Antika i savremeni svet: pitanje istine i slobode, zakona pravde i demokratije, kod antičkih autora i u poznijoj tradiciji, 14. međunarodni naučni skup. Zbornik radova, 2023
Ustanci robova su izvanredno retka pojava u istoriji antičke Grčke, naročito kada se ima u vidu b... more Ustanci robova su izvanredno retka pojava u istoriji antičke Grčke, naročito kada se ima u vidu broj, masovnost i intenzitet robovskih pobuna na Siciliji i u Italiji u II i I veku p.n.e. Tri definitivno posvedočena grčka slučaja (u Laurijumskim rudnicima u Atici, i na Delosu oko 135. g. p.n.e. te ponovo u Laurijumu 104. g. p.n.e.) kratkotrajne su pobune, direktno inspirisane pokretima robova na zapadu. Četvrti primer daleko je zanimljiviji, ali njegova istoričnost je pod velikim znakom pitanja. On se nalazi u putopisnom delu izvesnog Nimfodora iz Sirakuze (kasni III vek p.n.e.?), u odlomku sačuvanom zahvaljujući Ateneju iz Naukratisa. Epizoda govori o pobuni robova na ostrvu Hios, koja se navodno odigrala malo pre Nimfodorovog vremena. Prema njegovoj priči, mnogobrojni robovi su bežali sa imanja svojih gospodara i krili se u planinskoj oblasti na severu ostrva, sve dok kontrolu nad ovom haotičnom zajednicom nije preuzeo Drimak, takođe rob u bekstvu. Pod Drimakovim vođstvom, vojska nekadašnjih robova je počela da pljačka imanja svojih nekadašnjih gospodara, i da nanosi poraze vojskama poslatim protiv nje, sve dok nije postignut sporazum, uglavnom na korist pobedonosnih robova. Debata u nauci o istoričnosti ove priče, koju je sredinom XIX veka pokrenuo Fistel de Kulanž, traje sve do danas. Među onima koji su Nimfodorovu priču ocenili kao čistu fikciju nalaze se neki od vodećih filologa i istoričara XIX i XX veka. Druga strana, na kojoj se nalaze podjednako istaknuta imena, zastupa stav da je taj tekst odraz neposredne istorijske istine a možda i svedočanstvo o jednom, u antici možda raširenom, društvenom fenomenu: organizovanim zajednicama odbeglih robova. U radu će biti analiziran ovaj odlomak Nimfodorovog odnosno Atenejevog teksta, i razmotreni mnogobrojni problemi njegove interpretacije.
Rad istražuje pitanje posledica, neposrednih i dugoročnih, političkih, vojnih, socijalnih i kultu... more Rad istražuje pitanje posledica, neposrednih i dugoročnih, političkih, vojnih, socijalnih i kulturnih koje je za sobom ostavila velika Atinska kuga (430-426. p.n.e.). Posledice o kojima govorima su zaista bile raznovrsne, ali njihovo precizno određivanje i sagledavanje nije jednostavan zadatak, što bez nedostatka ili fragmentarne prirode izvora, što zbog činjenice da se epidemija odvijala paralelno sa Peloponeskim ratom. Kratkoročno, epidemija je izazvala neku vrstu krize organizovanog društva, što ipak nije dovelo do sloma javnog reda i bezvlašća. Nakratko je atinska sposobnost da vodi rat, takođe bila ozbiljno umanjena, i na kopnu i na moru, mada su se Atinjani brzo povratili i započili seriju uglavnom uspešnih vojnih operacija. Dugoročne demografske posledice su bile ozbiljnije, ali njih je teško razdvojiti o uticaja rata na populaciju. Trag koji je epidemija ostavili na atinskoj svesti, kulturi i religiji je naročito teško uočljiv. Savremenici su odlučili da bolest radije predaju zaboravu nego da se s njom kreativno suoče. Ključne reči: Atinska kuga, Peloponeski rat, Tukidid, Sofokle, Kralj Edip, Asklepije.
Our knowledge of the Seleucid Empire has grown immensely during the last century, yet the largest... more Our knowledge of the Seleucid Empire has grown immensely during the last century, yet the largest Hellenistic state remains somewhat elusive. The debate on the fundamentals of its organization, ideology and character is still ongoing. One of the more eccentric attempts to force the issue was that of the renowned American historian and epigraphist Charles Edson, who argued that a solution could be found in works of late, Roman-era authors, since the state of the contemporary sources is allegedly so dire that "no coherent picture of the empire emerges". This assumption led Edson to rely overwhelmingly on the Epitome Historiarum Pompeii Trogi by Justin, a late abbreviation and a rewrite of the world history of Pompeus Trogus, a 1 st century BC Latin historian. Edson's conclusion was that Justin's text reflects the official Seleucid usage, proving, furthermore, that the Seleucid Empire was not a typical dynastic monarchy of the Hellenistic age, but essentially the old Macedonian kingdom replanted in Asia. Edson's thesis was mostly ignored and rejected by scholars, but the issue of Justin's terminology remains. Why does this late epitomator use expressions such as "Macedonicum Imperium" and "Macedonum reges" to describe Seleucids in some parts of his work? Is it simply because the dynasty was of Macedonian descent, or is there more to it? This paper examines terminology utilized by Trogus/Justin to describe Macedonian imperialism and, more specifically, the Seleucid state and rulers, in order to understand the concepts and intentions behind the words.
In the modern perception of the Ancient World the massive slave revolts loom largely. To the mode... more In the modern perception of the Ancient World the massive slave revolts loom largely. To the modern mind, infused, through education and mass media, with notions of sanctity of personal freedom and shamefulness of servitude, there is natural and immediate connection between the institution of slavery and armed, violent resistance to it. Ancient slaves were kept in obviously shameful and degrading state of bondage, therefore they revolted-they must have. In fact, however, large scale slave revolts are actually quite rare in world history and, in the case of Ancient Greece, all examples that one could point to are late and (at least superficially) marginal. If we limit our scope to Classical Greece (5 th and 4 th centuries BC), the slave revolt is virtually non-existent, unless we choose to widen the definition of slaves to include the helots of Sparta and the penests of Thessaly. This paper assumes that Messenian (helot) revolts are a separate (though perhaps related) phenomenon to slave revolts, and focus only on the latter. There are only three known cases of anything resembling a slave revolt (four, if we add the problematic case of the slave uprising of Drimacus, in the 3 nd century BC Chios), and they seem rather minute in their scope and achievement, especially when compared to the contemporary massive slave wars of Roman Sicily and Italy. The paper argues that this absence is not an illusion, created, as one might argue, through a lack of interest or organized silence on the part of ancient authors, but the actual reflection of historical reality. Prospects of success for such endeavor were minimal, while the dangers involved were overwhelming. Specific conditions required for large scale slave uprisings were rarely met in Ancient Greece and consequently the phenomenon itself was rare.
Vojnoistorijski glasnik / Military History Review, 2022
U radu se analizira važna ali uglavnom zaboravljena epizoda antičke vojne istorije: pohod seleuki... more U radu se analizira važna ali uglavnom zaboravljena epizoda antičke vojne istorije: pohod seleukidskog kralja Antioha VII protiv novostvorene imperije Parta (dinastija Arsakida). Vođen 130. i 129. g. p.n.e., bio je to poslednji pokušaj makedonske dinastije Seleukida da sačuva položaj vodeće sile u zapadnoj Aziji, protiv rastuće moći Arsakida koji su postepeno ovladali Iranom, Mesopotamijom i delovima Centralne Azije. Izuzev što je označio definitivan kraj Seleukida kao velike sile, ovaj događaj je važan i zbog posledica koje je imao na partsku vojnu organizaciju i doktrinu. Početak rata bio je obeležen velikim neuspesima partske strane, gubicima bitaka, čitavih armija i velikih teritorija. Partski kralj Fraat II je izvukao odgovarajuće pouke iz poraza i prilagodio svoju vojsku novom načinu ratovanja: umesto vođenja velikih pozicionih bitaka, pobeda je ostvarena taktikom mobilnog rata, iscrpljivanjem neprijatelja i uništavanjem manjih i izolovanih delova njegove armije. U radu se brani teza da su promene do kojih je dovelo iskustvo imale karakter vojne revolucije koja je oblikovala potonji partski način ratovanja. Ovo je bio jedan od najvažnijih faktora u kasnijem partskom uspešnom otporu Rimljanima, a pre svega u najvećem trijumfu u njihovoj vojnoj istoriji: pobedi nad armijom Marka Licinija Krasa kod Kara, 53. g. p.n.e.
Rad istražuje problem istorijskih izvora, okolnosti i karaktera epidemije koja je pogodila Atinu ... more Rad istražuje problem istorijskih izvora, okolnosti i karaktera epidemije koja je pogodila Atinu u prvom godinama Peloponeskog rata (430-426. p.n.e.). Uprkos velikim razmerama ove tragedije, koja je odnela desetine hiljada života, njen trag u pisanim izvorima nije veliki. Klasični atinski pisci nerado govore o epidemiji i radije bi je prepustili zaboravu. Daleko najvažniji i jedini detaljan prikaz bolesti dao je Tukidid u svom Peloponeskom ratu (II 47-54, III 87). U radu se brani stav da je Tukididov opis kuge verodostojan, i u opštim crtima i u pojedinostima, i da su pokušaji da se on modifikuje ili proglasi za fikciju neutemeljeni i metodološki neprihvatljivi. Diskusije o karakteru bolesti i pokušaji njene precizne identifikacije traju već dva veka. Rad stoga razmatra najvažnije teorije, njihove prednosti i teškoće, kao i pitanje zašto se nije došlo do naučnog konsenzusa po ovom pitanju. I posle velike i, bar u nekim aspektima, plodotvorne diskusije, koja je proizvela ogromnu naučnu literaturu, prihvatljivo rešenje nije pronađeno.
The paper examines the context and possible origin of the famous claim made by Thucydides (7.27.5... more The paper examines the context and possible origin of the famous claim made by Thucydides (7.27.5) that, after the Spartan capture of Decelea in 413 BC, "more than twenty thousand" Athenian slaves deserted to the enemy. Older historiography tended to accept this claim at face value and to use it as a basis for wider assumptions about size and socioeconomic importance of slave labor in 5th century Athens. Recent historiography was much more reluctant to believe and generally rejected the number as unreliable guesswork or even a figure of speech. However, there is enough evidence, both direct and circumstantial, that the number may originate from outside of Athens. Not, as it was recently suggested, from the Spartans, but from the Boeotians, who were the main beneficiaries of the Athenian misfortune. The runaway slaves, as it is well known, were bought by Boeotians at very low prices. The sale of slaves was regularly taxed and recorded by the Greek cities, a practice that is sufficiently attest in Classical and Hellenistic periods. Thucydides was generally very well informed about Boeotian affairs and, if the information on numbers of runaway and resoled slaves was recorded in Thebes, it was likely within his reach.
The Attic Manumissions or the “Phialai-Inscriptions” as they are otherwise known, are a large gro... more The Attic Manumissions or the “Phialai-Inscriptions” as they are otherwise known, are a large group of 4th century BC Athenian epigraphic fragments, thirty four in total, dating from ca. 335-320 BC. The fragments were discovered gradually, from the first half of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th, mostly on and around Acropolis. Incomplete as they are in their present state, they nevertheless contain a long and valuable list of former slaves, coupled with their places of residence and the names of their former masters (a recent attempt to reinterpret these documents as a list of non-freedmen metics, assailed in court by the citizen tax-farmers was, in spite of some excellent points, altogether not very convincing and failed to gain general support). In more than one third of all cases (some 168 out of 421) the profession of former slaves is recorded, providing us with valuable insight into slave occupations and socio-economic aspect of slavery in Athens in the second half of the 4th BC.
In the spring of 335 BC, Alexander the Great launched a campaign that led him deep into the inter... more In the spring of 335 BC, Alexander the Great launched a campaign that led him deep into the interior of the Balkans, up to and beyond the banks of Danube. According to Arrian, our main source for these events, the primary reason for the expedition was the safety of Macedonian borders in the context of the planned Asian campaign. However, once this was achieved, new threat arose: three Illyrian tribes went to war against Macedonian king. The brief but bloody Illyrian war that followed is often neglected and/or misunderstood in modern historical literature. This paper offers a reexamination of the available source material and a possible reconstruction of the details of the campaign.
Journal of Classical Studies Matica Srpska 23, 2021
Slavery is one of the most prominent aspects of the ancient Greek civilization, yet exact role of... more Slavery is one of the most prominent aspects of the ancient Greek civilization, yet exact role of slavery in Greek society and economy is still a matter of debate. The example that is most analyzed is Classical Athens, mainly on the account of the comparative abundance of primary sources. However, this wealth of sources is partially deceiving, because it allows scholars to see that slavery was of considerable importance, but only rarely to go beyond this general conclusion. One of the biggest obstacles is the lack of reliable numerical data: how numerous were slaves in ancient Athens, what percentage of the total population they were? This paper analyzes the primary source material that was used to solve the issue, as well as efforts of various scholars in that regard. Our knowledge of Athenian state and society makes fairly obvious that Athenians themselves did not know the number of their slaves. The conclusion is that we cannot ever hope to obtain anything resembling a precise number, but a reasonable range at best. The real number probably fluctuated from decade to decade, depending on rates of slave supply, mortality and manumission.
Rad ispituje prisustvo robova iz jadranskih oblasti u klasičnoj Grčkoj, kao prilog tekućoj debati... more Rad ispituje prisustvo robova iz jadranskih oblasti u klasičnoj Grčkoj, kao prilog tekućoj debati o rasprostranjenosti i opštem značaju ilirskog gusarenja in prehelenističko doba. Tradicionalna istoriografija drži da je postojalo rašireno, zapravo "endemsko" gusarenje od strane Ilira vekovima pre potvrđenih aktivnosti ilirskih gusara u vreme kralja Agrona, u drugoj polovini III veka p.n.e. Ako je ovo zaista bio slučaj, očekivali bismo da je delovanje ovih gusara ostavilo značajan trag na trgovinu robovima u klasično doba. Međutim, ispitivanje raspoloživih izvora (stara atička komedija, prozna književnost, robovski natpisi iz Laurijskih rudnika, atičke stele, liste robova sa Hiosa, atinski pomorski katalozi itd.) pokazuje da je njihovo prisustvo bilo minimalno. Neki robovi poreklom iz Ilirije se spominju na atičkim stelama i praktično nigde drugde, a njihov broj je mali u poređenju sa masama anadolskih i tračkih robova. Sačuvani izvori impliciraju da nije postojao značajniji izvoz robova iz Ilirije u klasično doba i da je, shodno tome, i ilirsko gusarenje imalo relativno skromne razmere.
Rad analizira Nacrt istorije Herberta Džordža Velsa, izvorno publikovan 1919. i 1920. godine, knj... more Rad analizira Nacrt istorije Herberta Džordža Velsa, izvorno publikovan 1919. i 1920. godine, knjigu koja predstavlja najčitaniji i najpopularniji istorijski pregled napisan u XX veku. Ispituju se okolnosti i motivi za nastanak ovog dela, od strane pisca koji nije bio akademski istoričar. Istražuju se i uzroci ogromne popularnosti dela, kao i poreklo i opravdanost preovlađujuće negativne kritičke reakcije ondašnjih profesionalnih istoričara. Izvestan prostor je posvećen i analizi kasnijeg uticaja ovog rada, kao i poruka i zaključaka koje se mogu primeniti na savremene pokušaje pisanja svetske istorije. Ključne reči: H. Dž. Vels, svetska istorija, popularna istorija, masovna edukacija, filozofija istorije, akademska kritika.
The paper offers an analysis of The Outline of History by Herbert George Wells, originally published during 1919 and 1920, the book that is the most popular and well-read historical overview written in the 20th century. The circumstances and motives surrounding the creation of this history of the world are examined, especially considering the fact that it is written by an author who himself was not an academic historian. The causes of enormous popularity of the book are explored, as well as the origin and the justification of the overwhelmingly negative critical reaction by professional historians of the time. A certain space is dedicated to the analysis of the later influence of this work, and the conclusions that can be drawn from it, that are applicable to modern attempts at writing the history of the world. Keywords: H. G. Wells, world history, popular history, mass education, the philosophy of history, academic criticism.
Zbornik Matice srpske za klasične studije / Journal of Classical Studies Matica Srpska 21-22, 2020
Ovaj rad je preglednog karaktera, njegov cilj je da ukratko izloži i objasni novije trendove i pr... more Ovaj rad je preglednog karaktera, njegov cilj je da ukratko izloži i objasni novije trendove i pristupe u istoriografiji o ropstvu u antičkoj Grčkoj. Istoriografska produkcija posvećena ovoj instituciji je ogromna i poslednjih godina se nalazi u fazi značajnog preispitivanja i promene. Studije ropstva tradicionalno nisu uspevale da se odvoje od svog kulturnog, ideološkog, pa i političkog konteksta, i to je i danas čest slučaj. Pojam antičke Grčke u ovom slučaju je shvaćen široko, obuhvatajući arhajsku i klasičnu Grčku, helenističke države, ali i helenofone gradove i zemlje Rimskog carstva. Izvestan prostor u radu je posvećen odnosu između grčkog i bliskoistočnog ropstva. Antičko rimsko ropstvo, s druge strane, predstavlja široko istraživačko područje za sebe, i ono nije direktnije razmatrano u ovom tekstu, izuzev ukoliko istraživački rad u oblasti rimskog ropstva ima direktan uticaj na razumevanje ove institucije u grčkom svetu.
U istoriografiji je dobro poznata uloga Kasandra, Antipatrovog sina, kao osnivača i obnovitelja g... more U istoriografiji je dobro poznata uloga Kasandra, Antipatrovog sina, kao osnivača i obnovitelja gradova. On je obnovio beotsku Tebu i osnovao važne centre Tesaloniku (Solun) i Kasandreju na Halkidiku. Ali, izuzev nekih krajnje specijalističkih radova, u modernoj literaturi se retko konstatuje (ili, uopšte, spominje) da je za vreme njegove vladavine sagrađen grad neobičnog imena, Uranopolis (Οὐρανόπολις, „Nebeski grad“), negde na poluostrvu Atos, ili u neposrednoj blizini. Izvorni podaci koje imamo o ovom gradu su malobrojni i šturi, ponekad i protivrečni, ali svejedno vrlo interesantni. Kao osnivača grada izvori navode Kasandrovog brata Aleksarha, ekscentričnog učenjaka zainteresovanog za pitanja mitologije i kulta. Između ostalog, Aleksarh je sebe nazivao Suncem i izmislio neobičan jezik, koji je koristio u zvaničnoj korespondenciji. U radu se brani stav da podaci o osnivanju Uranopolisa, skromni kakvi jesu, ipak pružaju izvestan uvid u motive i procese koji stoje iza osnivanja gradova, te da se osnivanje ovog grada sasvim uklapa u njegov istorijski kontekst i državnu politiku Kasandra.
This paper examines the outcome of the battle of Corupedium in 281 BC, focusing on one of its imp... more This paper examines the outcome of the battle of Corupedium in 281 BC, focusing on one of its important but neglected aspects: the fate of the defeated army of Lysimachus. An explanation is built around the hypothesis that it was neither annihilated on the battlefield nor disbanded after battle – the analogies with other great battles of the early Hellenistic period speak firmly against either solution. There is indirect evidence that large remnants of the defeated force remained in the service of Seleucus I and Ptolemy Ceraunus, and continued to play a role in the power struggle and wars of the years 281-275 BC. Some of the more confusing events and political decisions of the time are made easier to understand and interpret if the presence of the core Macedonian troops of the former army of Lysimachus’ is assumed.
U radu se ispituju okolnosti izbijanja tzv. Ahajskog rata (146. godine pre n.e.), i raspuštanja A... more U radu se ispituju okolnosti izbijanja tzv. Ahajskog rata (146. godine pre n.e.), i raspuštanja Ahajskog saveza od strane Rimljana. Uzroci ovih događaja, motivi i objašnjenja koji su stajali iza njih, predmet su konfuzije i neslaganja među istoričarima. Razlog za to je problematičan, ponegde i kontradiktoran, karakter glavnih izvora, XXXVIII knjige Istorija Polibija iz Megalepolisa i Pausanijinog Opisa Helade. U ovom radu se brani stav da je Ahajski rat u svojoj suštini bio nenajavljeni rimski napad na federaciju koja je pokazivala, prema rimskim shvatanjima, preveliku težnju ka nezavisnoj politici. I Polibije i Pausanija (čiji se prikaz oslanja na Polibija) opisuju i tumače događaje iz perspektive u kojoj preovlađuju izrazito prorimski tonovi. Polibije nije bio u stanju (možda ni u mogućnosti) da prevaziđe političke i ideološke prepreke koje su stajale na putu nepristrasne analize događaja. Kao i na drugim mestima u svom delu, on je izbegao kao neprihvatljivu svaku snažniju kritiku rimske države, njenih predstavnika i njihovih postupaka. Umesto toga, čitaocu se nudi protivurečno izlaganje, u kojem dolazi do zamene uzroka i posledica, agresor se prikazuje kao neutralna i dobronamerna strana, a krivica za rat se prebacuje na žrtve.
The End of the Achaean League
The paper examines the circumstances surrounding the beginning of the so-called Achaean war (146 BC) and the subsequent dissolution of the Achaean league by the Romans. The causes of these events, motives and explanations behind them are a source of confusion and disagreement for modern historians. The main reason for this is rather problematic, occasionally even contradictory, nature of the main sources, the book 38 of Polybius’ Histories and a segment of the book 7 of Pausanias’ Description of Hellas. In this paper the claim is made that the Achaean war was essentially a Roman surprise attack directed against a federation of city-states that displayed tendency for independence that was far too strong, at least from the Roman standpoint. Both Polybius and Pausanias (whose account is
based on Polybius) describe and interpret events from a position that is distinctively pro-Roman. Polybius was not able to surmount political and ideological obstacles that stood in the way of objective analysis of the events. As in other places in his work, he decided that any serious critique of the Roman state, its representatives and their actions, is something completely unacceptable. Instead, the reader is presented with a contradictory narrative in which causes and effects switched places, the aggressor is painted as a neutral and well-meaning party, while the victims are forced to take the blame.
The paper presents a publication of 21 ancient Latin and Greek inscriptions or fragments of insc... more The paper presents a publication of 21 ancient Latin and Greek inscriptions or fragments of inscriptions from the National Museum in Belgrade. Some of these were discovered in the present-day Serbia and Macedonia, but for the most of them the exact find spots are unknown. The majority of the fragments are published for the first time. Those that are republished are presented with new and improved readings and comments.
This paper discusses two Greek inscriptions found in the modern-day Montenegro, in the coastal to... more This paper discusses two Greek inscriptions found in the modern-day Montenegro, in the coastal towns of Perast and Ulcinj. Already at the time of their initial publications the inscriptions were recognized as valuable historical documents. In spite of this, their usage as historical sources was limited, because their proper geographical and chronological context was lacking. In this paper we offer updated reading and interpretation of the texts, as well as an alternative dating to those that have been proposed previously. The dedication (?) from Perast was erected by peripoloi (patrolmen) and must have originated from a Greek speaking town along the southern Adriatic. The altar from Ulcinj, dedicated to Artemis Elaphabolos (the Deer Slayer), was made by an association of stone-cutters, who must have come from a Doric speaking settlement. The combined weight of paleographical, linguistic and historical evidence points to the later date for the inscriptions than it was previously assumed, most likely ca. 1st century BC.
Lj. Maksimović, M. Ricl, ΤΗ ΠΡΟΣΦΙΛΕΣΤΑΤΗ ΚΑΙ ΠΑΝΤΑ ΑΡΙΣΤΗ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑΡΧΙΣΣΗ: Students and Colleagues for Professor Fanoula Papazoglou (International Conference, Belgrade, October 17-18, 2017), 2018
Demetrius Poliorcetes spent seven years of his turbulent life as the king of Macedonia and the ru... more Demetrius Poliorcetes spent seven years of his turbulent life as the king of Macedonia and the ruler of a large part of Greece. Two sources by the same author, Plutarh of Chaeronea (the biography of Poliorcestes himself and that of his protégé and nemesis, Pyrrhus of Epirus), credit the king with extensive military preparations that allegedly resulted in the creation of one of the largest military and naval forces in the Ancient history. Supposedly, in the final years of his reign, Poliorcetes commanded power that dwarfed that of Philip II and rivaled the strength of Alexander the Great. Strangely, when the actual conflict finally began, these forces suddenly disappear from the narrative. Modern historians, although generally highly skeptical of military and population figures asserted by ancient authors, showed surprising tendency to believe Plutarch’s claims and to build wider theories around them. Thus, the grand army Poliorcetes allegedly built was heavily used as an argument in the debate surrounding the effects of Alexander’s conquest on Macedonia proper, and the demography of Macedonia in the 3rd century BC. Few scholars made attempts to question these figures, in spite of strong reasons to do so, and in spite of the fact that several ancient sources – including Plutarch’s biographies themselves! – do supply information that directly contradicts these claims. In this paper I claim that the whole story of Poliorcetes’ exceptional military preparations for the alleged reconquest of his father’s Asian Empire, as well as the very size of the supposed army, should be rejected as false, as is already the case with many such episodes in writings of Plutarch.
M. Tomorad (ur.), Slavne žene stare povijesti: životi žena u društvima starog svijeta, 2018
Poglavlje daje pregled osnovnih znanja o životu žena u antičkoj Grčkoj, perspektivama iz kojih su... more Poglavlje daje pregled osnovnih znanja o životu žena u antičkoj Grčkoj, perspektivama iz kojih su antički ljudi gledali na žene i njihove probleme, te mestu koje se žene imale u porodici, društvu, politici, kultu i umetničkom stvaralaštvu.
Antika i savremeni svet: pitanje istine i slobode, zakona pravde i demokratije, kod antičkih autora i u poznijoj tradiciji, 14. međunarodni naučni skup. Zbornik radova, 2023
Ustanci robova su izvanredno retka pojava u istoriji antičke Grčke, naročito kada se ima u vidu b... more Ustanci robova su izvanredno retka pojava u istoriji antičke Grčke, naročito kada se ima u vidu broj, masovnost i intenzitet robovskih pobuna na Siciliji i u Italiji u II i I veku p.n.e. Tri definitivno posvedočena grčka slučaja (u Laurijumskim rudnicima u Atici, i na Delosu oko 135. g. p.n.e. te ponovo u Laurijumu 104. g. p.n.e.) kratkotrajne su pobune, direktno inspirisane pokretima robova na zapadu. Četvrti primer daleko je zanimljiviji, ali njegova istoričnost je pod velikim znakom pitanja. On se nalazi u putopisnom delu izvesnog Nimfodora iz Sirakuze (kasni III vek p.n.e.?), u odlomku sačuvanom zahvaljujući Ateneju iz Naukratisa. Epizoda govori o pobuni robova na ostrvu Hios, koja se navodno odigrala malo pre Nimfodorovog vremena. Prema njegovoj priči, mnogobrojni robovi su bežali sa imanja svojih gospodara i krili se u planinskoj oblasti na severu ostrva, sve dok kontrolu nad ovom haotičnom zajednicom nije preuzeo Drimak, takođe rob u bekstvu. Pod Drimakovim vođstvom, vojska nekadašnjih robova je počela da pljačka imanja svojih nekadašnjih gospodara, i da nanosi poraze vojskama poslatim protiv nje, sve dok nije postignut sporazum, uglavnom na korist pobedonosnih robova. Debata u nauci o istoričnosti ove priče, koju je sredinom XIX veka pokrenuo Fistel de Kulanž, traje sve do danas. Među onima koji su Nimfodorovu priču ocenili kao čistu fikciju nalaze se neki od vodećih filologa i istoričara XIX i XX veka. Druga strana, na kojoj se nalaze podjednako istaknuta imena, zastupa stav da je taj tekst odraz neposredne istorijske istine a možda i svedočanstvo o jednom, u antici možda raširenom, društvenom fenomenu: organizovanim zajednicama odbeglih robova. U radu će biti analiziran ovaj odlomak Nimfodorovog odnosno Atenejevog teksta, i razmotreni mnogobrojni problemi njegove interpretacije.
Rad istražuje pitanje posledica, neposrednih i dugoročnih, političkih, vojnih, socijalnih i kultu... more Rad istražuje pitanje posledica, neposrednih i dugoročnih, političkih, vojnih, socijalnih i kulturnih koje je za sobom ostavila velika Atinska kuga (430-426. p.n.e.). Posledice o kojima govorima su zaista bile raznovrsne, ali njihovo precizno određivanje i sagledavanje nije jednostavan zadatak, što bez nedostatka ili fragmentarne prirode izvora, što zbog činjenice da se epidemija odvijala paralelno sa Peloponeskim ratom. Kratkoročno, epidemija je izazvala neku vrstu krize organizovanog društva, što ipak nije dovelo do sloma javnog reda i bezvlašća. Nakratko je atinska sposobnost da vodi rat, takođe bila ozbiljno umanjena, i na kopnu i na moru, mada su se Atinjani brzo povratili i započili seriju uglavnom uspešnih vojnih operacija. Dugoročne demografske posledice su bile ozbiljnije, ali njih je teško razdvojiti o uticaja rata na populaciju. Trag koji je epidemija ostavili na atinskoj svesti, kulturi i religiji je naročito teško uočljiv. Savremenici su odlučili da bolest radije predaju zaboravu nego da se s njom kreativno suoče. Ključne reči: Atinska kuga, Peloponeski rat, Tukidid, Sofokle, Kralj Edip, Asklepije.
Our knowledge of the Seleucid Empire has grown immensely during the last century, yet the largest... more Our knowledge of the Seleucid Empire has grown immensely during the last century, yet the largest Hellenistic state remains somewhat elusive. The debate on the fundamentals of its organization, ideology and character is still ongoing. One of the more eccentric attempts to force the issue was that of the renowned American historian and epigraphist Charles Edson, who argued that a solution could be found in works of late, Roman-era authors, since the state of the contemporary sources is allegedly so dire that "no coherent picture of the empire emerges". This assumption led Edson to rely overwhelmingly on the Epitome Historiarum Pompeii Trogi by Justin, a late abbreviation and a rewrite of the world history of Pompeus Trogus, a 1 st century BC Latin historian. Edson's conclusion was that Justin's text reflects the official Seleucid usage, proving, furthermore, that the Seleucid Empire was not a typical dynastic monarchy of the Hellenistic age, but essentially the old Macedonian kingdom replanted in Asia. Edson's thesis was mostly ignored and rejected by scholars, but the issue of Justin's terminology remains. Why does this late epitomator use expressions such as "Macedonicum Imperium" and "Macedonum reges" to describe Seleucids in some parts of his work? Is it simply because the dynasty was of Macedonian descent, or is there more to it? This paper examines terminology utilized by Trogus/Justin to describe Macedonian imperialism and, more specifically, the Seleucid state and rulers, in order to understand the concepts and intentions behind the words.
In the modern perception of the Ancient World the massive slave revolts loom largely. To the mode... more In the modern perception of the Ancient World the massive slave revolts loom largely. To the modern mind, infused, through education and mass media, with notions of sanctity of personal freedom and shamefulness of servitude, there is natural and immediate connection between the institution of slavery and armed, violent resistance to it. Ancient slaves were kept in obviously shameful and degrading state of bondage, therefore they revolted-they must have. In fact, however, large scale slave revolts are actually quite rare in world history and, in the case of Ancient Greece, all examples that one could point to are late and (at least superficially) marginal. If we limit our scope to Classical Greece (5 th and 4 th centuries BC), the slave revolt is virtually non-existent, unless we choose to widen the definition of slaves to include the helots of Sparta and the penests of Thessaly. This paper assumes that Messenian (helot) revolts are a separate (though perhaps related) phenomenon to slave revolts, and focus only on the latter. There are only three known cases of anything resembling a slave revolt (four, if we add the problematic case of the slave uprising of Drimacus, in the 3 nd century BC Chios), and they seem rather minute in their scope and achievement, especially when compared to the contemporary massive slave wars of Roman Sicily and Italy. The paper argues that this absence is not an illusion, created, as one might argue, through a lack of interest or organized silence on the part of ancient authors, but the actual reflection of historical reality. Prospects of success for such endeavor were minimal, while the dangers involved were overwhelming. Specific conditions required for large scale slave uprisings were rarely met in Ancient Greece and consequently the phenomenon itself was rare.
Vojnoistorijski glasnik / Military History Review, 2022
U radu se analizira važna ali uglavnom zaboravljena epizoda antičke vojne istorije: pohod seleuki... more U radu se analizira važna ali uglavnom zaboravljena epizoda antičke vojne istorije: pohod seleukidskog kralja Antioha VII protiv novostvorene imperije Parta (dinastija Arsakida). Vođen 130. i 129. g. p.n.e., bio je to poslednji pokušaj makedonske dinastije Seleukida da sačuva položaj vodeće sile u zapadnoj Aziji, protiv rastuće moći Arsakida koji su postepeno ovladali Iranom, Mesopotamijom i delovima Centralne Azije. Izuzev što je označio definitivan kraj Seleukida kao velike sile, ovaj događaj je važan i zbog posledica koje je imao na partsku vojnu organizaciju i doktrinu. Početak rata bio je obeležen velikim neuspesima partske strane, gubicima bitaka, čitavih armija i velikih teritorija. Partski kralj Fraat II je izvukao odgovarajuće pouke iz poraza i prilagodio svoju vojsku novom načinu ratovanja: umesto vođenja velikih pozicionih bitaka, pobeda je ostvarena taktikom mobilnog rata, iscrpljivanjem neprijatelja i uništavanjem manjih i izolovanih delova njegove armije. U radu se brani teza da su promene do kojih je dovelo iskustvo imale karakter vojne revolucije koja je oblikovala potonji partski način ratovanja. Ovo je bio jedan od najvažnijih faktora u kasnijem partskom uspešnom otporu Rimljanima, a pre svega u najvećem trijumfu u njihovoj vojnoj istoriji: pobedi nad armijom Marka Licinija Krasa kod Kara, 53. g. p.n.e.
Rad istražuje problem istorijskih izvora, okolnosti i karaktera epidemije koja je pogodila Atinu ... more Rad istražuje problem istorijskih izvora, okolnosti i karaktera epidemije koja je pogodila Atinu u prvom godinama Peloponeskog rata (430-426. p.n.e.). Uprkos velikim razmerama ove tragedije, koja je odnela desetine hiljada života, njen trag u pisanim izvorima nije veliki. Klasični atinski pisci nerado govore o epidemiji i radije bi je prepustili zaboravu. Daleko najvažniji i jedini detaljan prikaz bolesti dao je Tukidid u svom Peloponeskom ratu (II 47-54, III 87). U radu se brani stav da je Tukididov opis kuge verodostojan, i u opštim crtima i u pojedinostima, i da su pokušaji da se on modifikuje ili proglasi za fikciju neutemeljeni i metodološki neprihvatljivi. Diskusije o karakteru bolesti i pokušaji njene precizne identifikacije traju već dva veka. Rad stoga razmatra najvažnije teorije, njihove prednosti i teškoće, kao i pitanje zašto se nije došlo do naučnog konsenzusa po ovom pitanju. I posle velike i, bar u nekim aspektima, plodotvorne diskusije, koja je proizvela ogromnu naučnu literaturu, prihvatljivo rešenje nije pronađeno.
The paper examines the context and possible origin of the famous claim made by Thucydides (7.27.5... more The paper examines the context and possible origin of the famous claim made by Thucydides (7.27.5) that, after the Spartan capture of Decelea in 413 BC, "more than twenty thousand" Athenian slaves deserted to the enemy. Older historiography tended to accept this claim at face value and to use it as a basis for wider assumptions about size and socioeconomic importance of slave labor in 5th century Athens. Recent historiography was much more reluctant to believe and generally rejected the number as unreliable guesswork or even a figure of speech. However, there is enough evidence, both direct and circumstantial, that the number may originate from outside of Athens. Not, as it was recently suggested, from the Spartans, but from the Boeotians, who were the main beneficiaries of the Athenian misfortune. The runaway slaves, as it is well known, were bought by Boeotians at very low prices. The sale of slaves was regularly taxed and recorded by the Greek cities, a practice that is sufficiently attest in Classical and Hellenistic periods. Thucydides was generally very well informed about Boeotian affairs and, if the information on numbers of runaway and resoled slaves was recorded in Thebes, it was likely within his reach.
The Attic Manumissions or the “Phialai-Inscriptions” as they are otherwise known, are a large gro... more The Attic Manumissions or the “Phialai-Inscriptions” as they are otherwise known, are a large group of 4th century BC Athenian epigraphic fragments, thirty four in total, dating from ca. 335-320 BC. The fragments were discovered gradually, from the first half of the 19th century to the middle of the 20th, mostly on and around Acropolis. Incomplete as they are in their present state, they nevertheless contain a long and valuable list of former slaves, coupled with their places of residence and the names of their former masters (a recent attempt to reinterpret these documents as a list of non-freedmen metics, assailed in court by the citizen tax-farmers was, in spite of some excellent points, altogether not very convincing and failed to gain general support). In more than one third of all cases (some 168 out of 421) the profession of former slaves is recorded, providing us with valuable insight into slave occupations and socio-economic aspect of slavery in Athens in the second half of the 4th BC.
In the spring of 335 BC, Alexander the Great launched a campaign that led him deep into the inter... more In the spring of 335 BC, Alexander the Great launched a campaign that led him deep into the interior of the Balkans, up to and beyond the banks of Danube. According to Arrian, our main source for these events, the primary reason for the expedition was the safety of Macedonian borders in the context of the planned Asian campaign. However, once this was achieved, new threat arose: three Illyrian tribes went to war against Macedonian king. The brief but bloody Illyrian war that followed is often neglected and/or misunderstood in modern historical literature. This paper offers a reexamination of the available source material and a possible reconstruction of the details of the campaign.
Journal of Classical Studies Matica Srpska 23, 2021
Slavery is one of the most prominent aspects of the ancient Greek civilization, yet exact role of... more Slavery is one of the most prominent aspects of the ancient Greek civilization, yet exact role of slavery in Greek society and economy is still a matter of debate. The example that is most analyzed is Classical Athens, mainly on the account of the comparative abundance of primary sources. However, this wealth of sources is partially deceiving, because it allows scholars to see that slavery was of considerable importance, but only rarely to go beyond this general conclusion. One of the biggest obstacles is the lack of reliable numerical data: how numerous were slaves in ancient Athens, what percentage of the total population they were? This paper analyzes the primary source material that was used to solve the issue, as well as efforts of various scholars in that regard. Our knowledge of Athenian state and society makes fairly obvious that Athenians themselves did not know the number of their slaves. The conclusion is that we cannot ever hope to obtain anything resembling a precise number, but a reasonable range at best. The real number probably fluctuated from decade to decade, depending on rates of slave supply, mortality and manumission.
Rad ispituje prisustvo robova iz jadranskih oblasti u klasičnoj Grčkoj, kao prilog tekućoj debati... more Rad ispituje prisustvo robova iz jadranskih oblasti u klasičnoj Grčkoj, kao prilog tekućoj debati o rasprostranjenosti i opštem značaju ilirskog gusarenja in prehelenističko doba. Tradicionalna istoriografija drži da je postojalo rašireno, zapravo "endemsko" gusarenje od strane Ilira vekovima pre potvrđenih aktivnosti ilirskih gusara u vreme kralja Agrona, u drugoj polovini III veka p.n.e. Ako je ovo zaista bio slučaj, očekivali bismo da je delovanje ovih gusara ostavilo značajan trag na trgovinu robovima u klasično doba. Međutim, ispitivanje raspoloživih izvora (stara atička komedija, prozna književnost, robovski natpisi iz Laurijskih rudnika, atičke stele, liste robova sa Hiosa, atinski pomorski katalozi itd.) pokazuje da je njihovo prisustvo bilo minimalno. Neki robovi poreklom iz Ilirije se spominju na atičkim stelama i praktično nigde drugde, a njihov broj je mali u poređenju sa masama anadolskih i tračkih robova. Sačuvani izvori impliciraju da nije postojao značajniji izvoz robova iz Ilirije u klasično doba i da je, shodno tome, i ilirsko gusarenje imalo relativno skromne razmere.
Rad analizira Nacrt istorije Herberta Džordža Velsa, izvorno publikovan 1919. i 1920. godine, knj... more Rad analizira Nacrt istorije Herberta Džordža Velsa, izvorno publikovan 1919. i 1920. godine, knjigu koja predstavlja najčitaniji i najpopularniji istorijski pregled napisan u XX veku. Ispituju se okolnosti i motivi za nastanak ovog dela, od strane pisca koji nije bio akademski istoričar. Istražuju se i uzroci ogromne popularnosti dela, kao i poreklo i opravdanost preovlađujuće negativne kritičke reakcije ondašnjih profesionalnih istoričara. Izvestan prostor je posvećen i analizi kasnijeg uticaja ovog rada, kao i poruka i zaključaka koje se mogu primeniti na savremene pokušaje pisanja svetske istorije. Ključne reči: H. Dž. Vels, svetska istorija, popularna istorija, masovna edukacija, filozofija istorije, akademska kritika.
The paper offers an analysis of The Outline of History by Herbert George Wells, originally published during 1919 and 1920, the book that is the most popular and well-read historical overview written in the 20th century. The circumstances and motives surrounding the creation of this history of the world are examined, especially considering the fact that it is written by an author who himself was not an academic historian. The causes of enormous popularity of the book are explored, as well as the origin and the justification of the overwhelmingly negative critical reaction by professional historians of the time. A certain space is dedicated to the analysis of the later influence of this work, and the conclusions that can be drawn from it, that are applicable to modern attempts at writing the history of the world. Keywords: H. G. Wells, world history, popular history, mass education, the philosophy of history, academic criticism.
Zbornik Matice srpske za klasične studije / Journal of Classical Studies Matica Srpska 21-22, 2020
Ovaj rad je preglednog karaktera, njegov cilj je da ukratko izloži i objasni novije trendove i pr... more Ovaj rad je preglednog karaktera, njegov cilj je da ukratko izloži i objasni novije trendove i pristupe u istoriografiji o ropstvu u antičkoj Grčkoj. Istoriografska produkcija posvećena ovoj instituciji je ogromna i poslednjih godina se nalazi u fazi značajnog preispitivanja i promene. Studije ropstva tradicionalno nisu uspevale da se odvoje od svog kulturnog, ideološkog, pa i političkog konteksta, i to je i danas čest slučaj. Pojam antičke Grčke u ovom slučaju je shvaćen široko, obuhvatajući arhajsku i klasičnu Grčku, helenističke države, ali i helenofone gradove i zemlje Rimskog carstva. Izvestan prostor u radu je posvećen odnosu između grčkog i bliskoistočnog ropstva. Antičko rimsko ropstvo, s druge strane, predstavlja široko istraživačko područje za sebe, i ono nije direktnije razmatrano u ovom tekstu, izuzev ukoliko istraživački rad u oblasti rimskog ropstva ima direktan uticaj na razumevanje ove institucije u grčkom svetu.
U istoriografiji je dobro poznata uloga Kasandra, Antipatrovog sina, kao osnivača i obnovitelja g... more U istoriografiji je dobro poznata uloga Kasandra, Antipatrovog sina, kao osnivača i obnovitelja gradova. On je obnovio beotsku Tebu i osnovao važne centre Tesaloniku (Solun) i Kasandreju na Halkidiku. Ali, izuzev nekih krajnje specijalističkih radova, u modernoj literaturi se retko konstatuje (ili, uopšte, spominje) da je za vreme njegove vladavine sagrađen grad neobičnog imena, Uranopolis (Οὐρανόπολις, „Nebeski grad“), negde na poluostrvu Atos, ili u neposrednoj blizini. Izvorni podaci koje imamo o ovom gradu su malobrojni i šturi, ponekad i protivrečni, ali svejedno vrlo interesantni. Kao osnivača grada izvori navode Kasandrovog brata Aleksarha, ekscentričnog učenjaka zainteresovanog za pitanja mitologije i kulta. Između ostalog, Aleksarh je sebe nazivao Suncem i izmislio neobičan jezik, koji je koristio u zvaničnoj korespondenciji. U radu se brani stav da podaci o osnivanju Uranopolisa, skromni kakvi jesu, ipak pružaju izvestan uvid u motive i procese koji stoje iza osnivanja gradova, te da se osnivanje ovog grada sasvim uklapa u njegov istorijski kontekst i državnu politiku Kasandra.
This paper examines the outcome of the battle of Corupedium in 281 BC, focusing on one of its imp... more This paper examines the outcome of the battle of Corupedium in 281 BC, focusing on one of its important but neglected aspects: the fate of the defeated army of Lysimachus. An explanation is built around the hypothesis that it was neither annihilated on the battlefield nor disbanded after battle – the analogies with other great battles of the early Hellenistic period speak firmly against either solution. There is indirect evidence that large remnants of the defeated force remained in the service of Seleucus I and Ptolemy Ceraunus, and continued to play a role in the power struggle and wars of the years 281-275 BC. Some of the more confusing events and political decisions of the time are made easier to understand and interpret if the presence of the core Macedonian troops of the former army of Lysimachus’ is assumed.
U radu se ispituju okolnosti izbijanja tzv. Ahajskog rata (146. godine pre n.e.), i raspuštanja A... more U radu se ispituju okolnosti izbijanja tzv. Ahajskog rata (146. godine pre n.e.), i raspuštanja Ahajskog saveza od strane Rimljana. Uzroci ovih događaja, motivi i objašnjenja koji su stajali iza njih, predmet su konfuzije i neslaganja među istoričarima. Razlog za to je problematičan, ponegde i kontradiktoran, karakter glavnih izvora, XXXVIII knjige Istorija Polibija iz Megalepolisa i Pausanijinog Opisa Helade. U ovom radu se brani stav da je Ahajski rat u svojoj suštini bio nenajavljeni rimski napad na federaciju koja je pokazivala, prema rimskim shvatanjima, preveliku težnju ka nezavisnoj politici. I Polibije i Pausanija (čiji se prikaz oslanja na Polibija) opisuju i tumače događaje iz perspektive u kojoj preovlađuju izrazito prorimski tonovi. Polibije nije bio u stanju (možda ni u mogućnosti) da prevaziđe političke i ideološke prepreke koje su stajale na putu nepristrasne analize događaja. Kao i na drugim mestima u svom delu, on je izbegao kao neprihvatljivu svaku snažniju kritiku rimske države, njenih predstavnika i njihovih postupaka. Umesto toga, čitaocu se nudi protivurečno izlaganje, u kojem dolazi do zamene uzroka i posledica, agresor se prikazuje kao neutralna i dobronamerna strana, a krivica za rat se prebacuje na žrtve.
The End of the Achaean League
The paper examines the circumstances surrounding the beginning of the so-called Achaean war (146 BC) and the subsequent dissolution of the Achaean league by the Romans. The causes of these events, motives and explanations behind them are a source of confusion and disagreement for modern historians. The main reason for this is rather problematic, occasionally even contradictory, nature of the main sources, the book 38 of Polybius’ Histories and a segment of the book 7 of Pausanias’ Description of Hellas. In this paper the claim is made that the Achaean war was essentially a Roman surprise attack directed against a federation of city-states that displayed tendency for independence that was far too strong, at least from the Roman standpoint. Both Polybius and Pausanias (whose account is
based on Polybius) describe and interpret events from a position that is distinctively pro-Roman. Polybius was not able to surmount political and ideological obstacles that stood in the way of objective analysis of the events. As in other places in his work, he decided that any serious critique of the Roman state, its representatives and their actions, is something completely unacceptable. Instead, the reader is presented with a contradictory narrative in which causes and effects switched places, the aggressor is painted as a neutral and well-meaning party, while the victims are forced to take the blame.
The paper presents a publication of 21 ancient Latin and Greek inscriptions or fragments of insc... more The paper presents a publication of 21 ancient Latin and Greek inscriptions or fragments of inscriptions from the National Museum in Belgrade. Some of these were discovered in the present-day Serbia and Macedonia, but for the most of them the exact find spots are unknown. The majority of the fragments are published for the first time. Those that are republished are presented with new and improved readings and comments.
This paper discusses two Greek inscriptions found in the modern-day Montenegro, in the coastal to... more This paper discusses two Greek inscriptions found in the modern-day Montenegro, in the coastal towns of Perast and Ulcinj. Already at the time of their initial publications the inscriptions were recognized as valuable historical documents. In spite of this, their usage as historical sources was limited, because their proper geographical and chronological context was lacking. In this paper we offer updated reading and interpretation of the texts, as well as an alternative dating to those that have been proposed previously. The dedication (?) from Perast was erected by peripoloi (patrolmen) and must have originated from a Greek speaking town along the southern Adriatic. The altar from Ulcinj, dedicated to Artemis Elaphabolos (the Deer Slayer), was made by an association of stone-cutters, who must have come from a Doric speaking settlement. The combined weight of paleographical, linguistic and historical evidence points to the later date for the inscriptions than it was previously assumed, most likely ca. 1st century BC.
Lj. Maksimović, M. Ricl, ΤΗ ΠΡΟΣΦΙΛΕΣΤΑΤΗ ΚΑΙ ΠΑΝΤΑ ΑΡΙΣΤΗ ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑΡΧΙΣΣΗ: Students and Colleagues for Professor Fanoula Papazoglou (International Conference, Belgrade, October 17-18, 2017), 2018
Demetrius Poliorcetes spent seven years of his turbulent life as the king of Macedonia and the ru... more Demetrius Poliorcetes spent seven years of his turbulent life as the king of Macedonia and the ruler of a large part of Greece. Two sources by the same author, Plutarh of Chaeronea (the biography of Poliorcestes himself and that of his protégé and nemesis, Pyrrhus of Epirus), credit the king with extensive military preparations that allegedly resulted in the creation of one of the largest military and naval forces in the Ancient history. Supposedly, in the final years of his reign, Poliorcetes commanded power that dwarfed that of Philip II and rivaled the strength of Alexander the Great. Strangely, when the actual conflict finally began, these forces suddenly disappear from the narrative. Modern historians, although generally highly skeptical of military and population figures asserted by ancient authors, showed surprising tendency to believe Plutarch’s claims and to build wider theories around them. Thus, the grand army Poliorcetes allegedly built was heavily used as an argument in the debate surrounding the effects of Alexander’s conquest on Macedonia proper, and the demography of Macedonia in the 3rd century BC. Few scholars made attempts to question these figures, in spite of strong reasons to do so, and in spite of the fact that several ancient sources – including Plutarch’s biographies themselves! – do supply information that directly contradicts these claims. In this paper I claim that the whole story of Poliorcetes’ exceptional military preparations for the alleged reconquest of his father’s Asian Empire, as well as the very size of the supposed army, should be rejected as false, as is already the case with many such episodes in writings of Plutarch.
M. Tomorad (ur.), Slavne žene stare povijesti: životi žena u društvima starog svijeta, 2018
Poglavlje daje pregled osnovnih znanja o životu žena u antičkoj Grčkoj, perspektivama iz kojih su... more Poglavlje daje pregled osnovnih znanja o životu žena u antičkoj Grčkoj, perspektivama iz kojih su antički ljudi gledali na žene i njihove probleme, te mestu koje se žene imale u porodici, društvu, politici, kultu i umetničkom stvaralaštvu.
The book about the life of women in the ancient world. The publication is divided into five chapt... more The book about the life of women in the ancient world. The publication is divided into five chapters which covers 28 different topics. Book will have around 370 pages with more then 250 illustrations.
Peter Hunt, Ancient Greek and Roman Slavery, Wiley Blackwell, Malden 2018, xv + 248 str.
David M... more Peter Hunt, Ancient Greek and Roman Slavery, Wiley Blackwell, Malden 2018, xv + 248 str. David M. Lewis, Greek Slave Systems in Their Eastern Mediterranean Context, c. 800 – 146 BC, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2018, xii + 372 str. John Bodel, Walter Scheidel (ur.), On Human Bondage. After Slavery and Social Death, Wiley Blackwell, Malden 2017, xiii + 314 str.
Politička istorija helenističkog Peloponeza: Ioanna Kralli, The Hellenistic Peloponnese: Intersta... more Politička istorija helenističkog Peloponeza: Ioanna Kralli, The Hellenistic Peloponnese: Interstate Relations. A Narrative and Analytic History from the Fourth Century to 146, The Classical Press of Wales, Swansea 2017; pp. xxxiv+557. ISBN: 978-1-910589-60-1.
Adrian Goldsworthy, The Fall of the West. The Death of the Roman Superpower, Orion Books LTD, Lon... more Adrian Goldsworthy, The Fall of the West. The Death of the Roman Superpower, Orion Books LTD, London, 2010, pp. X+531; Peter Heather, The Fall of the Roman Empire, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005, XVI+576; Bryan Ward-Perkins, The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006, pp. VI+239 (Review).
Papers by Nemanja Vujcic
Ključne reči: Atinska kuga, Peloponeski rat, Tukidid, Sofokle, Kralj Edip, Asklepije.
still a matter of debate. The example that is most analyzed is Classical Athens, mainly on the account of the comparative abundance of primary sources. However, this wealth of sources is partially deceiving, because it allows scholars to see that slavery was of considerable importance, but only rarely to go beyond this general conclusion. One of the biggest obstacles is the lack of reliable numerical data: how numerous were slaves in ancient Athens, what percentage of the total population they were? This paper analyzes the primary source material that was used to solve the issue, as well as efforts of various scholars in that regard. Our knowledge of Athenian state and society makes fairly obvious that
Athenians themselves did not know the number of their slaves. The conclusion is that we cannot ever hope to obtain anything resembling a precise number, but a reasonable range at best. The real number probably fluctuated from decade to decade, depending on rates of slave supply, mortality and manumission.
Ključne reči: H. Dž. Vels, svetska istorija, popularna istorija, masovna edukacija, filozofija istorije, akademska kritika.
The paper offers an analysis of The Outline of History by Herbert George Wells, originally published during 1919 and 1920, the book that is the most popular and well-read historical overview written in the 20th century. The circumstances and motives surrounding the creation of this history of the world are examined, especially considering the fact that it is written by an author who himself was not an academic historian. The causes of enormous popularity of the book are explored, as well as the origin and the justification of the overwhelmingly negative critical reaction by professional historians of the time. A certain space is dedicated to the analysis of the later influence of this work, and the conclusions that can be drawn from it, that are applicable to modern attempts at writing the history of the world.
Keywords: H. G. Wells, world history, popular history, mass education, the philosophy of history, academic criticism.
The End of the Achaean League
The paper examines the circumstances surrounding the beginning of the so-called Achaean war (146 BC) and the subsequent dissolution of the Achaean league by the Romans. The causes of these events, motives and explanations behind them are a source of confusion and disagreement for modern historians. The main reason for this is rather problematic, occasionally even contradictory, nature of the main sources, the book 38 of Polybius’ Histories and a segment of the book 7 of Pausanias’ Description of Hellas. In this paper the claim is made that the Achaean war was essentially a Roman surprise attack directed against a federation of city-states that displayed tendency for independence that was far too strong, at least from the Roman standpoint. Both Polybius and Pausanias (whose account is
based on Polybius) describe and interpret events from a position that is distinctively pro-Roman. Polybius was not able to surmount political and ideological obstacles that stood in the way of objective analysis of the events. As in other places in his work, he decided that any serious critique of the Roman state, its representatives and their actions, is something completely unacceptable. Instead, the reader is presented with a contradictory narrative in which causes and effects switched places, the aggressor is painted as a neutral and well-meaning party, while the victims are forced to take the blame.
dating to those that have been proposed previously. The dedication (?) from Perast was erected by peripoloi (patrolmen)
and must have originated from a Greek speaking town along the southern Adriatic. The altar from Ulcinj, dedicated to Artemis Elaphabolos (the Deer Slayer), was made by an association of stone-cutters, who must have come from a Doric speaking settlement. The combined weight of paleographical, linguistic and historical evidence points to the later date for the inscriptions than it was previously assumed, most likely ca. 1st century BC.
Ključne reči: Atinska kuga, Peloponeski rat, Tukidid, Sofokle, Kralj Edip, Asklepije.
still a matter of debate. The example that is most analyzed is Classical Athens, mainly on the account of the comparative abundance of primary sources. However, this wealth of sources is partially deceiving, because it allows scholars to see that slavery was of considerable importance, but only rarely to go beyond this general conclusion. One of the biggest obstacles is the lack of reliable numerical data: how numerous were slaves in ancient Athens, what percentage of the total population they were? This paper analyzes the primary source material that was used to solve the issue, as well as efforts of various scholars in that regard. Our knowledge of Athenian state and society makes fairly obvious that
Athenians themselves did not know the number of their slaves. The conclusion is that we cannot ever hope to obtain anything resembling a precise number, but a reasonable range at best. The real number probably fluctuated from decade to decade, depending on rates of slave supply, mortality and manumission.
Ključne reči: H. Dž. Vels, svetska istorija, popularna istorija, masovna edukacija, filozofija istorije, akademska kritika.
The paper offers an analysis of The Outline of History by Herbert George Wells, originally published during 1919 and 1920, the book that is the most popular and well-read historical overview written in the 20th century. The circumstances and motives surrounding the creation of this history of the world are examined, especially considering the fact that it is written by an author who himself was not an academic historian. The causes of enormous popularity of the book are explored, as well as the origin and the justification of the overwhelmingly negative critical reaction by professional historians of the time. A certain space is dedicated to the analysis of the later influence of this work, and the conclusions that can be drawn from it, that are applicable to modern attempts at writing the history of the world.
Keywords: H. G. Wells, world history, popular history, mass education, the philosophy of history, academic criticism.
The End of the Achaean League
The paper examines the circumstances surrounding the beginning of the so-called Achaean war (146 BC) and the subsequent dissolution of the Achaean league by the Romans. The causes of these events, motives and explanations behind them are a source of confusion and disagreement for modern historians. The main reason for this is rather problematic, occasionally even contradictory, nature of the main sources, the book 38 of Polybius’ Histories and a segment of the book 7 of Pausanias’ Description of Hellas. In this paper the claim is made that the Achaean war was essentially a Roman surprise attack directed against a federation of city-states that displayed tendency for independence that was far too strong, at least from the Roman standpoint. Both Polybius and Pausanias (whose account is
based on Polybius) describe and interpret events from a position that is distinctively pro-Roman. Polybius was not able to surmount political and ideological obstacles that stood in the way of objective analysis of the events. As in other places in his work, he decided that any serious critique of the Roman state, its representatives and their actions, is something completely unacceptable. Instead, the reader is presented with a contradictory narrative in which causes and effects switched places, the aggressor is painted as a neutral and well-meaning party, while the victims are forced to take the blame.
dating to those that have been proposed previously. The dedication (?) from Perast was erected by peripoloi (patrolmen)
and must have originated from a Greek speaking town along the southern Adriatic. The altar from Ulcinj, dedicated to Artemis Elaphabolos (the Deer Slayer), was made by an association of stone-cutters, who must have come from a Doric speaking settlement. The combined weight of paleographical, linguistic and historical evidence points to the later date for the inscriptions than it was previously assumed, most likely ca. 1st century BC.
David M. Lewis, Greek Slave Systems in Their Eastern Mediterranean Context, c. 800 – 146 BC, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2018, xii + 372 str.
John Bodel, Walter Scheidel (ur.), On Human Bondage. After Slavery and Social Death,
Wiley Blackwell, Malden 2017, xiii + 314 str.