Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2021
Given that the Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology has recently passed 30 years s... more Given that the Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology has recently passed 30 years since its creation, it would be interesting to examine the pattern of scientific publications of researchers from the Asian and South Pacific region over that period. This bibliometric analysis summarizes and analyses sport and exercise psychology publications from the region from the establishment of the Association in 1989 to the present. We conducted a systematic search of publications authored by researchers from the Asian and South Pacific region in nine sport and exercise psychology journals indexed in the Web of Science from 1989 to 2020. We analysed overall trends, the most prominent authors in terms of number of publications and citations, keywords as a reflection of noteworthy topics, and maps representing co-authorship, country, and institution clusters. Of the total of 1,003 publications, more than half were published after 2012. The most prolific authors with at least 30 publications each were James A. Dimmock, Ben Jackson, and Daniel F. Gucciardi who are all affiliated to Australian universities. Authors of the top 10 most cited publications are affiliated to Australian, New Zealand, and Singapore universities. The universities with the most publications were from Australia (University of Western Australia, University of Queensland, Curtin University, Victoria University, University of Wollongong, and Australian Catholic University), Hong Kong (University of Hong Kong), New Zealand (University of Otago), Singapore (Nanyang Technological University), and Taiwan (National Taiwan Sport University). There is co-authorship between countries in the Asian and South Pacific region as well as outside the region. Most of the collaborations outside the region were with the USA and England.
With growing popularity of start-ups and entrepreneurial businesses in various sectors and the go... more With growing popularity of start-ups and entrepreneurial businesses in various sectors and the government's support towards graduate entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education for nonbusiness disciplines has been expanding in higher education institutes. To infuse entrepreneurial skills among non-business students, entrepreneurship education should be more specific and discipline-based. The relevant medium in the teaching and learning process is a module, which is a resource that contains materials, methods, limitations, and evaluation systematically arranged to best capture the student’s interest. In this paper, we will describe an innovative curricular model that was tested in developing an entrepreneurship module for students of social sciences. The module was designed, developed and conducted for social science students in transforming learning of entrepreneurship, increasing the students’ entrepreneurial intentions and investigate the effect of the designed course on the students’ attitude towards entrepreneurial behavior. This module supports the existing teaching materials by providing opportunities for students to learn independently the concepts described within the module, improve competencies and foster entrepreneurial spirit. This paper discusses a summary of the design process, delivery method, and teaching and learning activities that were implemented.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
This review aimed to identify, evaluate, and synthesize the scientific literature on mobile
healt... more This review aimed to identify, evaluate, and synthesize the scientific literature on mobile health (mHealth) interventions to promote physical activity (PA) or reduce sedentary behavior (SB) in cancer survivors. We searched six databases from 2000 to 13 April 2020 for controlled and noncontrolled trials published in any language. We conducted best evidence syntheses on controlled trials to assess the strength of the evidence. All 31 interventions included in this review measured PA outcomes, with 10 of them also evaluating SB outcomes. Most study participants were adults/older adults with various cancer types. The majority (n = 25) of studies implemented multicomponent interventions, with activity trackers being the most commonly used mHealth technology. There is strong evidence for mHealth interventions, including personal contact components, in increasing moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA among cancer survivors. However, there is inconclusive evidence to support mHealth interventions in increasing total activity and step counts. There is inconclusive evidence on SB potentially due to the limited number of studies. mHealth interventions that include personal contact components are likely more effective in increasing PA than mHealth interventions without such components. Future
Despite increasing publications in disability sport, no bibliometric analysis has been conducted ... more Despite increasing publications in disability sport, no bibliometric analysis has been conducted to evaluate their impact. We conducted a systematic search of the Web of Science Core Collection citation index on June 26, 2017 for publications published since 1980 to identify the top 50 most cited publications in disability sport. The top 50 cited publications were mainly articles and reviews published in the English language between 1993 and 2014. Most of the 148 authors who contributed to these publications were based in Europe and North America. The majority of the publications can be categorized as sociological and psychological as well as training and competition effects. The most researched events were the Paralympics and Special Olympics. These top-cited publications have contributed to the development of disability sport research.
Because maximizing stadium attendance demand is of utmost importance, for both sports economists ... more Because maximizing stadium attendance demand is of utmost importance, for both sports economists and sport management researchers, understanding the potential determinants of such demand better has become a priority in the last decades. Here, conducting a systematic scoping review, we map this previous research in terms of its characteristics, its nature, and its volume, thus offering a concise perspective on what has been previously explored, and, more importantly, what remains to be analyzed in the future. Intriguingly, we observe a lack of studies exploring data generated in both niche and women's sports, as well as in most emerging markets. Further, the field has not yet established the use of disaggregated stadium attendance data, despite notable potential methodological pitfalls. Keywords attendance, demand, football/soccer, major league baseball (MLB), major league soccer (MLS), national basketball association (NBA), national football league (NFL), national hockey league (NHL), outcome uncertainty, spectator sports For executives operating in the field of professional sports, maximizing stadium attendance demand is of utmost importance. On the one hand, generating revenue
There is an evident gap in the studies that provide a systematic process of designing sport entre... more There is an evident gap in the studies that provide a systematic process of designing sport entrepreneurship courses. This study employed an educational design-based approach to design a sport entrepreneurship course. The 'Theory of Planned Behaviour' and Gagné's 'nine events of instructions' were used as the theoretical foundation and teaching strategy guidelines of the course. The study included three main phases, namely needs analysis, course design, and reflection. Needs assessment phase resulted to the design of outline for an introductory sport entrepreneurship course. The completed design was instructed to sport students in a public university in Malaysia. The post-test results showed a significant increase in students' entrepreneurial intention. The classroom observations showed more attention must be paid to opportunity recognition topic and cultural contexts for an introductory entrepreneurship course. In addition, using the nine events of instruction as the basis for teaching strategy provided a clear structure and solid framework for the teaching and learning process and classroom experience.
Physical activity and aging research has burgeoned in the past few decades. However, despite the ... more Physical activity and aging research has burgeoned in the past few decades. However, despite the increase in scholarly publications, no attempts have been made to summarize the publication landscape and identify work that has had great impact on physical activity and aging research. We conducted a bibliometric analysis and collected publication data from 1980 to February 6, 2015, in the Web of Science Core Collection. Of 9.935 publications, most were published after 2007 and almost 60% were in the category of geriatrics and gerontology or sport sciences. Highly cited publications (.n = 45) were mostly authored by researchers from US institutions and were quantitative in nature. Publications that reported on the associations between physical activity and health, or effects of physical activity on health, in older adults made up 60% of the highly cited publications. We expect more scholars from various backgrounds and geographical regions to join the conversation on physical activity and aging.
Physical activity and aging research has burgeoned in the past few decades. Despite the increase ... more Physical activity and aging research has burgeoned in the past few decades. Despite the increase in scholarly publications no attempts have been made to summarize the publication landscape and to identify works that had great impact to physical activity and aging research. We conducted a bibliometric analysis and collected publication data from 1980 to February 6, 2015 in the Web of Science Core Collection. Of the overall 9,935 publications most were published after 2007 and almost 60% were in the category of Geriatrics and Gerontology or Sport Sciences. Highly cited publications (n = 45) were mostly authored by researchers from US institutions and were quantitative in nature. Publications that reported on the associations or effects of physical activity on health in older adults made up 60% of the highly cited publications. We expect more scholars from various backgrounds and geographical regions to join the conversation on physical activity and aging.
In today's chaotic business environment, organizations face the need to rapidly respond to demand... more In today's chaotic business environment, organizations face the need to rapidly respond to demands, explore new opportunities, apply evolving technologies, and create novel competitive advantages. Knowledge Management (KM) and Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) are two strategic tools through which companies can concurrently exploit their competitive advantages while seeking potential opportunities. Since KM and CE practically help to improve organizational performance through their own resources, they seem not only interrelated but also influence each other. Therefore, an empirical survey was carried out among 51 Malaysian firms from different industrial sectors. In this study, Multiple Regressions is used to address the relationship between KM and CE. The results revealed that knowledge exploitation has significant positive relationship with innovation culture. However, there is no significant positive relationship between knowledge sharing culture and innovation culture. Similarly, both independent variables have no significant relationship with employees' interest in work innovation.
Knowledge management (KM) and successful implementation of knowledge management systems (KMS) are... more Knowledge management (KM) and successful implementation of knowledge management systems (KMS) are of key interest to many organizations, both large organizations and small-medium size enterprises (SMEs). However, how companies address the issue of KM often varies and is also a function of size of the organization. For instance, large corporations’ attitude might differ from that of SMEs. Hence, there is need to study these differences. In first part of this paper, we discuss major differences between the approaches to KM by large organizations and SMEs.
SMEs, like their large counterparts, carry out diverse business functions (and activities), and each of these business functions plays an important role in the success of the company and attainment of its goals. Further, other factors such as the ownership, business strategies, organizational structure and culture, decision making process, and IT infrastructure, also influence the SMEs performance. Hence in order for an initiative like KM to be successfully implemented, all these influential elements must be taken into consideration and be thoroughly investigated as to how they facilitate the KM implementation process and how to ensure the success of the initiative. Thus, taking a holistic view, we investigate KM efforts in SMEs focusing on the impact of each function in an SME on KM implementation. Based on our study, we also provide recommendations to SMEs for successful implementation of KMS.
Asian Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 2021
Given that the Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology has recently passed 30 years s... more Given that the Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology has recently passed 30 years since its creation, it would be interesting to examine the pattern of scientific publications of researchers from the Asian and South Pacific region over that period. This bibliometric analysis summarizes and analyses sport and exercise psychology publications from the region from the establishment of the Association in 1989 to the present. We conducted a systematic search of publications authored by researchers from the Asian and South Pacific region in nine sport and exercise psychology journals indexed in the Web of Science from 1989 to 2020. We analysed overall trends, the most prominent authors in terms of number of publications and citations, keywords as a reflection of noteworthy topics, and maps representing co-authorship, country, and institution clusters. Of the total of 1,003 publications, more than half were published after 2012. The most prolific authors with at least 30 publications each were James A. Dimmock, Ben Jackson, and Daniel F. Gucciardi who are all affiliated to Australian universities. Authors of the top 10 most cited publications are affiliated to Australian, New Zealand, and Singapore universities. The universities with the most publications were from Australia (University of Western Australia, University of Queensland, Curtin University, Victoria University, University of Wollongong, and Australian Catholic University), Hong Kong (University of Hong Kong), New Zealand (University of Otago), Singapore (Nanyang Technological University), and Taiwan (National Taiwan Sport University). There is co-authorship between countries in the Asian and South Pacific region as well as outside the region. Most of the collaborations outside the region were with the USA and England.
With growing popularity of start-ups and entrepreneurial businesses in various sectors and the go... more With growing popularity of start-ups and entrepreneurial businesses in various sectors and the government's support towards graduate entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education for nonbusiness disciplines has been expanding in higher education institutes. To infuse entrepreneurial skills among non-business students, entrepreneurship education should be more specific and discipline-based. The relevant medium in the teaching and learning process is a module, which is a resource that contains materials, methods, limitations, and evaluation systematically arranged to best capture the student’s interest. In this paper, we will describe an innovative curricular model that was tested in developing an entrepreneurship module for students of social sciences. The module was designed, developed and conducted for social science students in transforming learning of entrepreneurship, increasing the students’ entrepreneurial intentions and investigate the effect of the designed course on the students’ attitude towards entrepreneurial behavior. This module supports the existing teaching materials by providing opportunities for students to learn independently the concepts described within the module, improve competencies and foster entrepreneurial spirit. This paper discusses a summary of the design process, delivery method, and teaching and learning activities that were implemented.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
This review aimed to identify, evaluate, and synthesize the scientific literature on mobile
healt... more This review aimed to identify, evaluate, and synthesize the scientific literature on mobile health (mHealth) interventions to promote physical activity (PA) or reduce sedentary behavior (SB) in cancer survivors. We searched six databases from 2000 to 13 April 2020 for controlled and noncontrolled trials published in any language. We conducted best evidence syntheses on controlled trials to assess the strength of the evidence. All 31 interventions included in this review measured PA outcomes, with 10 of them also evaluating SB outcomes. Most study participants were adults/older adults with various cancer types. The majority (n = 25) of studies implemented multicomponent interventions, with activity trackers being the most commonly used mHealth technology. There is strong evidence for mHealth interventions, including personal contact components, in increasing moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA among cancer survivors. However, there is inconclusive evidence to support mHealth interventions in increasing total activity and step counts. There is inconclusive evidence on SB potentially due to the limited number of studies. mHealth interventions that include personal contact components are likely more effective in increasing PA than mHealth interventions without such components. Future
Despite increasing publications in disability sport, no bibliometric analysis has been conducted ... more Despite increasing publications in disability sport, no bibliometric analysis has been conducted to evaluate their impact. We conducted a systematic search of the Web of Science Core Collection citation index on June 26, 2017 for publications published since 1980 to identify the top 50 most cited publications in disability sport. The top 50 cited publications were mainly articles and reviews published in the English language between 1993 and 2014. Most of the 148 authors who contributed to these publications were based in Europe and North America. The majority of the publications can be categorized as sociological and psychological as well as training and competition effects. The most researched events were the Paralympics and Special Olympics. These top-cited publications have contributed to the development of disability sport research.
Because maximizing stadium attendance demand is of utmost importance, for both sports economists ... more Because maximizing stadium attendance demand is of utmost importance, for both sports economists and sport management researchers, understanding the potential determinants of such demand better has become a priority in the last decades. Here, conducting a systematic scoping review, we map this previous research in terms of its characteristics, its nature, and its volume, thus offering a concise perspective on what has been previously explored, and, more importantly, what remains to be analyzed in the future. Intriguingly, we observe a lack of studies exploring data generated in both niche and women's sports, as well as in most emerging markets. Further, the field has not yet established the use of disaggregated stadium attendance data, despite notable potential methodological pitfalls. Keywords attendance, demand, football/soccer, major league baseball (MLB), major league soccer (MLS), national basketball association (NBA), national football league (NFL), national hockey league (NHL), outcome uncertainty, spectator sports For executives operating in the field of professional sports, maximizing stadium attendance demand is of utmost importance. On the one hand, generating revenue
There is an evident gap in the studies that provide a systematic process of designing sport entre... more There is an evident gap in the studies that provide a systematic process of designing sport entrepreneurship courses. This study employed an educational design-based approach to design a sport entrepreneurship course. The 'Theory of Planned Behaviour' and Gagné's 'nine events of instructions' were used as the theoretical foundation and teaching strategy guidelines of the course. The study included three main phases, namely needs analysis, course design, and reflection. Needs assessment phase resulted to the design of outline for an introductory sport entrepreneurship course. The completed design was instructed to sport students in a public university in Malaysia. The post-test results showed a significant increase in students' entrepreneurial intention. The classroom observations showed more attention must be paid to opportunity recognition topic and cultural contexts for an introductory entrepreneurship course. In addition, using the nine events of instruction as the basis for teaching strategy provided a clear structure and solid framework for the teaching and learning process and classroom experience.
Physical activity and aging research has burgeoned in the past few decades. However, despite the ... more Physical activity and aging research has burgeoned in the past few decades. However, despite the increase in scholarly publications, no attempts have been made to summarize the publication landscape and identify work that has had great impact on physical activity and aging research. We conducted a bibliometric analysis and collected publication data from 1980 to February 6, 2015, in the Web of Science Core Collection. Of 9.935 publications, most were published after 2007 and almost 60% were in the category of geriatrics and gerontology or sport sciences. Highly cited publications (.n = 45) were mostly authored by researchers from US institutions and were quantitative in nature. Publications that reported on the associations between physical activity and health, or effects of physical activity on health, in older adults made up 60% of the highly cited publications. We expect more scholars from various backgrounds and geographical regions to join the conversation on physical activity and aging.
Physical activity and aging research has burgeoned in the past few decades. Despite the increase ... more Physical activity and aging research has burgeoned in the past few decades. Despite the increase in scholarly publications no attempts have been made to summarize the publication landscape and to identify works that had great impact to physical activity and aging research. We conducted a bibliometric analysis and collected publication data from 1980 to February 6, 2015 in the Web of Science Core Collection. Of the overall 9,935 publications most were published after 2007 and almost 60% were in the category of Geriatrics and Gerontology or Sport Sciences. Highly cited publications (n = 45) were mostly authored by researchers from US institutions and were quantitative in nature. Publications that reported on the associations or effects of physical activity on health in older adults made up 60% of the highly cited publications. We expect more scholars from various backgrounds and geographical regions to join the conversation on physical activity and aging.
In today's chaotic business environment, organizations face the need to rapidly respond to demand... more In today's chaotic business environment, organizations face the need to rapidly respond to demands, explore new opportunities, apply evolving technologies, and create novel competitive advantages. Knowledge Management (KM) and Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) are two strategic tools through which companies can concurrently exploit their competitive advantages while seeking potential opportunities. Since KM and CE practically help to improve organizational performance through their own resources, they seem not only interrelated but also influence each other. Therefore, an empirical survey was carried out among 51 Malaysian firms from different industrial sectors. In this study, Multiple Regressions is used to address the relationship between KM and CE. The results revealed that knowledge exploitation has significant positive relationship with innovation culture. However, there is no significant positive relationship between knowledge sharing culture and innovation culture. Similarly, both independent variables have no significant relationship with employees' interest in work innovation.
Knowledge management (KM) and successful implementation of knowledge management systems (KMS) are... more Knowledge management (KM) and successful implementation of knowledge management systems (KMS) are of key interest to many organizations, both large organizations and small-medium size enterprises (SMEs). However, how companies address the issue of KM often varies and is also a function of size of the organization. For instance, large corporations’ attitude might differ from that of SMEs. Hence, there is need to study these differences. In first part of this paper, we discuss major differences between the approaches to KM by large organizations and SMEs.
SMEs, like their large counterparts, carry out diverse business functions (and activities), and each of these business functions plays an important role in the success of the company and attainment of its goals. Further, other factors such as the ownership, business strategies, organizational structure and culture, decision making process, and IT infrastructure, also influence the SMEs performance. Hence in order for an initiative like KM to be successfully implemented, all these influential elements must be taken into consideration and be thoroughly investigated as to how they facilitate the KM implementation process and how to ensure the success of the initiative. Thus, taking a holistic view, we investigate KM efforts in SMEs focusing on the impact of each function in an SME on KM implementation. Based on our study, we also provide recommendations to SMEs for successful implementation of KMS.
Papers by Payam Ansari
a resource that contains materials, methods, limitations, and evaluation systematically arranged to best capture the student’s interest. In this paper, we will describe an innovative curricular model that was tested in developing an entrepreneurship module for students of social sciences. The module was designed, developed and conducted for social science students in transforming learning of entrepreneurship, increasing the students’ entrepreneurial intentions and investigate the effect of the designed course on the students’ attitude towards entrepreneurial behavior. This module supports the existing teaching materials by providing opportunities for students to learn independently the concepts described within the module, improve competencies and foster
entrepreneurial spirit. This paper discusses a summary of the design process, delivery method, and teaching and learning activities that were implemented.
health (mHealth) interventions to promote physical activity (PA) or reduce sedentary behavior (SB)
in cancer survivors. We searched six databases from 2000 to 13 April 2020 for controlled and noncontrolled
trials published in any language. We conducted best evidence syntheses on controlled
trials to assess the strength of the evidence. All 31 interventions included in this review measured PA
outcomes, with 10 of them also evaluating SB outcomes. Most study participants were adults/older
adults with various cancer types. The majority (n = 25) of studies implemented multicomponent
interventions, with activity trackers being the most commonly used mHealth technology. There is
strong evidence for mHealth interventions, including personal contact components, in increasing
moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA among cancer survivors. However, there is inconclusive evidence
to support mHealth interventions in increasing total activity and step counts. There is inconclusive
evidence on SB potentially due to the limited number of studies. mHealth interventions that include
personal contact components are likely more effective in increasing PA than mHealth interventions
without such components. Future
have been made to summarize the publication landscape and identify work that has had great impact on physical activity and aging research.
We conducted a bibliometric analysis and collected publication data from 1980 to February 6, 2015, in the Web of Science Core Collection.
Of 9.935 publications, most were published after 2007 and almost 60% were in the category of geriatrics and gerontology or sport sciences.
Highly cited publications (.n = 45) were mostly authored by researchers from US institutions and were quantitative in nature. Publications that
reported on the associations between physical activity and health, or effects of physical activity on health, in older adults made up 60% of the
highly cited publications. We expect more scholars from various backgrounds and geographical regions to join the conversation on physical
activity and aging.
SMEs, like their large counterparts, carry out diverse business functions (and activities), and each of these business functions plays an important role in the success of the company and attainment of its goals. Further, other factors such as the ownership, business strategies, organizational structure and culture, decision making process, and IT infrastructure, also influence the SMEs performance. Hence in order for an initiative like KM to be successfully implemented, all these influential elements must be taken into consideration and be thoroughly investigated as to how they facilitate the KM implementation process and how to ensure the success of the initiative. Thus, taking a holistic view, we investigate KM efforts in SMEs focusing on the impact of each function in an SME on KM implementation. Based on our study, we also provide recommendations to SMEs for successful implementation of KMS.
a resource that contains materials, methods, limitations, and evaluation systematically arranged to best capture the student’s interest. In this paper, we will describe an innovative curricular model that was tested in developing an entrepreneurship module for students of social sciences. The module was designed, developed and conducted for social science students in transforming learning of entrepreneurship, increasing the students’ entrepreneurial intentions and investigate the effect of the designed course on the students’ attitude towards entrepreneurial behavior. This module supports the existing teaching materials by providing opportunities for students to learn independently the concepts described within the module, improve competencies and foster
entrepreneurial spirit. This paper discusses a summary of the design process, delivery method, and teaching and learning activities that were implemented.
health (mHealth) interventions to promote physical activity (PA) or reduce sedentary behavior (SB)
in cancer survivors. We searched six databases from 2000 to 13 April 2020 for controlled and noncontrolled
trials published in any language. We conducted best evidence syntheses on controlled
trials to assess the strength of the evidence. All 31 interventions included in this review measured PA
outcomes, with 10 of them also evaluating SB outcomes. Most study participants were adults/older
adults with various cancer types. The majority (n = 25) of studies implemented multicomponent
interventions, with activity trackers being the most commonly used mHealth technology. There is
strong evidence for mHealth interventions, including personal contact components, in increasing
moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA among cancer survivors. However, there is inconclusive evidence
to support mHealth interventions in increasing total activity and step counts. There is inconclusive
evidence on SB potentially due to the limited number of studies. mHealth interventions that include
personal contact components are likely more effective in increasing PA than mHealth interventions
without such components. Future
have been made to summarize the publication landscape and identify work that has had great impact on physical activity and aging research.
We conducted a bibliometric analysis and collected publication data from 1980 to February 6, 2015, in the Web of Science Core Collection.
Of 9.935 publications, most were published after 2007 and almost 60% were in the category of geriatrics and gerontology or sport sciences.
Highly cited publications (.n = 45) were mostly authored by researchers from US institutions and were quantitative in nature. Publications that
reported on the associations between physical activity and health, or effects of physical activity on health, in older adults made up 60% of the
highly cited publications. We expect more scholars from various backgrounds and geographical regions to join the conversation on physical
activity and aging.
SMEs, like their large counterparts, carry out diverse business functions (and activities), and each of these business functions plays an important role in the success of the company and attainment of its goals. Further, other factors such as the ownership, business strategies, organizational structure and culture, decision making process, and IT infrastructure, also influence the SMEs performance. Hence in order for an initiative like KM to be successfully implemented, all these influential elements must be taken into consideration and be thoroughly investigated as to how they facilitate the KM implementation process and how to ensure the success of the initiative. Thus, taking a holistic view, we investigate KM efforts in SMEs focusing on the impact of each function in an SME on KM implementation. Based on our study, we also provide recommendations to SMEs for successful implementation of KMS.