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Dictionaries & Reference

Showing all 74 titles.

SiHoLS 63
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A Dictionary of English Normative Grammar 1700–1800 (DENG)

Bertil Sundby, Anne Kari Bjørge and Kari E. Haugland

Eighteenth-century English grammarians plead eloquently for purity, precision and perspicuity, but their method of teaching largely amounts to citing examples of impurity, imprecision and lack of clarity from contemporary writings. This book is the first of its kind to provide a detailed systematic account of such... full description
January 1991. x, 486 pp.
Z 39
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Agrammatic Aphasia

A cross-language narrative sourcebook

Edited by Lise Menn and Loraine K. Obler

This major reference work fills a need long recognized in neurolinguistics: a source for analyzable speech transcripts from agrammatic aphasic patients that provides detailed grammatical descriptions and distributional analyses. This 3-volume set is unique in that it presents narrative speech from carefully selected... full description
January 1989. xxvii, 1985 pp., 3 Vols.
Z AA 3

Agrammatic Aphasia

A cross-language narrative sourcebook

Edited by Lise Menn and Loraine K. Obler

January 1989. xx, 594 pp.
Z AA 1

Agrammatic Aphasia

A cross-language narrative sourcebook

Edited by Lise Menn and Loraine K. Obler

January 1989. xxvii, 816 pp.
Z AA 2

Agrammatic Aphasia

A cross-language narrative sourcebook

Edited by Lise Menn and Loraine K. Obler

January 1989. xx, 575 pp.
Z 177
Cover not available

An Interdisciplinary Bibliography on Language, Gender and Sexuality (2000–2011)

Heiko Motschenbacher

This comprehensive, state-of-the-art bibliography documents the most recent research activity in the vibrant field of language, gender and sexuality. It provides experts in the field and students in tertiary education with access to language-centred resources on gender and sexuality and is, therefore, an ideal... full description
September 2012. vii, 294 pp.
Z 137
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Anthropology of Color

Interdisciplinary multilevel modeling

Edited by Robert E. MacLaury, Galina V. Paramei and Don Dedrick

The field of color categorization has always been intrinsically multi- and inter-disciplinary, since its beginnings in the nineteenth century. The main contribution of this book is to foster a new level of integration among different approaches to the anthropological study of color. The editors have put great effort... full description
November 2007. xx, 485 pp.
Cover not available

Argumentation in Practice

Edited by Frans H. van Eemeren and Peter Houtlosser

Since the late 1950s the study of argumentation has developed from a marginal part of logic and rhetoric into a genuine interdisciplinary academic discipline. After having first been primarily concerned with creating an adequate philosophical perspective on argumentation, argumentation theorists have gradually shifted... full description
September 2005. viii, 368 pp.
Cover not available

The BBI Combinatory Dictionary of English

Your guide to collocations and grammar

Compiled by Morton Benson, Evelyn Benson and Robert F. Ilson

Speak and write perfect English!BBI teaches you how to combine words with words to form phrases (so you can say “mortgaged to the hilt; I want something badly”). BBI also teaches you how to combine words into structures to form clauses and sentences (so you can say “I want you to go = What I want is for you to go”).... full description
March 2010. xxxix, 462 pp.
Z BBI 1 (2nd)

The BBI Dictionary of English Word Combinations

Revised edition

Morton Benson, Evelyn Benson and Robert F. Ilson

Speak and write perfect English! The BBI Dictionary of English Word Combinations tells you which words go together in English and which words do not.The BBI will help you master the difficulties of common but unpredictable English phrases and word combinations.The BBI shows key differences between American and British... full description
September 1997. xl, 386 pp.
Cover not available


Hanne-Ruth Thompson

Bangla (Bengali), an Eastern Indo-Aryan Language, is the national language of Bangladesh with 150 million speakers and the state language of Paschim Banga (West Bengal) in India with 90 million speakers. There are sizeable communities of Bengalis scattered all over the world. Altogether, the number of native speakers... full description
November 2012. xxviii, 384 pp.
SiHoLS 108
Cover not available

Bibliografía cronológica de la lingüística, la gramática y la lexicografía del español (BICRES III)

Desde el año 1701 hasta el año 1800

Hans-Josef Niederehe

Since the publication of the still very valuable Biblioteca histórica de la filología by Cipriano Muñoz y Manzano, conde de la Viñaza (Madrid, 1893), our knowledge of the history of the study of the Spanish language has grown considerably. It has been the purpose of BICRES I (from the early beginnings to 1600),... full description
August 2005. vi, 474 pp.
Cover not available

A Comparative Literary History of Modern Slavery

The Atlantic world and beyond

Edited by Madeleine Dobie, Mads Anders Baggesgaard and Karen-Margrethe Simonsen

The first volume of A Comparative Literary History of Modern Slavery explores literary representations of enslavement with a focus on the emotions. The contributors consider how the diverse emotions generated by slavery have been represented over a historical period stretching from the 16th century to the present and... full description
Expected December 2024. xx, 334 pp. + index
Z 30

A Comprehensive Bibliography of Pragmatics

Compiled by Jan Nuyts and Jef Verschueren

January 1987. xi, 2197 pp. (4 vols)
Z 19
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A Concise Hopi and English Lexicon

Compiled by Roy Albert and David L. Shaul

A Concise Hopi and English Lexicon is a lexical research tool for persons interested in the Hopi language. An effort has been made to include the most frequent forms of basic roots. The work is designed to serve as wide-ranging an audience as possible: Hopi speakers as well as those not fluent in this language, the... full description
January 1985. vii, 204 pp.
C&EB 1
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Consciousness & Emotion

Agency, conscious choice, and selective perception

Edited by Ralph D. Ellis and Natika Newton

The papers in this volume of Consciousness & Emotion Book Series are organized around the theme of "enaction." Enactive emotional processes are not merely the recipients of information or the passive victims of input and learning. The organism first is engaged in an ongoing, complex pattern of self-organizational... full description
March 2005. xii, 330 pp.
AiCR 61
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Curious Emotions

Roots of consciousness and personality in motivated action

Ralph D. Ellis

Emotion drives all cognitive processes, largely determining their qualitative feel, their structure, and in part even their content. Action-initiating centers deep in the emotional brain ground our understanding of the world by enabling us to imagine how we could act relative to it, based on endogenous motivations to... full description
April 2005. viii, 238 pp.
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Dictionary of the Prague School of Linguistics

Josef Vachek

This is the first English version of a text out of print for more than 40 years, summarising the positions and key concepts of an influential stream of linguistic thought. Using quotations as entries, J. Vachek (1909-1997), a leading advocate of the Prague School, employed more than 160 sources, papers and monographs,... full description
June 2003. ix, 213 pp.

Dictionnaire explicatif et combinatoire du français contemporain

Recherches lexico-sémantiques

Compiled by Igor Mel’čuk

Sole distribution world-wide excl. CanadaThe Dictionnaire explicatif et combinatoire du français contemporain (DECFC) is the first dictionary that provides the user with systematic and complete descriptions of each entry word. The DECFC endeavours to realize the age-old dream of all lexicographers and dictionary... full description
January 1984. 172 pp.
Z 171
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Dizionario Combinatorio Compatto Italiano

A cura di Vincenzo Lo Cascio

Le parole di una lingua non sono mai isolate ma si usano in combinazione e non con qualunque parola ma solo con alcune. Per parlare bene bisogna usare le combinazioni appropriate. In italiano si dice un tozzo di pane per indicare un pezzo di pane, ma si dice anche un tozzo di carne? E una discussione si solleva? O si... full description
June 2012. xxvi, 642 pp.
Z 178
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Dizionario Combinatorio Italiano

A cura di Vincenzo Lo Cascio

Le parole di una lingua non sono mai isolate ma si usano in combinazione e non con qualunque parola ma solo con alcune. Per parlare bene bisogna usare le combinazioni appropriate. In italiano si dice un tozzo di pane per indicare un pezzo di pane, ma si dice anche un tozzo di carne? E una discussione si solleva? O si... full description
June 2013. xxii, 1392 pp. (2 vols. set) (708+706)
LL&LT 16
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French Applied Linguistics

Edited by Dalila Ayoun

This state-of-the-art volume on French Applied Linguistics includes two introductory chapters, the first summarizes the past, present and future of French in applied linguistics, and the second reviews the history of French from a sociolinguistic perspective. The six chapters of the first part cover the core aspects... full description
January 2007. xvi, 560 pp.
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Functional Constraints in Grammar

On the unergative–unaccusative distinction

Susumu Kuno and Ken-ichi Takami

This book examines in detail the acceptability status of sentences in the following five English constructions, and elucidates the syntactic, semantic, and functional requirements that the constructions must satisfy in order to be appropriately used: There-Construction, (One’s) Way Construction, Cognate Object... full description
September 2004. ix, 242 pp.
Z 232
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Grammar of Spoken and Written English

Douglas Biber, Stig Johansson, Geoffrey N. Leech, Susan Conrad and Edward Finegan

The completely redesigned Grammar of Spoken and Written English is a comprehensive corpus-based reference grammar. GSWE describes the structural characteristics of grammatical constructions in English, as do other reference grammars. But GSWE is unique in that it gives equal attention to describing the patterns of... full description
November 2021. xxxv, 1220 pp.

Handbook of Australian Languages

3 Volumes (set)

Edited by R.M.W. Dixon and Barry J. Blake

January 1979. V.1: 1979, xiv, 392pp. + 4 maps; V.2: 1981, xxiv, 427pp. + 6 maps; V.3: 1983, xxiv, 531 pp. + 5 maps
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Handbook of Australian Languages

Volume 1

Edited by R.M.W. Dixon and Barry J. Blake

This handbook makes available short grammatical sketches of Australian languages. Each grammar is written in a standard format, following guidelines provided by the editors, and includes a sample text and vocabulary text. In the introduction the editors discuss some of the recurrent features of languages across the... full description
December 1979. xviii, 390 pp. 4 maps
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Handbook of Australian Languages

Volume 2

Edited by R.M.W. Dixon and Barry J. Blake

This handbook makes available short grammatical sketches of Australian languages. Each grammar is written in a standard format, following guidelines provided by the editors, and includes a sample text and vocabulary text. The contributions to this volume are salvage studies, giving all the information that is... full description
December 1981. xxiv, 427pp. + 6 maps
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Handbook of Australian Languages

Volume 3

Edited by R.M.W. Dixon and Barry J. Blake

This handbook makes available short grammatical sketches of Australian languages. Each grammar is written in a standard format, following guidelines provided by the editors, and includes a sample text and vocabulary text. The contributions to this volume are salvage studies, giving all the information that is... full description
December 1983. xxiv, 531 pp. + 5 maps
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Handbook of Perceptual Dialectology

Volume 1

Edited by Dennis R. Preston

Perceptual dialectology investigates what ordinary people (as opposed to professional linguists) believe about the distribution of language varieties in their own and surrounding speech communities and how they have arrived at and implement those beliefs. It studies the beliefs of the common folk about which dialects... full description
October 1999. xl, 413 pp.
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Handbook of Perceptual Dialectology

Volume 2

Edited by Daniel Long and Dennis R. Preston

The Handbook of Perceptual Dialectology, Volume 2, expands on the coverage of both regions and methodologies in the investigation of nonlinguists' perceptions of language variety. New areas studied include Canada (anglophone and francophone), Cuba, Hungary, Italy, Korea, and Mali, and most prominent among the new... full description
December 2002. xxvi, 412 pp.
Cover not available

Handbook of Pragmatics


Edited by Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman and Jan Blommaert †

The Handbook of Pragmatics, published under the auspices of the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA), provides easy access, for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with converging interests in the use and functioning of language, to the field of linguistic pragmatics, broadly conceived as the... full description
April 1995. xiv, 658 pp.

Handbook of Pragmatics

1995 Installment

Edited by Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert † and Chris Bulcaen

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
May 1996. 336 pp. + Binder

Handbook of Pragmatics

1996 Installment

Edited by Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert † and Chris Bulcaen

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
October 1997. vi, 268 pp.

Handbook of Pragmatics

1997 Installment

Edited by Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert † and Chris Bulcaen

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
October 1999. 297 pp.

Handbook of Pragmatics

1998 Installment

Edited by Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert † and Chris Bulcaen

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
August 2000. vi, 342 pp.

Handbook of Pragmatics

1999 Installment

Edited by Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert † and Chris Bulcaen

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
May 2001. vi, 282 pp.

Handbook of Pragmatics

2000 Installment

Edited by Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert † and Chris Bulcaen

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
October 2002. iv, 298 pp.
HOP 12

Handbook of Pragmatics

2008 Installment

Edited by Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
November 2008. vii, 200 pp.
HOP 15

Handbook of Pragmatics

2011 Installment

Edited by Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
December 2011. vi, 303 pp.

Handbook of Pragmatics

2002 Installment

Edited by Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert † and Chris Bulcaen

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
July 2003. viii, 402 pp.

Handbook of Pragmatics

2001 Installment

Edited by Jef Verschueren, Jan-Ola Östman, Jan Blommaert † and Chris Bulcaen

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
May 2003. vi, 299 pp.
HOP 14

Handbook of Pragmatics

2010 Installment

Edited by Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
December 2010. 520 pp.
HOP 18

Handbook of Pragmatics

2014 Installment

Edited by Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
December 2014. viii, 270 pp.
HOP 10

Handbook of Pragmatics

2006 Installment

Edited by Jef Verschueren and Jan-Ola Östman

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
December 2006. vi, 500 pp.
HOP 11

Handbook of Pragmatics

2007 Installment

Edited by Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
December 2007. vi, 315 pp. (incl. binder)
HOP 17

Handbook of Pragmatics

2013 Installment

Edited by Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
December 2013. xiii, 268 pp.
HOP 19

Handbook of Pragmatics

2015 Installment

Edited by Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
November 2015. viii, 240 pp.
HOP 13

Handbook of Pragmatics

2009 Installment

Edited by Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
December 2009. vi, 421 pp.

Handbook of Pragmatics

2003–2005 Installment

Edited by Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
December 2005. 311 pp. (incl. binder)
HOP 21
Cover not available

Handbook of Pragmatics

21st Annual Installment

Edited by Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
December 2018. xi, 285 pp.
HOP 20

Handbook of Pragmatics

2016 Installment

Edited by Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
December 2016. viii, 220 pp.
HOP 16

Handbook of Pragmatics

2012 Installment

Edited by Jan-Ola Östman and Jef Verschueren

This encyclopaedia of one of the major fields of language studies is a continuously updated source of state-of-the-art information for anyone interested in language use. The IPrA Handbook of Pragmatics provides easy access — for scholars with widely divergent backgrounds but with convergent interests in the use and... full description
December 2012. 248 pp.
HoT 2
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Handbook of Terminology

Volume 2. Terminology in the Arab world

Edited by Abied Alsulaiman and Ahmed Allaithy

The current volume represents a revival of Arabic translation and terminology studies. These disciplines have been dominated by Western scholarship in recent decades, but in truth their historical tradition as a whole owes a great debt to Arabic scholarship. The first systematic translation activity ever organized was... full description
January 2019. vi, 267 pp.
HoT 3
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Handbook of Terminology

Volume 3. Legal Terminology

Edited by Łucja Biel and Hendrik J. Kockaert

As a core component of legal language used to draft, enforce and practice law, legal terms have fascinated lawyers, linguists, terminologists and other scholars for centuries. Third in the series, this Handbook offers a comprehensive compendium of the current state of knowledge on legal terminology. It is the first... full description
December 2023. vii, 622 pp.
HoT 1
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Handbook of Terminology

Volume 1

Edited by Hendrik J. Kockaert and Frieda Steurs

Terminology has started to explore unbeaten paths since Wüster, and has nowadays grown into a multi-facetted science, which seems to have reached adulthood, thanks to integrating multiple contributions not only from different linguistic schools, including computer, corpus, variational, socio-cognitive and... full description
March 2015. xix, 539 pp.

Handbook of Terminology Management

2 Volumes (set)

Compiled by Sue Ellen Wright and Gerhard Budin

The Handbook of Terminology Management is a unique work designed to meet the practical needs of terminologists, translators, lexicographers, subject specialists (e.g., engineers, medical professionals, etc.), standardizers and others who have to solve terminological problems in their daily work.In more than 900 pages,... full description
March 2001. 950 pp.
Cover not available

Handbook of Terminology Management

Volume 1: Basic Aspects of Terminology Management

Compiled by Sue Ellen Wright and Gerhard Budin

The Handbook of Terminology Management is a unique work designed to meet the practical needs of terminologists, translators, lexicographers, subject specialists (e.g., engineers, medical professionals, etc.), standardizers and others who have to solve terminological problems in their daily work.In more than 900 pages,... full description
March 1997. xiv, 372 pp.
Cover not available

Handbook of Terminology Management

Volume 2: Application-Oriented Terminology Management

Compiled by Sue Ellen Wright and Gerhard Budin

The Handbook of Terminology Management is a unique work designed to meet the practical needs of terminologists, translators, lexicographers, subject specialists (e.g., engineers, medical professionals, etc.), standardizers and others who have to solve terminological problems in their daily work.In more than 900 pages,... full description
March 2001. xvi, 549 pp.
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Handbook of Translation Studies

Volume 5

Edited by Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer

Up to now, the Handbook of Translation Studies (HTS) consisted of four volumes, all published between 2010 and 2013. Since research in TS continues to grow and expand, this fifth volume was added in 2021. The HTS aims at disseminating knowledge about translation, interpreting, localization, adaptation, etc. and... full description
October 2021. vii, 281 pp.
Cover not available

Handbook of Translation Studies

Volume 4

Edited by Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer

As a meaningful manifestation of how institutionalized the discipline has become, the new Handbook of Translation Studies is most welcome. It joins the other signs of maturation such as Summer Schools, the development of academic curricula, historical surveys, journals, book series, textbooks, terminologies,... full description
December 2013. xii, 232 pp.
Cover not available

Handbook of Translation Studies

Volume 1

Edited by Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer

As a meaningful manifestation of how institutionalized the discipline has become, the new Handbook of Translation Studies is most welcome. It joins the other signs of maturation such as Summer Schools, the development of academic curricula, historical surveys, journals, book series, textbooks, terminologies,... full description
October 2010. x, 468 pp.
Cover not available

Handbook of Translation Studies

Volume 2

Edited by Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer

As a meaningful manifestation of how institutionalized the discipline has become, the new Handbook of Translation Studies is most welcome. It joins the other signs of maturation such as Summer Schools, the development of academic curricula, historical surveys, journals, book series, textbooks, terminologies,... full description
December 2011. x, 197 pp.

Handbook of Translation Studies

5 Volumes (set)

Edited by Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer

As a meaningful manifestation of how institutionalized the discipline has become, the new Handbook of Translation Studies is most welcome. It joins the other signs of maturation such as Summer Schools, the development of academic curricula, historical surveys, journals, book series, textbooks, terminologies,... full description
October 2021. 1450 pp.
Cover not available


Yamuna Kachru

This book presents the structure of Hindi keeping in view the sociolinguistic context of language use. It includes descriptions of sounds, devices of word formation, rules of phrase and sentence construction and conventions of language use in spoken and written texts incorporating the insights gained by application of... full description
October 2006. xxi, 309 pp.

L'Époque de la Renaissance (1400–1600)

4 vols. set

Sous la direction de Eva Kushner

Les quatre volumes de l' « Histoire comparée des littératures de langues européennes » portant sur la Renaissance incarnent une véritable gageure dans le domaine des sciences humaines, et en particulier du comparatisme. Il s'agit en effet d'observer, d'analyser et de décrire des séries de phénomènes survenues à des... full description
November 2017. 2622 pp. (4 vols. set)
Cover not available

Latin Literatures of Medieval and Early Modern Times in Europe and Beyond

A millennium heritage

Edited by Francesco Stella

The textual heritage of Medieval Latin is one of the greatest reservoirs of human culture. Repertories list more than 16,000 authors from about 20 modern countries. Until now, there has been no introduction to this world in its full geographical extension. Forty contributors fill this gap by adopting a new... full description
July 2024. xviii, 706 pp.
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Louis-Adolphe Hervier 1817–1879

Biographie et Catalogue de l'œuvre gravé

Jan W. van den Noort

L’œuvre de Louis-Adolphe Hervier se caractérise par un goût marqué et un immense respect pour la vie des gens du peuple, des paysans et des pêcheurs. Les eaux-fortes et lithographies de ce peintre et graveur constituent, dans le domaine des arts graphiques français du XIXe siècle, une contribution importante et sont... full description
February 2024. 488 pp.
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Juha A. Janhunen

Mongolian is the principal language spoken by some five million ethnic Mongols living in Outer and Inner Mongolia, as well as in adjacent parts of Russia and China. The spoken language is divided into a number of mutually intelligible dialects, while for writing two separate written languages are used: Cyrillic... full description
November 2012. xv, 320 pp.
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Perspectives on Multimodality

Edited by Eija Ventola, Cassily Charles and Martin Kaltenbacher

This volume sign posts several paths of multimodality research and theory-building today. The chapters represent a cross-section of current perspectives on multimodal discourse with a special focus on theoretical and methodological issues (mode hierarchies, modelling semiotic resources as multiple semiotic systems,... full description
December 2004. x, 250 pp.
Z 65
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Russian-English Dictionary of Verbal Collocations

Morton Benson and Evelyn Benson

All languages are characterized by the regular cooccurrence of certain words; for example, we say in English, tall building but high mountain. These recurrent combinations or collocations are peculiar to each individual language and cannot be predicted by a learner of that language. There are thousands of striking... full description
April 1993. xviii, 269 pp.
AiCR 60
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Sisyphus’s Boulder

Consciousness and the limits of the knowable

Eric Dietrich and Valerie Gray Hardcastle

Consciousness lies at the core of being human. Therefore, to understand ourselves, we need a theory of consciousness. In Sisyphus's Boulder, Eric Dietrich and Valerie Hardcastle argue that we will never get such a theory because consciousness has an essential property that prevents it from ever being explained.... full description
February 2005. xii, 136 pp.
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Philip Denwood

The Tibetan language comprises a wide range of spoken and written varieties whose known history dates from the 7th century AD to the present day. Its speakers inhabit a vast area in Central Asia and the Himalayas extending into seven modern nation states, while its abundant literature includes much of vital importance... full description
November 1999. xix, 372 pp.