatori obuhvaćaju vrstu drveća i ostalih biljnih vrsta, način obnove šumskih sastojina, prisutnost mrtvog drveta i starog drveća, a u slučaju Natura 2000 šumskih vrsta i prisutnost nezagađenih vodenih tijela i prilagođeni način šumskih radova. Prema vrijednostima indikatora Natura 2000 šumski stanišni tipovi i vrste svrstani su u grupe u kojima bi se trebala dugoročno osiguravati slična struktura šuma, odnosno u kojima bi se trebao provoditi sličan način gazdovanja.
Rad razmatra problematiku ispunjavanja obaveza Bosne i Hercegovine u oblasti zaštite prirode na n... more Rad razmatra problematiku ispunjavanja obaveza Bosne i Hercegovine u oblasti zaštite prirode na njenom evropskom putu. Naročita pažnja pridaje se analizi rezultata četiri do sada sprovedena projekta koja se tiču procesa uspostavljanja evropske ekološke mreže Natura 2000 u BiH. Na bazi svih relevantnih naučnih i stručnih podataka rad daje reviziju referentne liste vrsta sa Aneksa II Direktive o staništima i Aneksa I Direktive o pticama, kao i reviziju liste staništa sa Aneksa I Direktive o staništima, značajnih za izdvajanje budućih Natura 2000 područja na teritoriji države. Biljna vrsta Himantoglossum adriaticum Baumann, značajna za Evropsku uniju, prikazuje se kao nova za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Predložena revidirana referentna lista vrsta broji 238 vrsta od čega 11 nije pominjano ni u jednoj dosadašnjoj referentnoj listi, a neki ranije razmatrani taksoni i stanišni tipovi su izbrisani sa liste. Na kraju, rad ustanovljava neke nedostatke prijedloga mreže Natura 2000 u BiH i daje glavne smjernice kako bi ovaj važan proces trebao biti nastavljen.
U radu je sistematski prikazana flora planine Klekovača u zapadnoj Bosni i Hercegovini na osnovu ... more U radu je sistematski prikazana flora planine Klekovača u zapadnoj Bosni i Hercegovini na osnovu objedinjenih višegodišnjih istraživanja autora i dostupne te kritički obrađene literaturne građe. Osim prikupljanja i obrade ovih podataka važan dio metodologije istraživanja sastojao se u rekonstrukciji puteva svih botaničara i fitocenologa, koji su od kraja 19. vijeka istraživali ovu planinu i ostavili pisanu dokumentaciju. Na ukupno 174 lokaliteta, na kojima je bilježena flora i sakupljen obilan herbarski materijal, utvrđeno je da vaskularna flora planine Klekovače na prikazanom obuhvatu broji 812 taksona do nivoa podvrste, svrstanih u 97 familija. Od ukupnog broja taksona 503 je bilo od ranije poznato iz literature, od čega 21 nije potvrđeno, dok je 309 prvi put registrovano za područje Klekovače. Vrsta Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc. navodi se kao nova pridošlica u flori Bosne i Hercegovine, dok je za vrstu Monarda didyma L. prvi put registrovano da se subspontano širi na teritoriji Balkanskog poluostrva. Za svaki zabilježeni takson navedeni su svi lokaliteti sa koordinatama. Posebna pažnja posvećena je problematici taksonomije nekih kompleksnih rodova (Aconitum, Campanula, Eleocharis, Festuca, Heliosperma i Potentilla), kao i najznačajnijim rijetkim i ugroženim biljnim vrstama.
Rad daje pregled osnovnih rezultata projekta “Podrška provođenju Direktive o staništima i Direkti... more Rad daje pregled osnovnih rezultata projekta “Podrška provođenju Direktive o staništima i Direktive o pticama u Bosni i Hercegovini”, završenog početkom 2015. godine. Pored osnovnih ciljeva projekta i metodologije, detaljno se prikazuje preliminarni prijedlog mreže potencijalnih Natura 2000 područja u Bosni i Hercegovini sa površinama te prisutnim tipovima staništa i vrstama od značaja za Evropsku Uniju unutar svakog područja pojedinačno. Rad nudi pregled vrsta i stanišnih tipova sa Aneksa I i II Direktive o staništima te referentnu listu vrsta ptica sa Aneksa I Direktive o pticama, kao i prijedlog strogo zaštićenih vrsta na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine.
As a potential candidate country for EU accession, B&H has faced some commitments that have to fu... more As a potential candidate country for EU accession, B&H has faced some commitments that have to fulfill ll in order to become one of the Member States. One of the commitments is to meet EU standards in Nature conservation. This includes the preparation of the list of sites which will be potentially included into the European ecological network NATURA 2000. Thermophilous deciduous forests (specifically thermophilous oak forests) are represented by several habitat types in the Annex I of the Habitat Directive. Because of very complex situation regarding those types of vegetation in B&H, great difficulties aroused while attempting to discover which habitat types are present and where exactly are they distributed in B&H. These difficulties showed up partly because of vagueness of the Interpretation manual of EU habitat types, but partly because of lack of fresh field data on the subject. Large scale field research regarding this should be done in the future in order to determine presence and map these habitat types. This way only would the favorable conservation status of those habitat types be achieved.
STUPAR V., MILANOVIĆ ð., BRUJIĆ J., BUZADŽIJA S. In the times when the man realized what was its ... more STUPAR V., MILANOVIĆ ð., BRUJIĆ J., BUZADŽIJA S. In the times when the man realized what was its environmental impact, publicity started to be engaged into the conservation of the mentioned. There are many institutions across the world, which are in the business of the biodiversity conservation, global, regional and national level ecological networks are being made. Serials of the Red data books which contain lists of endangered and vulnerable species along with the threatening factors are being published. Republic of Srpska is still at the beginning of this battle, and does not possess its own Red data book, or cadastre of the protected natural objects or developed monitoring system. This paper gives the list of the plant taxa in the area of Banjaluka City, for which some level of endangerment was determined, by some of the criteria available. All available sources were used during the research: Red data books of the world, Europe and our neighboring countries. Also the preliminary list of plant species for the Red data book of Bosnia and Hercegovina (Šilić, 1996) was consulted. Along with the species list, the known localities for the City of Banjaluka, as well as factors and category of endangerment on national level were given.
Thermophilous deciduous forests of Quercetalia pubescentis are widespread in Bosnia and Hercegovi... more Thermophilous deciduous forests of Quercetalia pubescentis are widespread in Bosnia and Hercegovina (B&H), where they occupy about 11% of the national territory and account for about 20% of the total forest area. This paper provides their formalized classification and nomenclatural revision, based on 274 relevés from the literature and 399 relevés collected during intensive field research. The Cocktail method was used for supervised classification, which resulted in 17 associations recognized for B&H. Additionally, one new association emerged after semi-supervised classification of relevés not classified by Cocktail. The following associations were recognized, and characterized by species composition, ecology and distribution: 1. Querco pubescenti-Carpinetum orientalis; 2. Rusco aculeati-Carpinetum orientalis; 3. Carici hallerianae-Quercetum pubescentis; 4. Cruciato glabrae-Carpinetum orientalis; 5. Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum pubescentis; 6. Aristolochio luteae-Quercetum pubescentis; 7. Asparago tenuifolii-Quercetum pubescentis; 8. Seslerio autumnalis-Ostryetum carpinifoliae; 9. Rusco aculeati-Ostryetum carpinifoliae; 10. Querco pubescenti-Ostryetum carpinifoliae; 11. Quercetum frainetto-cerridis; 12. Fraxino orni-Quercetum cerridis; 13. Lathyro nigri-Quercetum petraeae; 14. Aceri obtusati-Quercetum petraeae; 15. Cytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae; 16. Festuco drymejae-Quercetum petraeae; 17.
Potentillo micranthae-Quercetum petraeae; 18. Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae. The validity and legitimacy of associations were checked and they were validated and corrected as needed, strictly following the rules of the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. A complete list of synonyms has been given for every association, with an indication of the article of the Code according to which the name must be rejected. The associations were grouped into four groups, following the criterion of dominant species in a tree layer, in order to present differences and similarities in floristic composition between associations of the same type, i.e., dominated by the same tree species. An ecogram was drawn displaying the relative ecological range of each association along soil pH and moisture gradients. The largest number of associations (13) occurs in the Mediterranean region; the Dinaric and Pre-Pannonian regions each harbour ten associations, while there are only five associations in the Transitional Illyrian-Moesian region. Seven syntaxa previously reported for thermophilous deciduous forests of B&H were not recognized during the analysis. A list is given of all nomina nuda that could not be resolved and ascribed to synonymy with accepted associations.
The paper shows the distribution of autochthonous dendro-species in the Management unit "Ozren" o... more The paper shows the distribution of autochthonous dendro-species in the Management unit "Ozren" of the Forest office "Petrovo" in the northern Bosnia. Species were mapped using the GiS technology, with the square network 1x1 km, which was lied into the National Cartesian coordinate system, in zone 6. In the total of 109 squares, 93 species of trees and shrubs were recorded. Using the GiS software the spatial database was made, which as the main output gave the distribution maps of those species in the research area. This work should contribute to the knowledge of the horology of dendro-species in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as to start the unique database, which would, using the method proposed, be filled up by data on distribution of dendro-species in this country.
O prisustvu petoigličavog bora, najvjerovatnije molike, na jednom lokalitetu planine Jadovnik u z... more O prisustvu petoigličavog bora, najvjerovatnije molike, na jednom lokalitetu planine Jadovnik u zapadnoj Bosni prvi put je pisano 1977. godine. Kasnije je potvrđeno da je to zaista Pinus peuce Griseb. U ovom radu su ustanovljene karakteristike položaja i staništa, vegetacijske i florističke karakteristike, uzrast, zdravstveno stanje, vitalnost stabala i kvalitet debala ove populacije, te razmotrene pretpostavke o njenom porijeklu. Kao takav, ovaj rad daje detaljan prikaz sadašnjeg (nultog) stanja populacija molike i predstavlja osnovu za dalji uspješan monitoring (praćenje stanja) ovag značajnog fenomena.
U radu se navode nova nalazišta vrste Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb., koja na prijedlogu biljnih ... more U radu se navode nova nalazišta vrste Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb., koja na prijedlogu biljnih vrsta za Crvenu knjigu BiH ima status vjerovatno iščezle vrste. Utvrđena su četiri nova nalazišta na kojima ova vrsta raste u većim ili manjim populacijama. U radu je dat prijedlog novog statusa vrste na listi za Crvenu knjigu Bosne i Hercegovine
Abstract: The article about ten rare species from genus Carex L. in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Two t... more Abstract: The article about ten rare species from genus Carex L. in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Two taxa (Carex capillaris ssp. capillaris and Carex mucronata) are presented as new for flora of this country. The literature and new records in B&H are given for each species. Their distribution is shown on the general maps with UTM 10x10 km grid, which gives an insight into the distribution of these species in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also has a wider phytogeographical significance. The special attention was paid to the conservation categories of species. Five taxa are assessed as threatened, and others mainly have Data Deficient status.
The paper shows the variants of the association of beech, fir and spruce in the area of the Kleko... more The paper shows the variants of the association of beech, fir and spruce in the area of the Klekovača Mt. in the northwestern Bosnia. Variants of this association are compared against the floristic composition and physiognomy, with each other, as well as with original virgin forest association of beech, fir and spruce of the Forest reserve “Lom” that lies in the area of research. Forests are situated in the similar ecological conditions, yet there are large differences in the proportion of the edifiers, as well as floristic composition and vertical form of those forests. Retrospective view on the influence of the management measures on those changes was given.
Flora i vegetaciјa kanjona u Bosni i Hercegovini, za razliku od susјednih zemalja, niјe dovoljno ... more Flora i vegetaciјa kanjona u Bosni i Hercegovini, za razliku od susјednih zemalja, niјe dovoljno proučavana, iako se svi istraživači slažu da se radi o specifičnim refugiјalnim staništima. Ovaј rad јe nastavak istraživanja kanjonskog sistema riјeke Vrbas, sa diјelovima pritoka Ugar i Crna riјeka. Pažnja јe koncetrisana na endemične, riјetke i ugrožene biljne vrste navedene u priјedlogu Šilića (1996). Vrste su predstavljene po predloženim kategoriјama ugroženosti, a lista јe dopunjena vrstama koјe se mogu smatrati regionalno riјetkim ili ugroženim. Obzirom na aktuelne priјetnje i energetsku strategiјu, ovaј rad, upozoravaјući na naјosјetljiviјe i naјvažniјe komponente ovog kanjonskog sistema, predstavlja vid borbe za očuvanje јednog sviјeta koјi bi lako mogao nestati. Ključne riјeči: ugrožene biljne vrste, kanjon Vrbasa, Crvena knjiga viših biljaka, nalazišta, Uvod "Kanjoni nisu samo geomorfološki fenomeni, već veoma specifični ekosistemi u koјima su na poseban način integrisani abiotički i biotički faktori kroz dugu evoluciјu biosa od uzdizanja Dinarida do danas . Oni su poslužili kao refugiјumi gdјe su se zadržali poјedini florni elementi ili čitave fitocenoze terciјerne, glaciјalne ili postglaciјalne starosti . Kanjon Vrbasa јedan јe od značaјniјih kanjona središnjih Dinarida, ne samo zbog dužine, dubine i veličanstvene geomorfologiјe, već i zbog značaјa za nauku. Ovaј rad predstavlja prilog flori ovog neopravdano zapostavljenog kanjonskog sistema, fokusiran na naјvriјedniјe elemente vaskularne flore.
Vučevo Mt encompasses almost flattened plateau northeast from the central ridge of Maglić Mt. It ... more Vučevo Mt encompasses almost flattened plateau northeast from the central ridge of Maglić Mt. It is subtended by above mentioned mountain ridge and steep sides, which belongs to gauges and canyons of the surrounding rivers: Sutjeska, Drina, Piva and Mratinjska rijeka. Although this area is a real floristic and vegetation reservoir, it was remained in the shadow of numerous studies, which were carried out on the surrounding mountains over last decades. Previous researches of this area recorded only two forest associations and small number of vascular plants. Recent vegetation research has identified a great diversity of vegetation in the area of relatively homogeneous ecological conditions on Vučevo, as a result, primarily, of the variety of geological base and long lasting and strong anthropogenic influence in the past. In this paper is demonstrated the implementation of modern methodology of the vegetation mapping, combining processing and interpretation of satellite imagery with the field work. The analysis of original phytocoenological stands is made using up-to-date software applications. The detailed map of vegetation units on the association level of Vučevo Mt is illustrated as a crown of this work.
298 endemic taxa at the species and subspecies rank have been found in the territory of Bosnia an... more 298 endemic taxa at the species and subspecies rank have been found in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Each taxon has been classified into its corresponding chorological group, subgroup and floristic element. The basic chorological structure of endemic Balkan flora in B&H is composed of five main groups: South-European Mountainous (SEM) with 112 taxa, 38% of the total endemic Balkan flora in B&H; Mediterranean -Submediterranean (MED-SUBMED), 77 taxa (26%); Central-European Mountainous (CEM) with 69 taxa (23%); Central-European (CE) with 34 taxa (11%); and Pontic (PONT) with six taxa (2%). Within SEM and CEM groups, the most abundant were Dinaric and Dinaric-Balkan elements, in the MED-SUBMED group it was Adriatic Submediterranean, while in the CE group there were Illyrian and Illyrian-Balkan floristic elements. The distribution of each taxon in B&H was mapped in the network of MGRS squares, with a precision level of 10 km. The richness of Balkan endemic flora in B&H was presented as the number of taxa, at the species and subspecies ranks in each MGRS square 10 x10 km. In the same way, the distribution of endemic taxa of each basic chorological groups was represented. It has been confirmed that high mountains of northern Herzegovina (Prenj, Čvrsnica, Čabulja) are richest in endemics (125 taxa), followed by mountains Bjelašnica, Treskavica, Ivan, together with the canyon of the Rakitnica river (109 taxa), and mountains at the border with Montenegro, Maglić and Volujak with the Sutjeska river canyon (99 taxa). The richest endemic flora was recorded on the following particular mountains:
In this paper six new species for flora of Bosnia and Hercegovina are presented: Homogyne sylvest... more In this paper six new species for flora of Bosnia and Hercegovina are presented: Homogyne sylvestris Cass, Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Salisb., Leucojum vernum L., Carex disticha Huds., Carex alba Scop. and Carex michelii Host. For each species the locality, habitat characteristics, distribution in BiH and estimated threatened status according to IUCN criteria and categories are given. These records contributed to knowledge of the distribution ranges of those species in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Balkan Peninsula.
The species Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich. is a very rare declining species throughout its distribut... more The species Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich. is a very rare declining species throughout its distribution. In the Balkan Peninsula it has the status of a regionally extinct species, with its latest record in Tundzha Hilly Country in Bulgaria from 1995. During our latest investigations in Livanjsko polje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) this orchid was rediscovered in a numerous population in a small surface area. The nearest certain localities are located in Slovenia, ca. 255 km to the northwest of the new locality. The new status of this endangered species in Bosnia and Herzegovina as Critically Endangered species (CR) is proposed.
U ovome radu predloženi su indikatori za procjenu stanja očuvanosti stanišnih tipova šuma koji su... more U ovome radu predloženi su indikatori za procjenu stanja očuvanosti stanišnih tipova šuma koji su uključeni u prijedlog mreže Natura 2000 za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Takođe su na osnovu ekoloških karakteristika predloženi indikatori prema kojim bi se moglo procjenjivati stanje očuvanosti vrsta Natura 2000 vezanih za šume. Predloženi indikatori obuhvaćaju vrstu drveća i ostalih biljnih vrsta, način obnove šumskih sastojina, prisutnost mrtvog drveta i starog drveća, a u slučaju Natura 2000 šumskih vrsta i prisutnost nezagađenih vodenih tijela i prilagođeni način šumskih radova. Prema vrijednostima indikatora Natura 2000 šumski stanišni tipovi i vrste svrstani su u grupe u kojima bi se trebala dugoročno osiguravati slična struktura šuma, odnosno u kojima bi se trebao provoditi sličan način gazdovanja.
Rad razmatra problematiku ispunjavanja obaveza Bosne i Hercegovine u oblasti zaštite prirode na n... more Rad razmatra problematiku ispunjavanja obaveza Bosne i Hercegovine u oblasti zaštite prirode na njenom evropskom putu. Naročita pažnja pridaje se analizi rezultata četiri do sada sprovedena projekta koja se tiču procesa uspostavljanja evropske ekološke mreže Natura 2000 u BiH. Na bazi svih relevantnih naučnih i stručnih podataka rad daje reviziju referentne liste vrsta sa Aneksa II Direktive o staništima i Aneksa I Direktive o pticama, kao i reviziju liste staništa sa Aneksa I Direktive o staništima, značajnih za izdvajanje budućih Natura 2000 područja na teritoriji države. Biljna vrsta Himantoglossum adriaticum Baumann, značajna za Evropsku uniju, prikazuje se kao nova za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Predložena revidirana referentna lista vrsta broji 238 vrsta od čega 11 nije pominjano ni u jednoj dosadašnjoj referentnoj listi, a neki ranije razmatrani taksoni i stanišni tipovi su izbrisani sa liste. Na kraju, rad ustanovljava neke nedostatke prijedloga mreže Natura 2000 u BiH i daje glavne smjernice kako bi ovaj važan proces trebao biti nastavljen.
U radu je sistematski prikazana flora planine Klekovača u zapadnoj Bosni i Hercegovini na osnovu ... more U radu je sistematski prikazana flora planine Klekovača u zapadnoj Bosni i Hercegovini na osnovu objedinjenih višegodišnjih istraživanja autora i dostupne te kritički obrađene literaturne građe. Osim prikupljanja i obrade ovih podataka važan dio metodologije istraživanja sastojao se u rekonstrukciji puteva svih botaničara i fitocenologa, koji su od kraja 19. vijeka istraživali ovu planinu i ostavili pisanu dokumentaciju. Na ukupno 174 lokaliteta, na kojima je bilježena flora i sakupljen obilan herbarski materijal, utvrđeno je da vaskularna flora planine Klekovače na prikazanom obuhvatu broji 812 taksona do nivoa podvrste, svrstanih u 97 familija. Od ukupnog broja taksona 503 je bilo od ranije poznato iz literature, od čega 21 nije potvrđeno, dok je 309 prvi put registrovano za područje Klekovače. Vrsta Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc. navodi se kao nova pridošlica u flori Bosne i Hercegovine, dok je za vrstu Monarda didyma L. prvi put registrovano da se subspontano širi na teritoriji Balkanskog poluostrva. Za svaki zabilježeni takson navedeni su svi lokaliteti sa koordinatama. Posebna pažnja posvećena je problematici taksonomije nekih kompleksnih rodova (Aconitum, Campanula, Eleocharis, Festuca, Heliosperma i Potentilla), kao i najznačajnijim rijetkim i ugroženim biljnim vrstama.
Rad daje pregled osnovnih rezultata projekta “Podrška provođenju Direktive o staništima i Direkti... more Rad daje pregled osnovnih rezultata projekta “Podrška provođenju Direktive o staništima i Direktive o pticama u Bosni i Hercegovini”, završenog početkom 2015. godine. Pored osnovnih ciljeva projekta i metodologije, detaljno se prikazuje preliminarni prijedlog mreže potencijalnih Natura 2000 područja u Bosni i Hercegovini sa površinama te prisutnim tipovima staništa i vrstama od značaja za Evropsku Uniju unutar svakog područja pojedinačno. Rad nudi pregled vrsta i stanišnih tipova sa Aneksa I i II Direktive o staništima te referentnu listu vrsta ptica sa Aneksa I Direktive o pticama, kao i prijedlog strogo zaštićenih vrsta na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine.
As a potential candidate country for EU accession, B&H has faced some commitments that have to fu... more As a potential candidate country for EU accession, B&H has faced some commitments that have to fulfill ll in order to become one of the Member States. One of the commitments is to meet EU standards in Nature conservation. This includes the preparation of the list of sites which will be potentially included into the European ecological network NATURA 2000. Thermophilous deciduous forests (specifically thermophilous oak forests) are represented by several habitat types in the Annex I of the Habitat Directive. Because of very complex situation regarding those types of vegetation in B&H, great difficulties aroused while attempting to discover which habitat types are present and where exactly are they distributed in B&H. These difficulties showed up partly because of vagueness of the Interpretation manual of EU habitat types, but partly because of lack of fresh field data on the subject. Large scale field research regarding this should be done in the future in order to determine presence and map these habitat types. This way only would the favorable conservation status of those habitat types be achieved.
STUPAR V., MILANOVIĆ ð., BRUJIĆ J., BUZADŽIJA S. In the times when the man realized what was its ... more STUPAR V., MILANOVIĆ ð., BRUJIĆ J., BUZADŽIJA S. In the times when the man realized what was its environmental impact, publicity started to be engaged into the conservation of the mentioned. There are many institutions across the world, which are in the business of the biodiversity conservation, global, regional and national level ecological networks are being made. Serials of the Red data books which contain lists of endangered and vulnerable species along with the threatening factors are being published. Republic of Srpska is still at the beginning of this battle, and does not possess its own Red data book, or cadastre of the protected natural objects or developed monitoring system. This paper gives the list of the plant taxa in the area of Banjaluka City, for which some level of endangerment was determined, by some of the criteria available. All available sources were used during the research: Red data books of the world, Europe and our neighboring countries. Also the preliminary list of plant species for the Red data book of Bosnia and Hercegovina (Šilić, 1996) was consulted. Along with the species list, the known localities for the City of Banjaluka, as well as factors and category of endangerment on national level were given.
Thermophilous deciduous forests of Quercetalia pubescentis are widespread in Bosnia and Hercegovi... more Thermophilous deciduous forests of Quercetalia pubescentis are widespread in Bosnia and Hercegovina (B&H), where they occupy about 11% of the national territory and account for about 20% of the total forest area. This paper provides their formalized classification and nomenclatural revision, based on 274 relevés from the literature and 399 relevés collected during intensive field research. The Cocktail method was used for supervised classification, which resulted in 17 associations recognized for B&H. Additionally, one new association emerged after semi-supervised classification of relevés not classified by Cocktail. The following associations were recognized, and characterized by species composition, ecology and distribution: 1. Querco pubescenti-Carpinetum orientalis; 2. Rusco aculeati-Carpinetum orientalis; 3. Carici hallerianae-Quercetum pubescentis; 4. Cruciato glabrae-Carpinetum orientalis; 5. Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum pubescentis; 6. Aristolochio luteae-Quercetum pubescentis; 7. Asparago tenuifolii-Quercetum pubescentis; 8. Seslerio autumnalis-Ostryetum carpinifoliae; 9. Rusco aculeati-Ostryetum carpinifoliae; 10. Querco pubescenti-Ostryetum carpinifoliae; 11. Quercetum frainetto-cerridis; 12. Fraxino orni-Quercetum cerridis; 13. Lathyro nigri-Quercetum petraeae; 14. Aceri obtusati-Quercetum petraeae; 15. Cytiso hirsuti-Quercetum petraeae; 16. Festuco drymejae-Quercetum petraeae; 17.
Potentillo micranthae-Quercetum petraeae; 18. Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae. The validity and legitimacy of associations were checked and they were validated and corrected as needed, strictly following the rules of the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. A complete list of synonyms has been given for every association, with an indication of the article of the Code according to which the name must be rejected. The associations were grouped into four groups, following the criterion of dominant species in a tree layer, in order to present differences and similarities in floristic composition between associations of the same type, i.e., dominated by the same tree species. An ecogram was drawn displaying the relative ecological range of each association along soil pH and moisture gradients. The largest number of associations (13) occurs in the Mediterranean region; the Dinaric and Pre-Pannonian regions each harbour ten associations, while there are only five associations in the Transitional Illyrian-Moesian region. Seven syntaxa previously reported for thermophilous deciduous forests of B&H were not recognized during the analysis. A list is given of all nomina nuda that could not be resolved and ascribed to synonymy with accepted associations.
The paper shows the distribution of autochthonous dendro-species in the Management unit "Ozren" o... more The paper shows the distribution of autochthonous dendro-species in the Management unit "Ozren" of the Forest office "Petrovo" in the northern Bosnia. Species were mapped using the GiS technology, with the square network 1x1 km, which was lied into the National Cartesian coordinate system, in zone 6. In the total of 109 squares, 93 species of trees and shrubs were recorded. Using the GiS software the spatial database was made, which as the main output gave the distribution maps of those species in the research area. This work should contribute to the knowledge of the horology of dendro-species in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as to start the unique database, which would, using the method proposed, be filled up by data on distribution of dendro-species in this country.
O prisustvu petoigličavog bora, najvjerovatnije molike, na jednom lokalitetu planine Jadovnik u z... more O prisustvu petoigličavog bora, najvjerovatnije molike, na jednom lokalitetu planine Jadovnik u zapadnoj Bosni prvi put je pisano 1977. godine. Kasnije je potvrđeno da je to zaista Pinus peuce Griseb. U ovom radu su ustanovljene karakteristike položaja i staništa, vegetacijske i florističke karakteristike, uzrast, zdravstveno stanje, vitalnost stabala i kvalitet debala ove populacije, te razmotrene pretpostavke o njenom porijeklu. Kao takav, ovaj rad daje detaljan prikaz sadašnjeg (nultog) stanja populacija molike i predstavlja osnovu za dalji uspješan monitoring (praćenje stanja) ovag značajnog fenomena.
U radu se navode nova nalazišta vrste Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb., koja na prijedlogu biljnih ... more U radu se navode nova nalazišta vrste Eranthis hyemalis (L.) Salisb., koja na prijedlogu biljnih vrsta za Crvenu knjigu BiH ima status vjerovatno iščezle vrste. Utvrđena su četiri nova nalazišta na kojima ova vrsta raste u većim ili manjim populacijama. U radu je dat prijedlog novog statusa vrste na listi za Crvenu knjigu Bosne i Hercegovine
Abstract: The article about ten rare species from genus Carex L. in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Two t... more Abstract: The article about ten rare species from genus Carex L. in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Two taxa (Carex capillaris ssp. capillaris and Carex mucronata) are presented as new for flora of this country. The literature and new records in B&H are given for each species. Their distribution is shown on the general maps with UTM 10x10 km grid, which gives an insight into the distribution of these species in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also has a wider phytogeographical significance. The special attention was paid to the conservation categories of species. Five taxa are assessed as threatened, and others mainly have Data Deficient status.
The paper shows the variants of the association of beech, fir and spruce in the area of the Kleko... more The paper shows the variants of the association of beech, fir and spruce in the area of the Klekovača Mt. in the northwestern Bosnia. Variants of this association are compared against the floristic composition and physiognomy, with each other, as well as with original virgin forest association of beech, fir and spruce of the Forest reserve “Lom” that lies in the area of research. Forests are situated in the similar ecological conditions, yet there are large differences in the proportion of the edifiers, as well as floristic composition and vertical form of those forests. Retrospective view on the influence of the management measures on those changes was given.
Flora i vegetaciјa kanjona u Bosni i Hercegovini, za razliku od susјednih zemalja, niјe dovoljno ... more Flora i vegetaciјa kanjona u Bosni i Hercegovini, za razliku od susјednih zemalja, niјe dovoljno proučavana, iako se svi istraživači slažu da se radi o specifičnim refugiјalnim staništima. Ovaј rad јe nastavak istraživanja kanjonskog sistema riјeke Vrbas, sa diјelovima pritoka Ugar i Crna riјeka. Pažnja јe koncetrisana na endemične, riјetke i ugrožene biljne vrste navedene u priјedlogu Šilića (1996). Vrste su predstavljene po predloženim kategoriјama ugroženosti, a lista јe dopunjena vrstama koјe se mogu smatrati regionalno riјetkim ili ugroženim. Obzirom na aktuelne priјetnje i energetsku strategiјu, ovaј rad, upozoravaјući na naјosјetljiviјe i naјvažniјe komponente ovog kanjonskog sistema, predstavlja vid borbe za očuvanje јednog sviјeta koјi bi lako mogao nestati. Ključne riјeči: ugrožene biljne vrste, kanjon Vrbasa, Crvena knjiga viših biljaka, nalazišta, Uvod "Kanjoni nisu samo geomorfološki fenomeni, već veoma specifični ekosistemi u koјima su na poseban način integrisani abiotički i biotički faktori kroz dugu evoluciјu biosa od uzdizanja Dinarida do danas . Oni su poslužili kao refugiјumi gdјe su se zadržali poјedini florni elementi ili čitave fitocenoze terciјerne, glaciјalne ili postglaciјalne starosti . Kanjon Vrbasa јedan јe od značaјniјih kanjona središnjih Dinarida, ne samo zbog dužine, dubine i veličanstvene geomorfologiјe, već i zbog značaјa za nauku. Ovaј rad predstavlja prilog flori ovog neopravdano zapostavljenog kanjonskog sistema, fokusiran na naјvriјedniјe elemente vaskularne flore.
Vučevo Mt encompasses almost flattened plateau northeast from the central ridge of Maglić Mt. It ... more Vučevo Mt encompasses almost flattened plateau northeast from the central ridge of Maglić Mt. It is subtended by above mentioned mountain ridge and steep sides, which belongs to gauges and canyons of the surrounding rivers: Sutjeska, Drina, Piva and Mratinjska rijeka. Although this area is a real floristic and vegetation reservoir, it was remained in the shadow of numerous studies, which were carried out on the surrounding mountains over last decades. Previous researches of this area recorded only two forest associations and small number of vascular plants. Recent vegetation research has identified a great diversity of vegetation in the area of relatively homogeneous ecological conditions on Vučevo, as a result, primarily, of the variety of geological base and long lasting and strong anthropogenic influence in the past. In this paper is demonstrated the implementation of modern methodology of the vegetation mapping, combining processing and interpretation of satellite imagery with the field work. The analysis of original phytocoenological stands is made using up-to-date software applications. The detailed map of vegetation units on the association level of Vučevo Mt is illustrated as a crown of this work.
298 endemic taxa at the species and subspecies rank have been found in the territory of Bosnia an... more 298 endemic taxa at the species and subspecies rank have been found in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Each taxon has been classified into its corresponding chorological group, subgroup and floristic element. The basic chorological structure of endemic Balkan flora in B&H is composed of five main groups: South-European Mountainous (SEM) with 112 taxa, 38% of the total endemic Balkan flora in B&H; Mediterranean -Submediterranean (MED-SUBMED), 77 taxa (26%); Central-European Mountainous (CEM) with 69 taxa (23%); Central-European (CE) with 34 taxa (11%); and Pontic (PONT) with six taxa (2%). Within SEM and CEM groups, the most abundant were Dinaric and Dinaric-Balkan elements, in the MED-SUBMED group it was Adriatic Submediterranean, while in the CE group there were Illyrian and Illyrian-Balkan floristic elements. The distribution of each taxon in B&H was mapped in the network of MGRS squares, with a precision level of 10 km. The richness of Balkan endemic flora in B&H was presented as the number of taxa, at the species and subspecies ranks in each MGRS square 10 x10 km. In the same way, the distribution of endemic taxa of each basic chorological groups was represented. It has been confirmed that high mountains of northern Herzegovina (Prenj, Čvrsnica, Čabulja) are richest in endemics (125 taxa), followed by mountains Bjelašnica, Treskavica, Ivan, together with the canyon of the Rakitnica river (109 taxa), and mountains at the border with Montenegro, Maglić and Volujak with the Sutjeska river canyon (99 taxa). The richest endemic flora was recorded on the following particular mountains:
In this paper six new species for flora of Bosnia and Hercegovina are presented: Homogyne sylvest... more In this paper six new species for flora of Bosnia and Hercegovina are presented: Homogyne sylvestris Cass, Gagea spathacea (Hayne) Salisb., Leucojum vernum L., Carex disticha Huds., Carex alba Scop. and Carex michelii Host. For each species the locality, habitat characteristics, distribution in BiH and estimated threatened status according to IUCN criteria and categories are given. These records contributed to knowledge of the distribution ranges of those species in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Balkan Peninsula.
The species Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich. is a very rare declining species throughout its distribut... more The species Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich. is a very rare declining species throughout its distribution. In the Balkan Peninsula it has the status of a regionally extinct species, with its latest record in Tundzha Hilly Country in Bulgaria from 1995. During our latest investigations in Livanjsko polje (Bosnia and Herzegovina) this orchid was rediscovered in a numerous population in a small surface area. The nearest certain localities are located in Slovenia, ca. 255 km to the northwest of the new locality. The new status of this endangered species in Bosnia and Herzegovina as Critically Endangered species (CR) is proposed.
Ova publikacija je rezultat projekta Podrška provođenju Direktive o pticama i Direktive o staništ... more Ova publikacija je rezultat projekta Podrška provođenju Direktive o pticama i Direktive o staništima u Bosni i Hercegovini (2012-2015). Projekt je financirala Švedska, Švedska Agencija za međunarodnu saradnju za razvoj, a upravljala mu je Delegacija Europske unije u Bosni i Hercegovini. Stavovi izraženi u ovoj publikaciji su stavovi autora i nikako se ne mogu smatrati stavovima Evropske unije. Autori: Đorđije Milanović, Jugoslav Brujić, Samir Đug, Edina Muratović i Lada Lukić Bilela Urednik: Peter Skoberne Tehnički urednik: Ivaylo Zafirov Voditelj projektnog tima: Aleksander Golob Članice i članovi Upravnog odbora projekta: Nermina Skejović-Hurić (koordinatorica projekta), Tomislav Tisak: Ringeis www.ringeis.ba Izdavač: Prospect C&S s.a.. Rue du Prince Royal 83, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Papers by djordjije milanovic
2000 vezanih za šume. Predloženi indikatori obuhvaćaju vrstu drveća i ostalih biljnih vrsta, način obnove šumskih sastojina, prisutnost mrtvog drveta i starog drveća, a u slučaju Natura 2000 šumskih vrsta i prisutnost nezagađenih vodenih tijela i prilagođeni način šumskih radova. Prema vrijednostima indikatora Natura 2000 šumski stanišni tipovi i vrste svrstani su u grupe u kojima bi se trebala dugoročno osiguravati slična struktura šuma, odnosno u kojima bi se trebao provoditi sličan način gazdovanja.
Aneksa I Direktive o pticama, kao i reviziju liste staništa sa Aneksa I Direktive o staništima, značajnih za izdvajanje budućih Natura 2000 područja na teritoriji države. Biljna vrsta Himantoglossum adriaticum Baumann, značajna za Evropsku uniju, prikazuje se kao nova za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Predložena revidirana referentna lista vrsta broji 238 vrsta od čega 11 nije pominjano ni u jednoj dosadašnjoj referentnoj
listi, a neki ranije razmatrani taksoni i stanišni tipovi su izbrisani sa liste. Na kraju, rad ustanovljava neke nedostatke prijedloga mreže Natura 2000 u BiH i daje glavne smjernice kako bi ovaj važan proces trebao biti nastavljen.
Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc. navodi se kao nova pridošlica u flori Bosne i Hercegovine, dok je za vrstu Monarda didyma L. prvi put registrovano da se subspontano širi na teritoriji Balkanskog poluostrva. Za svaki zabilježeni takson navedeni su svi lokaliteti sa koordinatama. Posebna pažnja posvećena je problematici taksonomije nekih kompleksnih rodova (Aconitum, Campanula, Eleocharis, Festuca, Heliosperma
i Potentilla), kao i najznačajnijim rijetkim i ugroženim biljnim vrstama.
Potentillo micranthae-Quercetum petraeae; 18. Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae. The validity and legitimacy of associations were checked and they were validated and corrected as needed, strictly following the rules of the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. A complete list of synonyms has been given for every association, with an indication of the article of the Code according to which the name must be rejected. The associations were grouped into four groups, following the criterion of dominant species in a tree layer, in order to present differences and similarities in floristic composition between associations of the same type, i.e., dominated by the same tree species. An ecogram was drawn displaying the relative ecological range of each association along soil pH and moisture gradients. The largest number of associations (13) occurs in the Mediterranean region; the Dinaric and Pre-Pannonian regions each harbour ten associations, while there are only five associations in the Transitional Illyrian-Moesian region. Seven syntaxa previously reported for thermophilous deciduous forests of B&H were not recognized during the analysis. A list is given of all nomina nuda that could not be resolved and ascribed to synonymy with accepted associations.
2000 vezanih za šume. Predloženi indikatori obuhvaćaju vrstu drveća i ostalih biljnih vrsta, način obnove šumskih sastojina, prisutnost mrtvog drveta i starog drveća, a u slučaju Natura 2000 šumskih vrsta i prisutnost nezagađenih vodenih tijela i prilagođeni način šumskih radova. Prema vrijednostima indikatora Natura 2000 šumski stanišni tipovi i vrste svrstani su u grupe u kojima bi se trebala dugoročno osiguravati slična struktura šuma, odnosno u kojima bi se trebao provoditi sličan način gazdovanja.
Aneksa I Direktive o pticama, kao i reviziju liste staništa sa Aneksa I Direktive o staništima, značajnih za izdvajanje budućih Natura 2000 područja na teritoriji države. Biljna vrsta Himantoglossum adriaticum Baumann, značajna za Evropsku uniju, prikazuje se kao nova za Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Predložena revidirana referentna lista vrsta broji 238 vrsta od čega 11 nije pominjano ni u jednoj dosadašnjoj referentnoj
listi, a neki ranije razmatrani taksoni i stanišni tipovi su izbrisani sa liste. Na kraju, rad ustanovljava neke nedostatke prijedloga mreže Natura 2000 u BiH i daje glavne smjernice kako bi ovaj važan proces trebao biti nastavljen.
Glyceria striata (Lam.) Hitchc. navodi se kao nova pridošlica u flori Bosne i Hercegovine, dok je za vrstu Monarda didyma L. prvi put registrovano da se subspontano širi na teritoriji Balkanskog poluostrva. Za svaki zabilježeni takson navedeni su svi lokaliteti sa koordinatama. Posebna pažnja posvećena je problematici taksonomije nekih kompleksnih rodova (Aconitum, Campanula, Eleocharis, Festuca, Heliosperma
i Potentilla), kao i najznačajnijim rijetkim i ugroženim biljnim vrstama.
Potentillo micranthae-Quercetum petraeae; 18. Seslerio autumnalis-Quercetum petraeae. The validity and legitimacy of associations were checked and they were validated and corrected as needed, strictly following the rules of the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. A complete list of synonyms has been given for every association, with an indication of the article of the Code according to which the name must be rejected. The associations were grouped into four groups, following the criterion of dominant species in a tree layer, in order to present differences and similarities in floristic composition between associations of the same type, i.e., dominated by the same tree species. An ecogram was drawn displaying the relative ecological range of each association along soil pH and moisture gradients. The largest number of associations (13) occurs in the Mediterranean region; the Dinaric and Pre-Pannonian regions each harbour ten associations, while there are only five associations in the Transitional Illyrian-Moesian region. Seven syntaxa previously reported for thermophilous deciduous forests of B&H were not recognized during the analysis. A list is given of all nomina nuda that could not be resolved and ascribed to synonymy with accepted associations.