Pau Bori holds a Ph.D. in linguistic communication and multilingual mediation from the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. He is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Pompeu Fabra University. His main areas of interest and research are language education, critical pedagogy, textbook analysis and translation. Address: Serbia
Les reformes d'aquestes últimes dècades derivades del procés de Bolonya han inserit cada vegada m... more Les reformes d'aquestes últimes dècades derivades del procés de Bolonya han inserit cada vegada més la universitat europea dins un règim de capitalisme acadèmic, segons el qual l'educació superior i la recerca se supediten a interessos mercantils. Amb l'enfocament teòric de l'anàlisi crítica del discurs, examinem un dels aspectes clau d'aquest nou règim als webs de les set universitats públiques de Catalunya: el vincle entre universitat i empresa. Desenvolupem primer una anàlisi descriptiva del contingut, els agents empresarials, els idiomes i el llenguatge que hi apareixen. La segona fase de l'anàlisi, de caràcter qualitatiu, determina els principals temes i significats que sorgeixen i, a la vegada, posa al descobert les ideologies inherents en el discurs. Els resultats demostren que el discurs universitari analitzat adopta un llenguatge empresarial que celebra l'emprenedoria i la competitivitat. Argumentem que aquest discurs contribueix a construir des de l'interior de la universitat una visió del món determinada, segons la qual els coneixements vàlids són els transferibles al mercat, els investigadors esdevenen emprenedors potencials i l'educació superior i la recerca han d'estar al servei de l'esfera productiva capitalista. L'article conclou amb una crida a qüestionar la vinculació de la universitat pública amb l'empresa i a obrir viaranys per a alliberar la universitat de l'hegemonia neoliberal que hi ha actualment.
Paraules clau: capitalisme acadèmic, universitat pública de Catalunya, llocs web, neoliberalisme, emprenedoria, anàlisi crítica del discurs.
Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 20 (3), 2023
Academic capitalism is about how progressively more academic activity is valued accordin... more Abstract Academic capitalism is about how progressively more academic activity is valued according to its capacity to accumulate human, financial and corporate capital. It is on the increase in Higher Education (HE) worldwide and in this article we examine its implantation in Catalan universities. We begin with an exploration of the bigger picture, focussing on the impacts of neoliberalism on HE worldwide, leading to the arrival of the ‘toxic university,’ as part of the rise of academic capitalism. We then provide a critical account of these transformations in European universities. Against this backdrop, we examine the webpages of state-run universities in Catalonia, highlighting their relationships with the business sector. Our key finding is that academic capitalism is alive and well in the construction of a certain worldview within these universities, according to which knowledge is only valid if it is marketable, researchers are entrepreneurs and HE and research are at the service of global capitalism and neoliberal rationalities. We conclude with comments on possible remedies in the current situation, arguing that any measures taken on a local level are not likely to be transformative if nothing is done to change how the global economy functions.________________________________________________________________________
In the past decades, neoliberalism has permeated (foreign) language education, as has b... more ABSTRACT
In the past decades, neoliberalism has permeated (foreign) language education, as has been discussed by critical research in the fields of: curriculum theory, applied linguistics, discourse analysis, language policy, language assessment, to name a few. Despite the fact that research on foreign language education and neoliberalism is certainly growing, less attention has been paid to actual “ways out” or alternatives to neoliberal foreign language education. This introductory paper delineates the domain and scope of the present Special Issue entitled “Alternatives to Neoliberal Foreign Language Education.” The paper critically discusses three discourses/processes that are key to understanding the effects of neoliberalism in language education worldwide: language as skill, standardization and profit, and devaluing education. Then, it moves to briefly introduce each of the four remaining papers, which critically discuss alternatives to neoliberal foreign language education in different countries. The full issue hopes to contribute to critical research in the field of foreign language education and neoliberalism but, more importantly, to the search for feasible alternatives that help us move from negative critique of the current situation of foreign language education to actual praxis with a view to transforming it.
Resumen. Basándose en los principios de la pedagogía crítica, el presente artículo presenta un es... more Resumen. Basándose en los principios de la pedagogía crítica, el presente artículo presenta un estudio de una investigación acción en un aula de español como lengua extranjera (ELE) de la Universidad de Belgrado que tiene como objetivo desafiar la tendencia instrumental dominante en la educación de idiomas extranjeros en tiempos de neoliberalismo. Para ello, hemos elaborado una propuesta didáctica contrahegemónica y disidente que busca convertir el aula de ELE en un espacio de diálogo y reflexión sobre nuestra realidad social y así ayudar a los estudiantes a convertirse en ciudadanos críticos. Los resultados de la implementación de la propuesta didáctica en el aula demuestran que sus beneficios van más allá de los aspectos lingüísticos hacia el desarrollo de una conciencia crítica entre el alumnado. Palabras clave Español como lengua extranjera (ELE); pedagogía crítica; conciencia crítica; propuesta didáctica; investigación acción.
The Routledge Handbook of Materials Development for Language Teaching, 2022
This chapter discusses critical approaches in the examination of representation in language cours... more This chapter discusses critical approaches in the examination of representation in language coursebooks in an effort to debunk two educational myths in relation to language teaching materials: the notions that they are neutral and apolitical. First, a review of the main concerns of critical research on representation in language coursebooks is presented. The chapter then advocates for a turn to political economy in the studies of representation in language materials. Political economy refers to the relationships between social, political and economic factors within a capitalist economy. Later, an example of critical analysis of representations in language coursebooks from a political economy perspective is provided. In particular, the analysis is based on a sample of Catalan language coursebooks and the specific concern will be on the representation of housing, against the backdrop of the recent political and economic transformations in Spain in this area. The chapter concludes with suggestions to researchers, materials developers, publishers, teachers and teacher educators interested in applying critical approaches in language education.
Este artículo adopta una perspectiva política y económica para explorar la evolución de las repre... more Este artículo adopta una perspectiva política y económica para explorar la evolución de las representaciones del mundo laboral en los libros de texto del español como lengua extranjera (ELE) desde mediados de los setenta hasta la actualidad. Utilizando
Cilj ovog rada je da predstavi istorijski, politički i društveni kontekst razvoja katalonskog jez... more Cilj ovog rada je da predstavi istorijski, politički i društveni kontekst razvoja katalonskog jezika, kao i sociolingvističku situaciju u tzv. katalonskim zemljama. Ovaj razvoj predstavljen je iz hronološke perspektive, od ranog srednjeg veka, preko perioda teritorijalne ekspanzije Katalonije i Zlatnog doba katalonske kulture i književnosti (XV vek), sve do gubitka političke i jezičke autonomije (XVIII vek), te jezičke i kulturne obnove (druga polovina XIX vek) i standardizacije jezika (u prvoj polovini XX veka), sve do progona katalonskog u vreme frankizma (druga polovina XX veka). Na kraju, predstavljena je savremena sociolingvistička situacija na teritorijama gde se govori katalonski jezik, u kontekstu novih demografskih, političkih i socio-ekonomskih tendencija.
El artículo explora la penetración de la racionalidad neoliberal en materiales didácticos de espa... more El artículo explora la penetración de la racionalidad neoliberal en materiales didácticos de español como lengua extranjera. Muestra como los libros de texto actuales priorizan y promueven el modelo antropológico neoliberal, el “empresario de sí mismo”, en sus representaciones de la realidad y en las actividades para los aprendices. Esa visión del mundo contrasta con la de una popular colección de libros de texto de los setenta, que mostraba la división en clases sociales y el conflicto existente entre ellas. Cierran el artículo las implicaciones del estudio y recomendaciones para docentes interesados en adoptar una perspectiva crítica en el aula.
This article examines the discursive representations of the social class in two series of Spanish... more This article examines the discursive representations of the social class in two series of Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) textbooks published in two different periods: the 1970s and the second decade of the 21 st century. A critical discourse analysis was carried out to reveal the ideological connotations of textbooks in their views of the individual and society. The results show that the collection from the 1970s, influenced by Marxist approaches, places great emphasis on the division of society into two antagonistic classes: the capitalists and the working class. On the other hand, the most recent textbooks, published in a consolidation phase of neoliberalism, camouflage the existence of a class society and echo the dominant meritocratic discourse, according to which each person can accomplish their aims and fulfill their objectives, regardless of the structural inequalities of the system.
Anali Filološkog Fakulteta [Annals of the Faculty of Philology], 2020
El presente artículo realiza un recorrido por la historia de la enseñanza del catalán-y de los es... more El presente artículo realiza un recorrido por la historia de la enseñanza del catalán-y de los estudios catalanes en general-en los países de fuera del dominio lingüístico catalán. Empieza con los orígenes de la catalanística internacional para relatar, a continuación, la introducción de los estudios catalanes en las primeras universidades extranjeras a principios del siglo XX y su posterior expansión a lo largo del siglo pasado, especialmentea partir del final de la dictadura franquista. Más adelante, se muestra como la creación en 2002 del InstitutRamonLlull amplió aún más el número de centros en el mundo que ofrecen estudios catalanes y se cartografía el estado actual de esta disciplina a nivel global. El artículo, además, señala la situación paradójica de la lengua catalana, queen el interior de sus fronteras lingüísticassufre en unas circunstancias anómalas, mientras que fuera de su dominio lingüístico los estudios catalanes gozan deuna notable vitalidad.
Palabras claves: enseñanza de lenguas; catalán como lengua extranjera; estudios catalanes;catalanística; InstitutRamonLlull
While there is a growing body of scholarship on the neoliberal content of global English textbook... more While there is a growing body of scholarship on the neoliberal content of global English textbooks, the ways in which these commercial materials come to life in teaching and learning practices are still under researched. Drawing on a critical ethnographic account of two English courses for unemployed students in a private language school in Serbia, this paper examines the beliefs and actions of teachers and students in regard to English language education and the global textbooks they use. The results suggest that many views about the English language courses and their textbooks in this case study are deeply shaped by the broader socioeconomic context of neoliberalism. Furthermore, the neoliberalism featured in the textbook motivates students to learn English and to transform themselves into suitable citizens and workers for the current economic order. In this way, the global textbook becomes one of the many tools that neoliberalism uses to reproduce itself. This paper argues that the present state of affairs is not an inevitable and desirable one and calls for implementing alternative approaches to the dominant neoliberal conception of English language education.
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the growing body of literature critically analysing... more The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the growing body of literature critically analysing the relation between neoliberalism and the global English Language Teaching (ELT) textbook with a new perspective. In this study, neoliberalism is regarded not only as an economic policy paradigm, but especially in a Foucauldian way, as a form of governmentality, with its emphasis on the responsibilisation of the self and the creation of a certain kind of subjectivity, related to the entrepreneurial-consumerist concept of society. The paper examines two best-selling global UK-produced English language textbooks. I develop a qualitative content analysis to explore in which way and to what extent these textbooks reflect, legitimate and reproduce neoliberal governmen-tality. The findings of the analysis suggest that the global ELT textbook not only presents a particular neoliberal worldview as common sense, but also encourages students to implement techniques of self-government to become entrepreneurial individuals and responsible consumers. In light of that, the paper concludes by arguing that the global ELT textbook may be regarded as a tool to extend and support the expansion of neoliberal governmentality in today's society.
En comparar els manuals de diferents llengües estrangeres, descobrim que tots estan dissenyats so... more En comparar els manuals de diferents llengües estrangeres, descobrim que tots estan dissenyats sota un mateix patró. No importa si és un manual global d’anglès publicat per una gran editorial britànica, un d’espanyol com a llengua estrangera o un de català per a immigrants. Els seus continguts i activitats acaben essent sempre molt similars. S’hi construeix una visió del món que sembla sorgir d’un conte de fades capitalista. Les vides de famosos rics i les històries d’emprenedors d’èxit es combinen amb viatges a destinacions llunyanes, apartaments de luxe i cotxes nous. És una realitat plena de fotos espectaculars i cares somrients, sense pobresa, que ofereix la possibilitat de tenir feines extraordinàries, viatjar per tot el planeta i viure en fantàstiques cases. Es tracta, evidentment, d’un món inabastable per a la gran majoria de la població, però els manuals d’idiomes proporcionen instruments als aprenents per covar la il·lusió de poder convertir-se algun dia en feliços ciutadans d’aquesta utopia capitalista.
Aquest article examina críticament llibres de text de català per a no catalanoparlants adults de ... more Aquest article examina críticament llibres de text de català per a no catalanoparlants adults de les darreres quatre dècades des d'una perspectiva que situa la política econòmica i el neoliberalisme en el centre del seu interès. En concret, analitzem el contingut relacionat amb el món del treball als llibres de text de dos períodes diferenciats en la història de l'ensenyament del català com a segona llengua: la dècada dels vuitanta i el moment actual. Els resultats indiquen una gran transformació en les representacions del món laboral. Als anys vuitanta, s'hi presen-ta un punt de vista de classe treballadora que emfatitza problemes laborals col·lectius. El tre-ball hi és vist com a quelcom pesat i insatisfactori, situat en el marc d'unes relacions antagòni-ques d'explotació laboral. En canvi, els llibres de text actuals prioritzen una visió individualista de la feina, desvinculada de qualsevol conflicte col·lectiu o desigualtat estructu-ral. Pràctiques neoliberals com l'emprenedoria, la flexibilitat i la responsabilitat personal hi apareixen com desitjables, sense que s'hi mencionin els seus eventuals aspectes negatius o li-mitacions. En conjunt, els llibres de text d'avui dia situen l'aprenent dins un nou ordre laboral altament idealitzat, ple d'oportunitats per a la seva satisfacció personal i professional. Aquests resultats poden contribuir a fer que el professorat d'idiomes prengui cons cièn cia de la natura-lesa neoliberal de molts dels materials didàctics actuals. Al mateix temps, l'article també des-taca la necessitat d'introduir qüestions de política econòmica i referències al neoliberalisme en la investigació crítica en sociolingüística i lingüística aplicada. Paraules clau: llibre de text d'ensenyament d'idiomes, català com a segona llengua, neoli-beralisme, política econòmica, ocupació i relacions laborals, crisi econòmica.
This paper critically examines Catalan language textbooks for non-Catalan adult speakers over the last four decades from a perspective that puts political economy and neoliberalism at the center of the research. Specifically, we analyze the work-related content in textbooks from two different moments in the history of teaching Catalan as a second language — the 1980s and the present time. Findings indicate a great shift in representations of the world of work. In the 1980s, textbooks feature a working-class perspective that emphasizes collective labor problems. Work is seen as burdensome and unsatisfactory, rooted in antagonistic relations of labor exploitation. By contrast, current language textbooks prioritize an individualist view of work, disconnected from any labor collective conflict or structural inequality. Neoliberal practices such as entrepreneurship, flexibility and self-responsibility appear in a positive way without mentioning their negative aspects or limitations. All in all, textbooks situate students within a new work order highly idealized, full of opportunities for their personal and professional satisfaction. The findings of this paper may contribute to making language teachers aware of the neoliberal content of many current language teaching materials. Furthermore, the paper also highlights the need to introduce questions of political economy and references to neoliberalism in critical applied and sociolinguistics research.
“Rethinking Alternatives to Neoliberal Education”. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Critical Education (Athens, 28th June – 2nd July 2017).., 2019
The purpose of this paper is to analyze in what way neoliberal ideology, transformed into the new... more The purpose of this paper is to analyze in what way neoliberal ideology, transformed into the new common sense of our times, finds expression in second language textbooks. More precisely, this study examines the topic of housing in a sample of Catalan language textbooks in relation to neoliberal economic practices and values. Catalan language textbooks are mainly addressed to foreign adults living in Catalonia, most of them belonging to the working class. Texts propose a task-based communicative approach through situations that learners supposedly find in their everyday lives. The results suggest that textbooks emphasize the commodification of housing, especially through the central role of banks in the residential sector, and the naturalization of mortgages as the only possible solution to providing decent housing. On the other hand, textbooks do not give any reference to the causes and effects of the Spanish housing bubble and its collapse in 2008, such as the eviction of thousands of insolvent mortgage debtors, most of them workers. Furthermore, tasks and activities often prepare students for the roles of consumers and bank clients in Catalan society. The study concludes that Catalan textbooks arise as disseminators of neoliberal ideology, in a similar way to that in which the great majority of Western foreign language textbooks today align with the values and practices of neoliberalism.
This is chapter 7 from: Bori, P. (2018). Language Textbooks in the era of Neoliberalism. London:... more This is chapter 7 from: Bori, P. (2018). Language Textbooks in the era of Neoliberalism. London: Routledge.
Within the framework of critical pedagogy theory and using critical discourse analysis, the purpo... more Within the framework of critical pedagogy theory and using critical discourse analysis, the purpose of this article is to examine how tourism discourse is constructed and what ideological forces are manifested in foreign language textbooks. To that end, six series of Catalan language textbooks are critically examined through an analysis based on main themes, genres and perspectives. Findings indicate the relevance of tourism discourse in textbooks, which occurs mainly through autobiographical narratives, promotional texts and commercial-oriented genres. Further, this paper argues that four main perspectives are embedded in tourism discourse in the textbooks examined: (a) consumerism; (b) superficial cosmopolitanism; (c) a dominant rationality related to the neoliberal capitalist economy; and (d) culture as a commodity. The article ends with a call to language teaching professionals to be more aware of the ideological underpinning of textbooks.
This paper examines the representations of immigrant characters in Catalan as a Second Language t... more This paper examines the representations of immigrant characters in Catalan as a Second Language textbooks for adults. We aim to identify differences in portraying what we call Western and non-Western immigrants, applying the theory and procedures of critical discourse analysis. Firstly, we investigate how immigrant characters' identity is shaped in textbooks by social class, age and gender. Secondly, we focus on the way in which immigrant characters with a major presence in textbooks are portrayed, through the analysis of immigrant stories. This study reveals that Western newcomers are always portrayed as part of the upper/middle class while non-Westerners are represented as working class members. On the other hand, non-Western immigrants are characterized by physical or gender stereotypes, while Western immigrants have positive attributes. We also found an idyllic representation of reality, together with an absence of cultural comparisons or information about immigrant countries of origin.
Les reformes d'aquestes últimes dècades derivades del procés de Bolonya han inserit cada vegada m... more Les reformes d'aquestes últimes dècades derivades del procés de Bolonya han inserit cada vegada més la universitat europea dins un règim de capitalisme acadèmic, segons el qual l'educació superior i la recerca se supediten a interessos mercantils. Amb l'enfocament teòric de l'anàlisi crítica del discurs, examinem un dels aspectes clau d'aquest nou règim als webs de les set universitats públiques de Catalunya: el vincle entre universitat i empresa. Desenvolupem primer una anàlisi descriptiva del contingut, els agents empresarials, els idiomes i el llenguatge que hi apareixen. La segona fase de l'anàlisi, de caràcter qualitatiu, determina els principals temes i significats que sorgeixen i, a la vegada, posa al descobert les ideologies inherents en el discurs. Els resultats demostren que el discurs universitari analitzat adopta un llenguatge empresarial que celebra l'emprenedoria i la competitivitat. Argumentem que aquest discurs contribueix a construir des de l'interior de la universitat una visió del món determinada, segons la qual els coneixements vàlids són els transferibles al mercat, els investigadors esdevenen emprenedors potencials i l'educació superior i la recerca han d'estar al servei de l'esfera productiva capitalista. L'article conclou amb una crida a qüestionar la vinculació de la universitat pública amb l'empresa i a obrir viaranys per a alliberar la universitat de l'hegemonia neoliberal que hi ha actualment.
Paraules clau: capitalisme acadèmic, universitat pública de Catalunya, llocs web, neoliberalisme, emprenedoria, anàlisi crítica del discurs.
Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 20 (3), 2023
Academic capitalism is about how progressively more academic activity is valued accordin... more Abstract Academic capitalism is about how progressively more academic activity is valued according to its capacity to accumulate human, financial and corporate capital. It is on the increase in Higher Education (HE) worldwide and in this article we examine its implantation in Catalan universities. We begin with an exploration of the bigger picture, focussing on the impacts of neoliberalism on HE worldwide, leading to the arrival of the ‘toxic university,’ as part of the rise of academic capitalism. We then provide a critical account of these transformations in European universities. Against this backdrop, we examine the webpages of state-run universities in Catalonia, highlighting their relationships with the business sector. Our key finding is that academic capitalism is alive and well in the construction of a certain worldview within these universities, according to which knowledge is only valid if it is marketable, researchers are entrepreneurs and HE and research are at the service of global capitalism and neoliberal rationalities. We conclude with comments on possible remedies in the current situation, arguing that any measures taken on a local level are not likely to be transformative if nothing is done to change how the global economy functions.________________________________________________________________________
In the past decades, neoliberalism has permeated (foreign) language education, as has b... more ABSTRACT
In the past decades, neoliberalism has permeated (foreign) language education, as has been discussed by critical research in the fields of: curriculum theory, applied linguistics, discourse analysis, language policy, language assessment, to name a few. Despite the fact that research on foreign language education and neoliberalism is certainly growing, less attention has been paid to actual “ways out” or alternatives to neoliberal foreign language education. This introductory paper delineates the domain and scope of the present Special Issue entitled “Alternatives to Neoliberal Foreign Language Education.” The paper critically discusses three discourses/processes that are key to understanding the effects of neoliberalism in language education worldwide: language as skill, standardization and profit, and devaluing education. Then, it moves to briefly introduce each of the four remaining papers, which critically discuss alternatives to neoliberal foreign language education in different countries. The full issue hopes to contribute to critical research in the field of foreign language education and neoliberalism but, more importantly, to the search for feasible alternatives that help us move from negative critique of the current situation of foreign language education to actual praxis with a view to transforming it.
Resumen. Basándose en los principios de la pedagogía crítica, el presente artículo presenta un es... more Resumen. Basándose en los principios de la pedagogía crítica, el presente artículo presenta un estudio de una investigación acción en un aula de español como lengua extranjera (ELE) de la Universidad de Belgrado que tiene como objetivo desafiar la tendencia instrumental dominante en la educación de idiomas extranjeros en tiempos de neoliberalismo. Para ello, hemos elaborado una propuesta didáctica contrahegemónica y disidente que busca convertir el aula de ELE en un espacio de diálogo y reflexión sobre nuestra realidad social y así ayudar a los estudiantes a convertirse en ciudadanos críticos. Los resultados de la implementación de la propuesta didáctica en el aula demuestran que sus beneficios van más allá de los aspectos lingüísticos hacia el desarrollo de una conciencia crítica entre el alumnado. Palabras clave Español como lengua extranjera (ELE); pedagogía crítica; conciencia crítica; propuesta didáctica; investigación acción.
The Routledge Handbook of Materials Development for Language Teaching, 2022
This chapter discusses critical approaches in the examination of representation in language cours... more This chapter discusses critical approaches in the examination of representation in language coursebooks in an effort to debunk two educational myths in relation to language teaching materials: the notions that they are neutral and apolitical. First, a review of the main concerns of critical research on representation in language coursebooks is presented. The chapter then advocates for a turn to political economy in the studies of representation in language materials. Political economy refers to the relationships between social, political and economic factors within a capitalist economy. Later, an example of critical analysis of representations in language coursebooks from a political economy perspective is provided. In particular, the analysis is based on a sample of Catalan language coursebooks and the specific concern will be on the representation of housing, against the backdrop of the recent political and economic transformations in Spain in this area. The chapter concludes with suggestions to researchers, materials developers, publishers, teachers and teacher educators interested in applying critical approaches in language education.
Este artículo adopta una perspectiva política y económica para explorar la evolución de las repre... more Este artículo adopta una perspectiva política y económica para explorar la evolución de las representaciones del mundo laboral en los libros de texto del español como lengua extranjera (ELE) desde mediados de los setenta hasta la actualidad. Utilizando
Cilj ovog rada je da predstavi istorijski, politički i društveni kontekst razvoja katalonskog jez... more Cilj ovog rada je da predstavi istorijski, politički i društveni kontekst razvoja katalonskog jezika, kao i sociolingvističku situaciju u tzv. katalonskim zemljama. Ovaj razvoj predstavljen je iz hronološke perspektive, od ranog srednjeg veka, preko perioda teritorijalne ekspanzije Katalonije i Zlatnog doba katalonske kulture i književnosti (XV vek), sve do gubitka političke i jezičke autonomije (XVIII vek), te jezičke i kulturne obnove (druga polovina XIX vek) i standardizacije jezika (u prvoj polovini XX veka), sve do progona katalonskog u vreme frankizma (druga polovina XX veka). Na kraju, predstavljena je savremena sociolingvistička situacija na teritorijama gde se govori katalonski jezik, u kontekstu novih demografskih, političkih i socio-ekonomskih tendencija.
El artículo explora la penetración de la racionalidad neoliberal en materiales didácticos de espa... more El artículo explora la penetración de la racionalidad neoliberal en materiales didácticos de español como lengua extranjera. Muestra como los libros de texto actuales priorizan y promueven el modelo antropológico neoliberal, el “empresario de sí mismo”, en sus representaciones de la realidad y en las actividades para los aprendices. Esa visión del mundo contrasta con la de una popular colección de libros de texto de los setenta, que mostraba la división en clases sociales y el conflicto existente entre ellas. Cierran el artículo las implicaciones del estudio y recomendaciones para docentes interesados en adoptar una perspectiva crítica en el aula.
This article examines the discursive representations of the social class in two series of Spanish... more This article examines the discursive representations of the social class in two series of Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) textbooks published in two different periods: the 1970s and the second decade of the 21 st century. A critical discourse analysis was carried out to reveal the ideological connotations of textbooks in their views of the individual and society. The results show that the collection from the 1970s, influenced by Marxist approaches, places great emphasis on the division of society into two antagonistic classes: the capitalists and the working class. On the other hand, the most recent textbooks, published in a consolidation phase of neoliberalism, camouflage the existence of a class society and echo the dominant meritocratic discourse, according to which each person can accomplish their aims and fulfill their objectives, regardless of the structural inequalities of the system.
Anali Filološkog Fakulteta [Annals of the Faculty of Philology], 2020
El presente artículo realiza un recorrido por la historia de la enseñanza del catalán-y de los es... more El presente artículo realiza un recorrido por la historia de la enseñanza del catalán-y de los estudios catalanes en general-en los países de fuera del dominio lingüístico catalán. Empieza con los orígenes de la catalanística internacional para relatar, a continuación, la introducción de los estudios catalanes en las primeras universidades extranjeras a principios del siglo XX y su posterior expansión a lo largo del siglo pasado, especialmentea partir del final de la dictadura franquista. Más adelante, se muestra como la creación en 2002 del InstitutRamonLlull amplió aún más el número de centros en el mundo que ofrecen estudios catalanes y se cartografía el estado actual de esta disciplina a nivel global. El artículo, además, señala la situación paradójica de la lengua catalana, queen el interior de sus fronteras lingüísticassufre en unas circunstancias anómalas, mientras que fuera de su dominio lingüístico los estudios catalanes gozan deuna notable vitalidad.
Palabras claves: enseñanza de lenguas; catalán como lengua extranjera; estudios catalanes;catalanística; InstitutRamonLlull
While there is a growing body of scholarship on the neoliberal content of global English textbook... more While there is a growing body of scholarship on the neoliberal content of global English textbooks, the ways in which these commercial materials come to life in teaching and learning practices are still under researched. Drawing on a critical ethnographic account of two English courses for unemployed students in a private language school in Serbia, this paper examines the beliefs and actions of teachers and students in regard to English language education and the global textbooks they use. The results suggest that many views about the English language courses and their textbooks in this case study are deeply shaped by the broader socioeconomic context of neoliberalism. Furthermore, the neoliberalism featured in the textbook motivates students to learn English and to transform themselves into suitable citizens and workers for the current economic order. In this way, the global textbook becomes one of the many tools that neoliberalism uses to reproduce itself. This paper argues that the present state of affairs is not an inevitable and desirable one and calls for implementing alternative approaches to the dominant neoliberal conception of English language education.
The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the growing body of literature critically analysing... more The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the growing body of literature critically analysing the relation between neoliberalism and the global English Language Teaching (ELT) textbook with a new perspective. In this study, neoliberalism is regarded not only as an economic policy paradigm, but especially in a Foucauldian way, as a form of governmentality, with its emphasis on the responsibilisation of the self and the creation of a certain kind of subjectivity, related to the entrepreneurial-consumerist concept of society. The paper examines two best-selling global UK-produced English language textbooks. I develop a qualitative content analysis to explore in which way and to what extent these textbooks reflect, legitimate and reproduce neoliberal governmen-tality. The findings of the analysis suggest that the global ELT textbook not only presents a particular neoliberal worldview as common sense, but also encourages students to implement techniques of self-government to become entrepreneurial individuals and responsible consumers. In light of that, the paper concludes by arguing that the global ELT textbook may be regarded as a tool to extend and support the expansion of neoliberal governmentality in today's society.
En comparar els manuals de diferents llengües estrangeres, descobrim que tots estan dissenyats so... more En comparar els manuals de diferents llengües estrangeres, descobrim que tots estan dissenyats sota un mateix patró. No importa si és un manual global d’anglès publicat per una gran editorial britànica, un d’espanyol com a llengua estrangera o un de català per a immigrants. Els seus continguts i activitats acaben essent sempre molt similars. S’hi construeix una visió del món que sembla sorgir d’un conte de fades capitalista. Les vides de famosos rics i les històries d’emprenedors d’èxit es combinen amb viatges a destinacions llunyanes, apartaments de luxe i cotxes nous. És una realitat plena de fotos espectaculars i cares somrients, sense pobresa, que ofereix la possibilitat de tenir feines extraordinàries, viatjar per tot el planeta i viure en fantàstiques cases. Es tracta, evidentment, d’un món inabastable per a la gran majoria de la població, però els manuals d’idiomes proporcionen instruments als aprenents per covar la il·lusió de poder convertir-se algun dia en feliços ciutadans d’aquesta utopia capitalista.
Aquest article examina críticament llibres de text de català per a no catalanoparlants adults de ... more Aquest article examina críticament llibres de text de català per a no catalanoparlants adults de les darreres quatre dècades des d'una perspectiva que situa la política econòmica i el neoliberalisme en el centre del seu interès. En concret, analitzem el contingut relacionat amb el món del treball als llibres de text de dos períodes diferenciats en la història de l'ensenyament del català com a segona llengua: la dècada dels vuitanta i el moment actual. Els resultats indiquen una gran transformació en les representacions del món laboral. Als anys vuitanta, s'hi presen-ta un punt de vista de classe treballadora que emfatitza problemes laborals col·lectius. El tre-ball hi és vist com a quelcom pesat i insatisfactori, situat en el marc d'unes relacions antagòni-ques d'explotació laboral. En canvi, els llibres de text actuals prioritzen una visió individualista de la feina, desvinculada de qualsevol conflicte col·lectiu o desigualtat estructu-ral. Pràctiques neoliberals com l'emprenedoria, la flexibilitat i la responsabilitat personal hi apareixen com desitjables, sense que s'hi mencionin els seus eventuals aspectes negatius o li-mitacions. En conjunt, els llibres de text d'avui dia situen l'aprenent dins un nou ordre laboral altament idealitzat, ple d'oportunitats per a la seva satisfacció personal i professional. Aquests resultats poden contribuir a fer que el professorat d'idiomes prengui cons cièn cia de la natura-lesa neoliberal de molts dels materials didàctics actuals. Al mateix temps, l'article també des-taca la necessitat d'introduir qüestions de política econòmica i referències al neoliberalisme en la investigació crítica en sociolingüística i lingüística aplicada. Paraules clau: llibre de text d'ensenyament d'idiomes, català com a segona llengua, neoli-beralisme, política econòmica, ocupació i relacions laborals, crisi econòmica.
This paper critically examines Catalan language textbooks for non-Catalan adult speakers over the last four decades from a perspective that puts political economy and neoliberalism at the center of the research. Specifically, we analyze the work-related content in textbooks from two different moments in the history of teaching Catalan as a second language — the 1980s and the present time. Findings indicate a great shift in representations of the world of work. In the 1980s, textbooks feature a working-class perspective that emphasizes collective labor problems. Work is seen as burdensome and unsatisfactory, rooted in antagonistic relations of labor exploitation. By contrast, current language textbooks prioritize an individualist view of work, disconnected from any labor collective conflict or structural inequality. Neoliberal practices such as entrepreneurship, flexibility and self-responsibility appear in a positive way without mentioning their negative aspects or limitations. All in all, textbooks situate students within a new work order highly idealized, full of opportunities for their personal and professional satisfaction. The findings of this paper may contribute to making language teachers aware of the neoliberal content of many current language teaching materials. Furthermore, the paper also highlights the need to introduce questions of political economy and references to neoliberalism in critical applied and sociolinguistics research.
“Rethinking Alternatives to Neoliberal Education”. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Critical Education (Athens, 28th June – 2nd July 2017).., 2019
The purpose of this paper is to analyze in what way neoliberal ideology, transformed into the new... more The purpose of this paper is to analyze in what way neoliberal ideology, transformed into the new common sense of our times, finds expression in second language textbooks. More precisely, this study examines the topic of housing in a sample of Catalan language textbooks in relation to neoliberal economic practices and values. Catalan language textbooks are mainly addressed to foreign adults living in Catalonia, most of them belonging to the working class. Texts propose a task-based communicative approach through situations that learners supposedly find in their everyday lives. The results suggest that textbooks emphasize the commodification of housing, especially through the central role of banks in the residential sector, and the naturalization of mortgages as the only possible solution to providing decent housing. On the other hand, textbooks do not give any reference to the causes and effects of the Spanish housing bubble and its collapse in 2008, such as the eviction of thousands of insolvent mortgage debtors, most of them workers. Furthermore, tasks and activities often prepare students for the roles of consumers and bank clients in Catalan society. The study concludes that Catalan textbooks arise as disseminators of neoliberal ideology, in a similar way to that in which the great majority of Western foreign language textbooks today align with the values and practices of neoliberalism.
This is chapter 7 from: Bori, P. (2018). Language Textbooks in the era of Neoliberalism. London:... more This is chapter 7 from: Bori, P. (2018). Language Textbooks in the era of Neoliberalism. London: Routledge.
Within the framework of critical pedagogy theory and using critical discourse analysis, the purpo... more Within the framework of critical pedagogy theory and using critical discourse analysis, the purpose of this article is to examine how tourism discourse is constructed and what ideological forces are manifested in foreign language textbooks. To that end, six series of Catalan language textbooks are critically examined through an analysis based on main themes, genres and perspectives. Findings indicate the relevance of tourism discourse in textbooks, which occurs mainly through autobiographical narratives, promotional texts and commercial-oriented genres. Further, this paper argues that four main perspectives are embedded in tourism discourse in the textbooks examined: (a) consumerism; (b) superficial cosmopolitanism; (c) a dominant rationality related to the neoliberal capitalist economy; and (d) culture as a commodity. The article ends with a call to language teaching professionals to be more aware of the ideological underpinning of textbooks.
This paper examines the representations of immigrant characters in Catalan as a Second Language t... more This paper examines the representations of immigrant characters in Catalan as a Second Language textbooks for adults. We aim to identify differences in portraying what we call Western and non-Western immigrants, applying the theory and procedures of critical discourse analysis. Firstly, we investigate how immigrant characters' identity is shaped in textbooks by social class, age and gender. Secondly, we focus on the way in which immigrant characters with a major presence in textbooks are portrayed, through the analysis of immigrant stories. This study reveals that Western newcomers are always portrayed as part of the upper/middle class while non-Westerners are represented as working class members. On the other hand, non-Western immigrants are characterized by physical or gender stereotypes, while Western immigrants have positive attributes. We also found an idyllic representation of reality, together with an absence of cultural comparisons or information about immigrant countries of origin.
This book argues that the force of capitalism is currently strong enough to appear in all areas o... more This book argues that the force of capitalism is currently strong enough to appear in all areas of our existence. Thus, a cultural product common in our language classrooms, the textbook, contains traces of the current phase of capitalism, neoliberalism. Drawing on insights from Karl Marx, Critical Theory and Critical Pedagogy, this book contributes to an emergent turn to political economy in applied linguistics, providing a comprehensive framework to analyze the links between neoliberalism and language-teaching textbooks. It develops a multimodal critical approach to examination of content in language textbooks in relation to social class and neoliberal values and practices. The analytical model proposed is applied to textbooks for teaching a non-global language, Catalan. The book discusses the impact of neoliberal ideology on Catalan textbooks. The results suggest the textbooks prioritize and promote the construction of an entrepreneur and consumer identity among learners. The book also addresses the reasons why current language textbooks, whether they are for a global language such as English or for a smaller one such as Catalan, frequently tend to transmit a similar neoliberal worldview.
Papers by Pau Bori
Paraules clau: capitalisme acadèmic, universitat pública de Catalunya, llocs web, neoliberalisme, emprenedoria, anàlisi crítica del discurs.
Academic capitalism is about how progressively more academic activity is valued according to its capacity to accumulate human, financial and corporate capital. It is on the increase in Higher Education (HE) worldwide and in this article we examine its implantation in Catalan universities. We begin with an exploration of the bigger picture, focussing on the impacts of neoliberalism on HE worldwide, leading to the arrival of the ‘toxic university,’ as part of the rise of academic capitalism. We then provide a critical account of these transformations in European universities. Against this backdrop, we examine the webpages of state-run universities in Catalonia, highlighting their relationships with the business sector. Our key finding is that academic capitalism is alive and well in the construction of a certain worldview within these universities, according to which knowledge is only valid if it is marketable, researchers are entrepreneurs and HE and research are at the service of global capitalism and neoliberal rationalities. We conclude with comments on possible remedies in the current situation, arguing that any measures taken on a local level are not likely to be transformative if nothing is done to change how the global economy functions.________________________________________________________________________
In the past decades, neoliberalism has permeated (foreign) language education, as has been discussed by critical research in the fields of: curriculum theory, applied linguistics, discourse analysis, language policy, language assessment, to name a few. Despite the fact that research on foreign language education and neoliberalism is certainly growing, less attention has been paid to actual “ways out” or alternatives to neoliberal foreign language education. This introductory paper delineates the domain and scope of the present Special Issue entitled “Alternatives to Neoliberal Foreign Language Education.” The paper critically discusses three discourses/processes that are key to understanding the effects of neoliberalism in language education worldwide: language as skill, standardization and profit, and devaluing education. Then, it moves to briefly introduce each of the four remaining papers, which critically discuss alternatives to neoliberal foreign language education in different countries. The full issue hopes to contribute to critical research in the field of foreign language education and neoliberalism but, more importantly, to the search for feasible alternatives that help us move from negative critique of the current situation of foreign language education to actual praxis with a view to transforming it.
Palabras claves: enseñanza de lenguas; catalán como lengua extranjera; estudios catalanes;catalanística; InstitutRamonLlull
This paper critically examines Catalan language textbooks for non-Catalan adult speakers over the last four decades from a perspective that puts political economy and neoliberalism at the center of the research. Specifically, we analyze the work-related content in textbooks from two different moments in the history of teaching Catalan as a second language — the 1980s and the present time. Findings indicate a great shift in representations of the world of work. In the 1980s, textbooks feature a working-class perspective that emphasizes collective labor problems. Work is seen as burdensome and unsatisfactory, rooted in antagonistic relations of labor exploitation. By contrast, current language textbooks prioritize an individualist view of work, disconnected from any labor collective conflict or structural inequality. Neoliberal practices such as entrepreneurship, flexibility and self-responsibility appear in a positive way without mentioning their negative aspects or limitations. All in all, textbooks situate students within a new work order highly idealized, full of opportunities for their personal and professional satisfaction. The findings of this paper may contribute to making language teachers aware of the neoliberal content of many current language teaching materials. Furthermore, the paper also highlights the need to introduce questions of political economy and references to neoliberalism in critical applied and sociolinguistics research.
Paraules clau: capitalisme acadèmic, universitat pública de Catalunya, llocs web, neoliberalisme, emprenedoria, anàlisi crítica del discurs.
Academic capitalism is about how progressively more academic activity is valued according to its capacity to accumulate human, financial and corporate capital. It is on the increase in Higher Education (HE) worldwide and in this article we examine its implantation in Catalan universities. We begin with an exploration of the bigger picture, focussing on the impacts of neoliberalism on HE worldwide, leading to the arrival of the ‘toxic university,’ as part of the rise of academic capitalism. We then provide a critical account of these transformations in European universities. Against this backdrop, we examine the webpages of state-run universities in Catalonia, highlighting their relationships with the business sector. Our key finding is that academic capitalism is alive and well in the construction of a certain worldview within these universities, according to which knowledge is only valid if it is marketable, researchers are entrepreneurs and HE and research are at the service of global capitalism and neoliberal rationalities. We conclude with comments on possible remedies in the current situation, arguing that any measures taken on a local level are not likely to be transformative if nothing is done to change how the global economy functions.________________________________________________________________________
In the past decades, neoliberalism has permeated (foreign) language education, as has been discussed by critical research in the fields of: curriculum theory, applied linguistics, discourse analysis, language policy, language assessment, to name a few. Despite the fact that research on foreign language education and neoliberalism is certainly growing, less attention has been paid to actual “ways out” or alternatives to neoliberal foreign language education. This introductory paper delineates the domain and scope of the present Special Issue entitled “Alternatives to Neoliberal Foreign Language Education.” The paper critically discusses three discourses/processes that are key to understanding the effects of neoliberalism in language education worldwide: language as skill, standardization and profit, and devaluing education. Then, it moves to briefly introduce each of the four remaining papers, which critically discuss alternatives to neoliberal foreign language education in different countries. The full issue hopes to contribute to critical research in the field of foreign language education and neoliberalism but, more importantly, to the search for feasible alternatives that help us move from negative critique of the current situation of foreign language education to actual praxis with a view to transforming it.
Palabras claves: enseñanza de lenguas; catalán como lengua extranjera; estudios catalanes;catalanística; InstitutRamonLlull
This paper critically examines Catalan language textbooks for non-Catalan adult speakers over the last four decades from a perspective that puts political economy and neoliberalism at the center of the research. Specifically, we analyze the work-related content in textbooks from two different moments in the history of teaching Catalan as a second language — the 1980s and the present time. Findings indicate a great shift in representations of the world of work. In the 1980s, textbooks feature a working-class perspective that emphasizes collective labor problems. Work is seen as burdensome and unsatisfactory, rooted in antagonistic relations of labor exploitation. By contrast, current language textbooks prioritize an individualist view of work, disconnected from any labor collective conflict or structural inequality. Neoliberal practices such as entrepreneurship, flexibility and self-responsibility appear in a positive way without mentioning their negative aspects or limitations. All in all, textbooks situate students within a new work order highly idealized, full of opportunities for their personal and professional satisfaction. The findings of this paper may contribute to making language teachers aware of the neoliberal content of many current language teaching materials. Furthermore, the paper also highlights the need to introduce questions of political economy and references to neoliberalism in critical applied and sociolinguistics research.