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Posts mit dem Label conference werden angezeigt. Alle Posts anzeigen

29. Juni 2020

Die Beiträge: Smart Sustainable Cities - Special Interest Track an der 33. Bled eConference

Bled eConference
Im Rahmen der 33. Bled eConference im Juni 2020 in Bled, Slowenien, wurde zum zweiten Mal der Special Interest Track 'Smart Sustainable Cities' von mir als Track Chair organisiert.

Im Rahmen der in diesem Jahr am 29. Juni 2020 Online durchgeführten Konferenz wurden zwei Beiträge zur Publikation in diesem Track akzeptiert.

Beide Beiträge sind konzeptioneller Natur. 
Der erste Beitrag kombiniert den Livign Lab Ansatz mit der Digitalisierung ländlicher Gebiete (rural areas). Ein Ziel des Beitrages ist es herauszufinden, wie die Digitalisieurng die Situation des ländlichen Raums verbessern kann. Dazu präsentieren die Autorinnen das Projekt Digitales Dorf Bayern als Fallstudie. 
Der zweite Beitrag adaptiert das Konzept des Digitalen Zwillings (Digital Twin) auf die Smart City. Mit Hilfe des Digital Twin soll die Entwicklung von Smart Cities nachhaltiger werden. Eine entsprechende Digital Twin Plattform erlaubt es u.a. Simulationen durchzuführen, eine verbesserte Integration der Stakeholder sowie neue Formen der eParticipation. Illustriert werden die konzeptionellen Aussagen mit einem konkreten Fallbeispiel aus Helsinki. (Video)

Es ist vorgesehen, den Track zu Smart Sustainable Cities auch an der 34. Bled eConference fortzuführen. Die Herausfordeurngen für Regionen, Städte und Gemeinden sind durch die aktuelle Covid-19 Krise eher noch gestiegen. So wird das Thema der resilienten Stadt bzw. Gemeinde im Angesicht der Krise und ihrer Folgen noch wichtiger. Was sind die Erfahrungen aus der Krise, wie können digitale Innovationen im Kontext einer Smart City hier einen Beitrag leisten? Dabei geht es nicht um nur techologische, sondern auch um ökonomische, soziale, gesellschaftliche und ethische Fragen. 

Rural Areas on Their Way to a Smart Village - Experiences from Living Labs in Bavaria
by Lisa-Marie Hanninger, Jessica Laxa & Diane Ahrens, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Technology Campus Grafenau, Grafenau, Germany. (Proceedings pp. 107 (pdf)) 
Abstract This paper presents an overview of the approaches and experiences from existing living labs: german rural villages in which several digital solutions had been developed and implemented. The test villages have been selected based on a competition and are funded by the Bavarian state government in the project "Digitales Dorf" (Engl. digital village). Started in 2016 several measures had been taken to push digitalization in these rural areas with the goal to create equivalent living conditions to urban areas. The research question is how digitalization enhances the value of rural areas and which methods can be used to overcome the digitalization gap with a transferable and simple approach. This paper focuses on the transformation process rather than digital solutions, and presents requirements and best practices to promote digitalization in rural environments, their municipal processes and traditional approaches in everyday life.

Smart City Development with Digital Twin Technology
by Mervi Hämäläinen, University of Vaasa, School of Marketing and Communication, Vaasa, Finland.
(Proceedings pp. 291 (pdf)) 
Growing urban areas are major consumers of natural resources, energy and raw materials. Understanding cities´ urban metabolism is salient when developing sustainable and resilient cities. This paper addresses concepts of smart city and digital twin technology as means to foster more sustainable urban development. Smart city has globally been well adopted concept in urban development. With smart city development cities aim to optimize overall performance of the city, its infrastructures, processes and services, but also to improve socio-economic wellbeing. Dynamic digital twins are constituted to form real-time connectivity between virtual and physical objects. Digital twin combines virtual objects to its physical counterparts. This conceptual paper provides additionally examples from dynamic digital twin platforms and digital twin of Helsinki, Finland.

Alle Beiträge der 33. Bled Conference sind in den Proceedings der 33. Bled eConference Online verfügbar. 

25. Januar 2020

Smart Sustainable Cities - Special Interest Track an der 33. Bled eConference

Im Rahmen der 33. Bled eConference habe ich die Freude den Special Interest Track Smart Sustainable Cities zu organisieren.

Der Track beschäftigt sich mit verschiedenen Herausforderungen smarter Sädte, Gemeinden und Regionen. Im Zentrum soll dabei die Frage stehen, wie digitale Technologien zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern beitragen können:
"The Smart City idea offers concepts and solutions for cities, communities, as well as regions to cope with current challenges occurring in the form of demographics, urbanization, climate change, resource crises, mobility challenges, global competition as well as open and participatory societies. While the early smart city concepts focused on technology first and foremost nowadays the citizens and their quality of life is the starting point for many activities. In line with the overall theme of the 33rd Bled eConference the track will focus on utilization of any technology to contribute to the quality of life of citizens. As especially in Europe cities a rather small in average and often linked to further communities in a region, the track will focus on smart cities, communities as well as regions. Therefore, the track continues the eRegion tradition of the Bled eConference. We look forward to receiving papers addressing various issues of a smart city, such as, strategies, frameworks, concrete solutions and cases, service and business models, benefits and challenges, covering all the various smart city dimensions from smart energy over smart mobility and sharing economy to smart governments and smart citizens, utilizing different methodological approaches.(Call for Papers)

Im Rahmen des Tracks sowie der gesamten Konferenz soll den Austausch und die Diskussion über aktueller Forschungsarbeiten ermöglicht werden. 

Ausgewählte Beiträge werden zur Publikation in Electronic Markets und anderen ausgewählten Journals via einem Fast Track Review Verfahren eingeladen.

Weitere Special Interest Tracks beschäftigen sich mit den Themen
  • Digital Health
  • Digital Wellness
  • Blockchain Technologies
  • Big Data & Data Science
  • Education and Learning in the Digital Society
  • Business Models

Die 33. Bled eConference steht unter dem Rahmenthema

Enabling Technology for a Sustainable Society

Die Konferenz findet vom 28. Juni bis 1. Juli 2020 in Bled, Slowenien, statt. 

Das weitere Angebot der Bled eConference im Überblick:

  • fully-refereed Research Track and Research in Progress Track, devoted to researchers in all aspects of digital transformation;
  • Doctoral Consortium, offering students to present their ongoing master’s and PhD study results;
  • ePrototype Students Bazaar, offering students opportunities to present innovative digital Business ideas, models, prototypes and apps;
  • Panels, Workshops and Meetings.

Der vollständige Call for Papers

30. November 2019

Business Models for the Digital Economy - AMCIS 2020 Mini-Track

Der Minitrack Business Models for the Digital Economy findet im Rahmen der Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2020 bereits zum 21. Mal statt. Die AMCIS 2020 findet vom 12.-16. August 2020 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, statt.

Inhaltlich thematisiert der Minitrack vor allem neue und innovative Formen der Wertschöpfung in der Digital Economy:
"This minitrack serves as a forum for the presentation and discussion of new and innovative approaches of business models for coping with the challenges of the digital economy as well as digital transformation. We consider an economy based on the digitization of information and the respective information and communication infrastructure as digital economy. These developments are creating and are requiring new types of business models. Value creation processes and structures will be altered radically, new type of products and services are emerging. Therefore, this minitrack addresses all topics concerned with the analysis, design, development, implementation, and control of future business models for the creation of economic value in the digital economy from a communication, organizational, business, economic, and managerial perspective applying a theoretical, conceptual, or practical approach."

Hier geht's zum Call for Papers.

Die Website enthält die publizierten Beiträge aller bisherigen Minitracks.

Hintergrund zur AMCIS:
"The annual Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) is viewed as one of the leading conferences for presenting the broadest variety of research done by and for IS/IT academicians. Every year its papers and panel presentations are selected from over 700 submissions, and the AMCIS proceedings are in the permanent collections of libraries throughout the world." (aisnet.org)

24. Juni 2019

Die Beiträge: Smart Cities, Regions & Communities - Special Interest Track an der 32. Bled eConference

Im Rahmen der 32. Bled eConference im Juni 2019 in Bled, Slowenien, wurde zum ersten mal der Special Interest Track 'Smart Cities, Regions & Communities' von mir als Track Chair organisiert.

Im Rahmen der Konferenz wurden die drei akzeptierten Beiträge präsentiert.

Der erste Beitrag setzt sich mit der Rolle von lokalen Gemeinschaften im Kontext globaler Plattformen anhand des Beispiels von Taxidiensten auseinander, der zweite beschäftigt sich mit der Rolle von Social Media im Rahmen der Interaktion von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern mit der Verwaltung, hier konkret am Beispiel China, und der dritte Beitrag fokussiert auf das Smart Home und diskutiert die Akzeptanz von sog. Smart Locks

Global service platforms in local markets: case taxi, Jups Heikkilä and Marikka Heikkilä, University of Turku, Finland. (Proceedings pp. 880)
Abstract In this paper we discuss digital platform economy and use theory of Governance of Commons by Elinor Ostrom as a lens through which we look at related problems and social issues, such as tragedy of the commons. We discuss how communities can react to side effects and overgrazing of free, common resources by norms and rules. We illustrate the issue with the opening of taxi service markets to new entrants such as Uber.

Trust, Fear and Social Influence: on the use of Social Media in China’s Aauthoritarian Governance Regime, Vincent Homburg, Erasmus University Rotterdam, DPAS, Netherlands. (Proceedings pp. 222)
Abstract This paper reports on the analysis of results of a survey among Chinese citizens about their intended use of social media to interact with government agencies and associated motivations. Citizens’ use intentions were found to be correlated with citizens’ trust in officials, social influence (peer pressure) and anxiety, but not with trust in government. These results provide building blocks for an explanatory theory of citizens’ use of social media to interact with government, especially in an authoritarian regime like China’s system of public governance. This explanatory theory is consistent with an institutional perspective on technology use, in which use intentions and behaviours are explained by norms, practices and taken-for-granted assumptions, rather than by rational cost-benefit considerations. The paper is concluded with recommendations for comparative research on antecedents of social media in government-citizen relations in various governance systems.

Unlocking the Smart Home: An Examination of Factors Influencing Smart Lock Adoption Intention, Stanislav Mamonov, Montclair State University, United States of America, Raquel Benbunan-Fich, City University of New York, United States of America. (Proceedings pp. 33)
Abstract Smart home technologies are a growing trend, yet little is known about factors that drive their adoption, given the spectrum of potential functional, experiential and esthetic benefits they offer. To address this gap in research, we explore the factorial structure of salient perceived benefits and concerns associated with smart locks, and we examine the effects of the emergent factors on the adoption intention. We find that while potential adopters express a broad range of perceived benefits and concerns associated with smart locks, only the perceived relative advantage of smart locks vis-a-vis conventional locks in providing safety and security is significantly correlated with adoption intention. Our results indicate that this perceived relative advantage is a critical consideration in the adoption of smart home technologies that replace existing solutions.

Alle Beiträge sind in den Proceedings der 32. Bled eConference Online verfügbar. (Proceedings als pdf)

(Der Beitrag wurde zuerst auf dem FHS eSociety Blog publiziert)

1. Januar 2019

Smart Cities, Regions & Communities - Special Interest Track an der 32. Bled eConference


Im Rahmen der 32. Bled eConference habe ich die Freude den Special Interest Track Smart Cities, Regions & Communities zu organisieren.

Der Track beschäftigt sich mit verschiedenen Fragestellungen smarter Sädte, Gemeinden und Regionen und soll den Austausch und die Diskussion über aktueller Forschungsarbeiten unterstützen:
"We look forward to receiving papers addressing various issues of a smart city, such as, strategies, frameworks, concrete solutions and cases, service and business models, benefits and challenges, covering all the various smart city dimensions from smart energy over smart mobility and sharing economy to smart governments and smart citizens, utilizing different methodological approaches." (Call for Papers)

Weitere Special Interest Tracks beschäftigen sich mit den Themen
Die 32. Bled eConference steht unter dem Rahmenthema

Humanizing Technology for a Sustainable Society

Die Konferenz findet vom 16. bis 19. Juni 2019 in Bled, Slowenien, statt. 

Das weitere Angebot der Bled eConference im Überblick:

  • a fully-refereed Research Track and Research in Progress Track, devoted to researchers in all aspects of digital transformation;
  • Doctoral Consortium, offering students to present their ongoing master’s and PhD study results;
  • ePrototype Students Bazaar, offering students opportunities to present innovative e- or m-Business or Internet of Things ideas, models, prototypes and apps;
  • a Business and Government Panel Track which attracts eminent business and government leaders from Europe, the Americas and Asia-Pacific;
  • Business, Government and Academic Workshops and Meetings offering unparalleled opportunities to discuss, share and learn with colleagues from around the world;
  • EU projects dissemination meetings; enabling project partners to connect with other similar projects and to disseminate results to a wider community.

Der vollständige Call for Papers


28. Dezember 2018

Business Models for the Digital Economy - AMCIS 2019 Mini-Track

Der Minitrack Business Models for the Digital Economy findet im Rahmen der Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2019 bereits zum 20. Mal statt. Die AMCIS 2019 findet vom 15.-17. August 2019 in Cancún, México, statt.

Inhaltlich thematisiert der Minitrack vor allem neue und innovative Formen der Wertschöpfung in der Digital Economy:
"This mini-track serves as a forum for the presentation and discussion of new and innovative approaches to business models for coping with the challenges of the digital economy and digital transformation of businesses, and beyond. We consider an economy based on the digitization of information and the respective information and communication infrastructure as the digital economy. These developments are creating and are requiring new types of business models. Value creation processes and structures will be altered radically and may be disruptive, new types of products, as well as services, are emerging. New technologies, such as blockchain or conversational interfaces, are important enablers. Therefore, this mini-track addresses all topics concerned with the analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation, and control of future business models for the creation of economic value in the digital economy from a communication, organizational, business, economic, and managerial perspective applying a theoretical, conceptual, or practical approach."

Hier geht's zum Call for Papers.

Die Website enthält die publizierten Beiträge aller bisherigen Minitracks.

Hintergrund zur AMCIS:
"The annual Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) is viewed as one of the leading conferences for presenting the broadest variety of research done by and for IS/IT academicians. Every year its papers and panel presentations are selected from over 700 submissions, and the AMCIS proceedings are in the permanent collections of libraries throughout the world." (aisnet.org)

11. November 2017

Business Models for the Digital Economy - AMCIS 2018 Mini-Track

Inzwischen zum 19. Mal organisiere ich den Minitrack „Business Models for the Digital Economy“ im Rahmen der Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS).  Die AMCIS 2018 findet statt vom 16.-18. August 2018 in New  Orleans, USA .

Inhaltlich thematisiert der Minitrack vor allem neue und innovative Formen der Wertschöpfung in der Digital Economy:
"This mini-track serves as a forum for the presentation and discussion of new and innovative approaches to business models for coping with the challenges of the digital economy and digital transformation of businesses, and beyond. We consider an economy based on the digitization of information and the respective information and communication infrastructure as the digital economy. These developments are creating and are requiring new types of business models. Value creation processes and structures will be altered radically and may be disruptive, new types of products, as well as services, are emerging. New technologies, such as blockchain or conversational interfaces, are important enablers. Therefore, this mini-track addresses all topics concerned with the analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation, and control of future business models for the creation of economic value in the digital economy from a communication, organizational, business, economic, and managerial perspective applying a theoretical, conceptual, or practical approach."

Hier geht's zum Call for Papers.

Die Website enthält die publizierten Beiträge aller bisherigen Minitracks.

Hintergrund zur AMCIS:
"AMCIS, a preeminent information systems research conference, conducted under the auspices of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), attracts 1000 or more attendees from North America, as well as other regions of the world. The conference program includes research paper presentations, panel discussions, keynotes, doctoral student consortium, and a camp for early-stage IS faculty. This year’s theme, A Tradition of Innovation, reflects the program chairs’ desire to highlight IS studies that build on previously-reported research and IS studies that take innovative new methodological or theoretical directions and address emerging technology challenges to strengthen or extend existing theories and propose new theories."

Bildquelle: AMCIS 2018

2. Dezember 2016

Business Models for the Digital Economy - AMCIS 2017 Minitrack

Inzwischen zum 18. Mal organisiere ich den Minitrack „Business Models for the Digital Economy“ im Rahmen der Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) vom 10.-12. August 2017 Boston, USA, .

Inhaltlich thematisiert der Minitrack vor allem neue und innovative Formen der Wertschöpfung in der Digital Economy:
"This minitrack serves as a forum for the presentation and discussion of new and innovative approaches of business models beyond e-commerce for coping with the challenges of the digital economy as well as digital transformation. We consider an economy based on the digitization of information and the respective information and communication infrastructure as digital economy. This new type of economy implies not only technological, but also and especially structural and process-related challenges and potential. The way in which economic value is created will change fundamentally in the digital economy and thus transform the structure of economies and societies."

Hier geht's zum Call for Papers.

Die Website enthält die publizierten Beiträge aller bisherigen Minitracks.

Hintergrund zur AMCIS:
"AMCIS, a preeminent information systems research conference, conducted under the auspices of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), attracts 1000 or more attendees from North America, as well as other regions of the world. The conference program includes research paper presentations, panel discussions, keynotes, doctoral student consortium, and a camp for early-stage IS faculty. This year’s theme, A Tradition of Innovation, reflects the program chairs’ desire to highlight IS studies that build on previously-reported research and IS studies that take innovative new methodological or theoretical directions and address emerging technology challenges to strengthen or extend existing theories and propose new theories."

 AMCIS 2017

Bildquelle: AMCIS 2017

28. November 2014

Business Models for the Digital Economy - AMCIS 2015 Minitrack

Zum 16. Mal findet im Rahmen der Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) vom 13.-15. August 2015 in Puerto Rico der Minitrack „Business Models for the Digital Economy“ statt.

Inhaltlich thematisiert der Minitrack vor allem neue und innovative Formen der Wertschöpfung in der Digital Economy.

Hier geht's zum Call for Papers.

Die Website enthält die publizierten Beiträge aller bisherigen Minitracks.

Hintergrund zur AMCIS:
"AMCIS is a preeminent research conference in the information systems discipline conducted under the auspices of AIS.  Each year, AMCIS attracts up to a thousand or more attendees principally from North America but increasingly from other regions of the world as well.  The conference program includes research paper presentations, research panels, keynotes, CIO panels, doctoral consortiums, and camps for junior IS faculty."

Bildquelle: AMCIS 2015

11. Dezember 2013

Business Models for the Digital Economy - AMCIS 2014 Minitrack

AMCIS 2014
Zum 15. Mal findet im Rahmen der Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) im August 2014 in Savannah, Georgia, USA, der Minitrack „Business Models for the Digital Economy“ statt.

Dieser Minitrack wird von Ian MacInnes von der School of Information Studies an der Syracuse University in den USA und mir selbst organisiert.

Inhaltlich thematisiert unser Minitrack vor allem neue und innovative Formen der Wertschöpfung in der Digital Economy.
Hier geht's zum Call for Papers.

Die Website enthält die publizierten Beiträge aller bisherigen Minitracks.

Bildquellen: AMCIS 2014

27. November 2013

"Social Media enabled Commerce and Business" - Special Interest Track an der 27th Bled eConference, Juni 2014

Zum 27. Mal findet vom 1. bis 5. Juni 2014 die Bled eConference in Bled, Slowenien, statt.

Das Rahmenthema lautet 


"The notion of a “digital business ecosystem” was probably first established in connection with the Lisbon Agenda in March 2000 and has later been used extensively in connection with the growth of smartphones (“the war of ecosystems”) in order to find the mechanisms that decide sustainable competitive advantages for either Samsung, Apple or Nokia-Microsoft.

An e-Ecosystem improves the traditional, collaborative environments such as centralized, distributed and hybrid business models, and develops them further into an innovative holistic model that has been the result of the development of the so-called systems (or systemic) approach. Some of the benefits of e-Ecosystems include the cost-effectiveness of services and value-creating activities, which are advantageous to many of the actors involved, including companies and consumers as well as interacting business partners in both inbound and out-bound supply chains."
Auch in diesem Jahr organisiere ich zusammen mit dem Kollegen Jari Salo aus Finnland den Special Interest Track Social Media enabled Commerce and Business.
The purpose of this special interest track is to present and to discuss latest developments and experiences in the field of Social Media within the area of commerce and business.
Die Frist für die Einreichung von Research Papers zur Konferenz ist der 24. Februar 2014 17. März 2014.

Weitere Details zu den Call for Papers und zur 27. Bled eConference gibt es hier.

Weitere News zur 27 Bled eConference gibt es auch via Facebook und Twitter: @BledConference


21. Juni 2013

Business Models for the Digital Economy - AMCIS Minitrack

For the 14th time I have co-organized the minitrack Business Models for the Digital Economy at AMCIS - Americas Conference on Information Systems. This year's conference takes place in Chicago in August.

Please see a list of all accepted papers here including links to abstracts and full papers in the AISeL. The papers will be presented at the conference.

19. Juni 2013

Creating smart Regions through Open Societal Innovation - Panel at the 26th Bled Conference

It was a pleasure to organize and moderate the panel Creating smart Regions through Open Societal Innovation as part of the 26th Bled eConference on June 11, 2013.

From the panel abstract: 

“This panel will continue the discussion about eRegions which emerged from the Bled eConference and attempts to embed the concept within a ‘Smart City’ and ‘Open Innovation’ context.

The notion of eRegions mainly refers on utilizing ICT to support commercial activities in a greater regional context. Similarly, the term Smart City usually begins with a focus on ICT utilization to create ‘smart’ urban areas. Although the notion of Smart Cities comprises intellectual and social capital as well many current activities focus on infrastructural and environmental issues such as energy, traffic, or climate. The idea of Open Societal Innovation refers to the utilization of open innovation approaches from business to state and society to solve societal challenges through involving smart people as innovators into idea creation and problem solving processes.

The panel will bring together the different perspectives contributing to a broader understanding of smart regions:

(1) ICT focus: Nowadays, utilization of ICT means are crucial to cope with the current challenges.

(2) Regional focus: Beside megacities and metropolitan areas the interplay of a number of municipalities with complementary profiles creating regional clusters is an important issue in many European countries, but also beyond.

(3) Open innovation focus: The open societal innovation approach includes people living in specific areas into respective processes in order to cope with current challenges reflection a general trend addressing participatory strategies.”

In the discussions Julia Glidden came up with some lessons for regions:
  • Think big, start small 
  • Prioritise regional openness and interoperability from procurement through to architecture design 
  • Promote your region as an innovation platform 
  • Connect the innovation dots.

Geert Mareels impressively presented Flanders as a really smart region and introduced the Citadel on the Move project.

And Bror Salmelin discussed the reinforcement of the attractiveness of innovation hubs pleading for building innovation ecosystems.

Introduction to the panel as presented in Bled:

8. Januar 2013

"Social Media in Commerce and Business" - Special Interest Track an der 26th Bled eConference

Zum 26. Mal findet vom 9. bis 13. Juni 2013 die Bled eConference in Bled, Slowenien, statt.

Das Rahmenthema lautet 

eInnovation: Impacts on Individuals, Organizations and Society

"After years of rapid technological advances, it is time to reflect on how information and communication technologies (ICTs), information systems and applications have altered fundamentally the way individuals and organizations communicate, interact and organize. Now the time has come to explore the impact of these developments on individuals, organizations and society. Moreover, this provides the opportunity to develop a critical eye to examine our responsibilities as individuals, citizens, consumers and organizations when facing, challenging and shaping these impacts."
Auch in diesem Jahr organisiere ich zusammen mit dem Kollegen Jari Salo aus Finnland den Special Interest Track Social Media in Commerce and Business.
The purpose of this special interest track is to present and to discuss latest developments and experiences in the field of Social Media within the area of commerce and business.

Die Frist für die Einreichung von Research Papers zur Konferenz ist der 11. Februar 2013

Weitere Details zu den Call for Papers und zur 26. Bled eConference gibt es hier.

20. November 2011

Social Media und eDemocracy: Special Interest Tracks an der 25. Bled eConference

Zum 25. Mal findet vom 17. bis 20. Juni 2012 die Bled eConference in Bled, Slowenien, statt.

Themen der 25. Bled eConference

Das Generalthema der Konferenz lautet im Jubiläumsjahr 

Reliable and Trustworthy eStructures, eProcesses, eOperations and eServices for the Future
"The conference theme eDependability serves as a forum to discuss design and creation of reliable and trustworthy eStructures, eProcesses, eOperations and eServices. Is the silver standard that we reached enough? What needs to be done for the gold standard? Researchers, practitioners and policy makers are invited to contribute to the eDependability theme."
Zusammen mit Kollegen organisiere ich zwei Special Interest Tracks im Rahmen der Konferenz:

Weitere Details sind in den Call for Papers - hier und hier - dokumentiert.

Die Frist für die Einreichung von Research Papers zur Konferenz ist der 20. Februar 2012 5. März 2012. 

Vorschläge für Panels oder Workshops sind willkommen!

Es werden ausserderm diese weiteren Special Interest Tracks ageboten: 

Weitere Informationen zur 25. Bled eConference

28. Juni 2011

"How to Utilize Social Media in Universities?" - Workshop at the 24th Bled eConference

As part of the Special Interest Track on "Social Media and Web 2.0" of the 24th Bled eConference 2011 we, my colleague Matt Glowatz and myself, organized the workshop on "How to Utilize Social Media in Universities?" on June 14, 2011.

The following slides give an overview about the Track comprising three paper sessions (here, here, here) and the workshop:

2. Juni 2011

Das Thema Social Media an der 24. Bled eConference

Zum 24. Mal findet vom 12. bis 15. Juni 2011 die Bled eConference in Bled, Slowenien, statt (Google Maps).

Das Generalthema der Konferenz lautet: “eFuture: Creating Solutions for the Individual, Organisations and Society“.

Im Rahmen des Special Interest Tracks Social Media and Web 2.0 organisiere ich zusammen mit dem Kollegen Matt Glowatz aus Irland den Workshop “How to Utilize Social Media in Universities?“. Ziel des Workshop ist es, Erfahrungsberichte aus verschiedenen Ländern über die Nutzung von Social Media in Hochschulen zu erhalten sowie den aktuellen und zukünftigen Einsatz kritisch zu diskutieren.