Inovacije u nastavi - časopis za savremenu nastavu, 2013
Since 2000, general education in Serbia has been passing through significant reform processes, wh... more Since 2000, general education in Serbia has been passing through significant reform processes, which have been subsequently connected with various dilemmas. Although the reform process has changed its direction and concept for several times, standards of educational achievements, o students have always been a part of all concepts. First, there were standards developed for the end of the primary school education, and in recent few years, the work has been done on standards for general secondary education. In this paper, we are analysing concept issues concerning standards of educational achievements, and then the process of introducing and developing of educational achievements into the educational system of Serbia. In the first part of the paper, the following conceptual issues will be discussed: What are the standards of the educational achievements, what are the characteristics they can differ among themselves, why are they important, regardless the differences between some sorts of standards, which are the key issues following the introducing of standards into the educational system. In the second part of the paper, we are discussing the development of standards of primary and secondary education in Serbia - what would be the concept in the essence of their development, and what would be the key challenge during the process. In the conclusion, we are formulating the statement about the difficulties in application standards as the result of problems, which the educational reform is facing overall. Apart from this, there are going to be four scenarios stated for further development of standards in the educational system of Serbia: (a) the standards will serve for the teaching in the classroom to be more relevant, of a better quality and justifiable (b) standards will serve as the basis for national testing and exams (c) standards will, as former aims, mean nothing, d) standards will be abolished.
Udeo stavova u rizicnim ponasanjima, najvise ispitivan u okviru modela teorije planiranog ponasan... more Udeo stavova u rizicnim ponasanjima, najvise ispitivan u okviru modela teorije planiranog ponasanja, predstavlja oblast koja ima relativno dugu tradiciju i odlikuje se bogatstvom empirijskih nalaza. Istraživanjima je potvrđena pretpostavka modela o važnosti stavovske komponente u objasnjavanju opijanja u adolescenciji. S druge strane, postoje obilje nalaza koji govore u prilog tezi da su roditelji i vrsnjaci neprikosnoveni socijalni faktori koji se dovode u vezu sa prisustvom, odnosno odsustvom rizicnih ponasanja. U ovom radu pokusali smo da ove dve komponente ne posmatramo kao međusobno nezavisne, nego da ispitamo da li i u kojoj meri postoji veza između stava adolescenata o opijanju i njegove percepcije stavova roditelja i prijatelja. Za svrhe istraživanja konstruisana je skala stavova Likertovog tipa koja se sastojala od 26 tvrdnji procenjivanih na cetvorostepenoj skali. Ispitanici, pored toga sto su donosili sud o tome u kojoj meri se slažu sa svakom od navedenih tvrdnji, izvestavali su i o sopstvenoj percepciji u kojoj meri bi se sa istim tvrdnjama složili njihovi roditelji i bliski prijatelji. Uzorak je bio prigodan. Ukupno je ispitano 104 ucenika prvog i treceg razreda srednje tehnicke skole. Ras analiza je pokazala da je pouzdanost skale zadovoljavajuca (α=0,94), kao i da se stavke uklapaju u jednodimenzionalni mode. Kada se pogledaju ukupni skorovi na skalama stavova i percepcije stavova, pažnju privlaci to sto adolescenti procenjuju da su stavovi roditelja statisticki znacajno negativniji od njihovih, dok su stavovi prijatelja znacajno pozitivniji . Između skorova na skali stavova i skali percepcije stavova roditelja nije dobijena korelacija , dok postoji statisticki znacajna pozitivna korelacija između stavova adolescenata i percepcije stavova njihovih prijatelja (r=0,330; p=0,00). Drugim recima, sto adolescenti imaju pozitivniji stav prema opijanju to su skloniji da procenjuju kako njihovi prijatelji odobravaju ovo ponasanje. Multiplom linearnom regresijom ispitivan je uticaj pojedinih stavki koje su se odnosile na percepciju stavova prijatelja, na ukupan skor na skali stavova. Dobijena linearna jednacina je statisticki znacajna (R=0,778; F=2,535; p=0,00). Analiza znacajnosti beta pondera pojedinih stavki upucuje na zakljucak da se stav adolescenata najbolje može predvideti na osnovu stepena u kojem njihovi prijatelji vezuju opijanje uz zabavu, pa ga smatraju uobicajenim ponasanjem u adolescenciji, a s druge strane, odbijaju da ga tretiraju kao nacin da se prevaziđu teskobe u socijalnoj sferi funkcionisanja. Rezultati ovog istraživanja upucuju da postoji međudejstvo između stavova adolescenata i njihovih prijatelja. Dobijeni nalazi su u saglasnosti sa tezom da među adolescentima postoji socijalni pritisak u smeru doživljavanja opijanja kao uobicajenog i prihvatajuceg ponasanja.
Inquiry is commonly applied in all types of education. In inquiry, dialogue between persons prese... more Inquiry is commonly applied in all types of education. In inquiry, dialogue between persons present in the classroom and polylogue with knowledgeable others outside the classroom (e.g., via books) are vital. In the context of Developmental Education, inquiry takes on three forms: consulting sources, inquiry of practices and inquiry as experimental research. This study aims to find out what role dialogue and polylogue play in these forms of inquiry, and how dialogue and polylogue can be promoted by a teacher. The inquiry processes in a classroom with children aged 4-6 were studied. This class was working on the theme „the garden‟, which included activities like gardening, drying flowers, and setting up a flower shop. This classroom was observed and the teacher was interviewed to give insight into the way inquiry was part of the activities of the class. The three forms of inquiry were all visible in the activities that children and the teacher undertook. In consulting sources, the tea...
Inovacije u nastavi - časopis za savremenu nastavu, 2013
Since 2000, general education in Serbia has been passing through significant reform processes, wh... more Since 2000, general education in Serbia has been passing through significant reform processes, which have been subsequently connected with various dilemmas. Although the reform process has changed its direction and concept for several times, standards of educational achievements, o students have always been a part of all concepts. First, there were standards developed for the end of the primary school education, and in recent few years, the work has been done on standards for general secondary education. In this paper, we are analysing concept issues concerning standards of educational achievements, and then the process of introducing and developing of educational achievements into the educational system of Serbia. In the first part of the paper, the following conceptual issues will be discussed: What are the standards of the educational achievements, what are the characteristics they can differ among themselves, why are they important, regardless the differences between some sorts of standards, which are the key issues following the introducing of standards into the educational system. In the second part of the paper, we are discussing the development of standards of primary and secondary education in Serbia - what would be the concept in the essence of their development, and what would be the key challenge during the process. In the conclusion, we are formulating the statement about the difficulties in application standards as the result of problems, which the educational reform is facing overall. Apart from this, there are going to be four scenarios stated for further development of standards in the educational system of Serbia: (a) the standards will serve for the teaching in the classroom to be more relevant, of a better quality and justifiable (b) standards will serve as the basis for national testing and exams (c) standards will, as former aims, mean nothing, d) standards will be abolished.
Udeo stavova u rizicnim ponasanjima, najvise ispitivan u okviru modela teorije planiranog ponasan... more Udeo stavova u rizicnim ponasanjima, najvise ispitivan u okviru modela teorije planiranog ponasanja, predstavlja oblast koja ima relativno dugu tradiciju i odlikuje se bogatstvom empirijskih nalaza. Istraživanjima je potvrđena pretpostavka modela o važnosti stavovske komponente u objasnjavanju opijanja u adolescenciji. S druge strane, postoje obilje nalaza koji govore u prilog tezi da su roditelji i vrsnjaci neprikosnoveni socijalni faktori koji se dovode u vezu sa prisustvom, odnosno odsustvom rizicnih ponasanja. U ovom radu pokusali smo da ove dve komponente ne posmatramo kao međusobno nezavisne, nego da ispitamo da li i u kojoj meri postoji veza između stava adolescenata o opijanju i njegove percepcije stavova roditelja i prijatelja. Za svrhe istraživanja konstruisana je skala stavova Likertovog tipa koja se sastojala od 26 tvrdnji procenjivanih na cetvorostepenoj skali. Ispitanici, pored toga sto su donosili sud o tome u kojoj meri se slažu sa svakom od navedenih tvrdnji, izvestavali su i o sopstvenoj percepciji u kojoj meri bi se sa istim tvrdnjama složili njihovi roditelji i bliski prijatelji. Uzorak je bio prigodan. Ukupno je ispitano 104 ucenika prvog i treceg razreda srednje tehnicke skole. Ras analiza je pokazala da je pouzdanost skale zadovoljavajuca (α=0,94), kao i da se stavke uklapaju u jednodimenzionalni mode. Kada se pogledaju ukupni skorovi na skalama stavova i percepcije stavova, pažnju privlaci to sto adolescenti procenjuju da su stavovi roditelja statisticki znacajno negativniji od njihovih, dok su stavovi prijatelja znacajno pozitivniji . Između skorova na skali stavova i skali percepcije stavova roditelja nije dobijena korelacija , dok postoji statisticki znacajna pozitivna korelacija između stavova adolescenata i percepcije stavova njihovih prijatelja (r=0,330; p=0,00). Drugim recima, sto adolescenti imaju pozitivniji stav prema opijanju to su skloniji da procenjuju kako njihovi prijatelji odobravaju ovo ponasanje. Multiplom linearnom regresijom ispitivan je uticaj pojedinih stavki koje su se odnosile na percepciju stavova prijatelja, na ukupan skor na skali stavova. Dobijena linearna jednacina je statisticki znacajna (R=0,778; F=2,535; p=0,00). Analiza znacajnosti beta pondera pojedinih stavki upucuje na zakljucak da se stav adolescenata najbolje može predvideti na osnovu stepena u kojem njihovi prijatelji vezuju opijanje uz zabavu, pa ga smatraju uobicajenim ponasanjem u adolescenciji, a s druge strane, odbijaju da ga tretiraju kao nacin da se prevaziđu teskobe u socijalnoj sferi funkcionisanja. Rezultati ovog istraživanja upucuju da postoji međudejstvo između stavova adolescenata i njihovih prijatelja. Dobijeni nalazi su u saglasnosti sa tezom da među adolescentima postoji socijalni pritisak u smeru doživljavanja opijanja kao uobicajenog i prihvatajuceg ponasanja.
Inquiry is commonly applied in all types of education. In inquiry, dialogue between persons prese... more Inquiry is commonly applied in all types of education. In inquiry, dialogue between persons present in the classroom and polylogue with knowledgeable others outside the classroom (e.g., via books) are vital. In the context of Developmental Education, inquiry takes on three forms: consulting sources, inquiry of practices and inquiry as experimental research. This study aims to find out what role dialogue and polylogue play in these forms of inquiry, and how dialogue and polylogue can be promoted by a teacher. The inquiry processes in a classroom with children aged 4-6 were studied. This class was working on the theme „the garden‟, which included activities like gardening, drying flowers, and setting up a flower shop. This classroom was observed and the teacher was interviewed to give insight into the way inquiry was part of the activities of the class. The three forms of inquiry were all visible in the activities that children and the teacher undertook. In consulting sources, the tea...
Papers by Aleksandar Baucal