Papers and Conference Papers by Marçal Díaz Ros
M. Prevosti - J. Guitart i Duran (eds.), Proceedings of the First TIR - FOR Symposium: From Territory Studies to Digital Cartography, Barcelona, 2021
Settlement locations factors could be analysed from a historical perspective using Geographical I... more Settlement locations factors could be analysed from a historical perspective using Geographical Information Systems. However, their application is subject to some drawbacks, such as the lack of detailed information about past landscapes and the need of a global and interdisciplinary knowledge of the territory of study. Building on the case of monastic communities in Medieval Penedès, this communication illustrates the methodology used both in the data treatment and in the settlement spatial analysis.
Galí, David. El castell de Cubelles. Casa senyorial i explotació agrícola entre els segles XVII i XIX, 2021
Talks and conferences by Marçal Díaz Ros
La Senabra és un paratge situat dins del perímetre del Parc del Foix i documentat des del segle X... more La Senabra és un paratge situat dins del perímetre del Parc del Foix i documentat des del segle X. Arran de l’encàrrec del seu estudi per part del Servei de Patrimoni Arquitectònic Local (Diputació de Barcelona) i l’Ajuntament de Santa Margarida i els Monjos, va poder-se fixar l’evolució dels seus espais d’hàbitat en els últims deu segles. Uns dels primers indicis d’ocupació corresponen a la capella de Sant Llorenç, aixecada entre els segles X i XII, juntament amb un petit llogaret. Al segle XIII, en una zona propera més planera, va construir-s’hi la capella de Santa Maria, que també va agrupar unes quantes cases a l’entorn. La creació i evolució posterior dels dos assentaments permet observar alguns dels canvis en els patrons de poblament penedesencs, influenciats per processos històrics com la creació de la xarxa de mercats, les crisis baix-medievals o l’arribada de la fil·loxera.
From the 10th to the 11th century, Olèrdola became the centre of control of the Penedès plains, a... more From the 10th to the 11th century, Olèrdola became the centre of control of the Penedès plains, a border zone between the domains of the Muslims and the Christians but under the control of the Count of Barcelona. This site was a fortified place, located at the top of a hill and with different populated areas. At the end of the 11th century, Olèrdola declined as a centre of power due to two main factors: the failed revolt of the local nobility headed by Mir Geribert (1041-1058) and the attack of the Muslim Almoravids forces (1108). In parallel, the Count of Barcelona promoted the creation of a new town, Vilafranca, as a centre of control. This town was founded in the flatlands, near the main roads, and became an important commercial site. The transfer of the power centre from Olèrdola to Vilafranca affected the settlement network of the Penedès plains and caused the disappearance of some villages. But this relocation also could be seen as part of a more general transformation: the abandonment of the highest settlements to create new ones in the flatlands.
As part of the Monastic Landscapes research project, we are organising this international seminar, specially aimed at PhD students who do their research on ecclesiastical matters in the period between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. The seminar will include the participation of internationally renowned researchers, who will present aspects related to their most recent research, always on the topic of the monastic phenomenon in the West between the 4th and 7th centuries. At the end of each session, we will hold a round table that will begin with the presentation of the doctoral thesis projects that are currently being carried out in different universities, at the proposal of the speakers and the organisation itself.
IX Jornades ARDIT de Networking en Recerca Interdisciplinària, 2021
1st TIR-FOR SYMPOSIUM From territory studies to digital cartography, 2020
Settlement locations factors could be analysed from a historical perspective using Geographical I... more Settlement locations factors could be analysed from a historical perspective using Geographical Information Systems. However, their application is subject to some drawbacks, such as the lack of detailed information about past landscapes and the need of a global and interdisciplinary knowledge of the territory of study. Building on the case of monastic communities in Medieval Penedès, this communication illustrates the methodology used both in the data treatment and in the settlement spatial analysis.
Architecture and Heritage Studies by Marçal Díaz Ros
Published 2022-23 by Marçal Díaz Ros
Muntanya Viva: assentaments, recursos i paisatges a la Catalunya Medieval (segles IV-XIII)-CODI: ... more Muntanya Viva: assentaments, recursos i paisatges a la Catalunya Medieval (segles IV-XIII)-CODI: LT009/18/00041 Castells, monestirs i palaus. Poder, territori i paisatge (segles XII-XVII)-CLT009/18/00046 In territorio Orritense. L'evolució del poblament prepirinenc de l'antiguitat tardana al món medieval (segles V-XI)"-(ARQ001SOL-129-2022) Priores, senyors i prínceps. Els espais de poder a la Catalunya medieval i moderna-(ARQ001SOL-127-2022) De ipsos kastellos: hàbitat i fortificacions de muntanya a la Catalunya medieval (segles IX-XIII)-(ARQ001SOL-161-2022) Paisajes monásticos. Representaciones y virtualizaciones de las realidades espirituales y materiales medievales en el mediterráneo occidental (siglos VI-XVI) - (PGC2018-095350-B-100) F-ATLAS-Paisajes Franciscanos: la observancia en Italia, Portugal y España (PCI2020-112005)
Papers and Conference Papers by Marçal Díaz Ros
Talks and conferences by Marçal Díaz Ros
As part of the Monastic Landscapes research project, we are organising this international seminar, specially aimed at PhD students who do their research on ecclesiastical matters in the period between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. The seminar will include the participation of internationally renowned researchers, who will present aspects related to their most recent research, always on the topic of the monastic phenomenon in the West between the 4th and 7th centuries. At the end of each session, we will hold a round table that will begin with the presentation of the doctoral thesis projects that are currently being carried out in different universities, at the proposal of the speakers and the organisation itself.
Architecture and Heritage Studies by Marçal Díaz Ros
Published 2022-23 by Marçal Díaz Ros
As part of the Monastic Landscapes research project, we are organising this international seminar, specially aimed at PhD students who do their research on ecclesiastical matters in the period between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. The seminar will include the participation of internationally renowned researchers, who will present aspects related to their most recent research, always on the topic of the monastic phenomenon in the West between the 4th and 7th centuries. At the end of each session, we will hold a round table that will begin with the presentation of the doctoral thesis projects that are currently being carried out in different universities, at the proposal of the speakers and the organisation itself.