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Business Process Technology

Publicly Funded Research Projects


Smart Last Mile Logistics

March 2018 to March 2021

Sven Ihde, Luise Pufahl, Mathias Weske


The success of online shopping combined with the convenience of home delivery leads to massive congestion in cities. CEP (Courier-Express-Parcels) service provider have increasing cost and service pressure, especially in the last mile parcel delivery. The most pressing issue is the failed delivery of parcel during to mismatches between the working hours of CEP and the availability of customers at home. With the advance of digitalization and the possibility of analyzing data in real-time, new options for the delivery of parcels are enabled. The goal of the project is to create a white-label platform that combines solution from multiple fields, e.g. crowd logistics, car delivery and personalized home delivery. On top of that we incorporate an optimization to enable the shared use of resources (e.g. vehicles, driver, depots), which in turn counters congestion in cities as well as linking rural regions.


GET Service

Green European Transportation

October 2012 to September 2015

Anne Baumgrass, Andreas Meyer, Marian Pufahl, Mathias Weske


The GET Service platform provides transportation planners with the means to plan transportation routes more efficiently and to respond quickly to unexpected events during transportation. In this project, BPT is responsible for event processing and its correlation to processes. Using the UNICORN platform, we are able to increase the transparency of transportations as well as improve the detection and visualisation of events’ impacts (e.g., delays or disruption of transportation). In general, GET Service connects to existing transportation management systems, provides novel planning algorithms, and improves systems’ and algorithms’ performance by enabling sharing of selected information and events, advanced planning and advanced transportation management.


  • Sponsor: EU’s 7th Framework Programme
  • Project partners: TU/e, PTV, Jan de Rijk, Portbase, Exus, WU Vienna, TransVer, IBM Zurich, HPI
  • Short summary: Video

Interacting Business Processes

Interacting Business Processes based on Data-Driven Service Composition

July 2012 to June 2015

Oleh Khovalko, Mathias Weske


By combining techniques from business process management, database schema matching, and machine learning feedback utilization, this research project aims at providing an important milestone in deriving business process implementations from annotated process models. In particular, data schema matching and machine learning algorithms are used to investigate the impact of the process data on selecting the most appropriate services from a set of available services for implementation of a single business process activities. Further, the relationship of the output data of one process to the input data of another process during communication between interacting processes is investigated, so that data transformation based on a determined data mapping can be used to let the processes interact properly.



Prozessintelligenz im Gesundheitswesen

December 2010 to November 2013

Nico Herzberg, Mathias Weske


The health care is facing major challenges to obtain efficient. Therefore, reproducible and transparent quality of treatment processes must be achieved. PIGE has set itself the goal of achieving this quality through business process intelligence, i.e., by fusion of business intelligence and business process management. This means that execution data (e.g., treatment, waiting or processing times) is connected directly with business processes so that it becomes apparent what processes are responsible for the detected values. Key technical challenge in business process intelligence is the correlation between execution data of information systems and business processes. With regard to the clinical environment, the data from clinical information systems must be brought together with the clinical pathways. The project PIGE refines modeling techniques and researchs novel methods on the conceptual side, whereas on the technical side interfaces to clinical information systems and prototypes are implemented. The aim of the project is to expand the current state of science in the field of process analysis and process improvement, and the prototypical implementation of the developed concepts.


  • Sponsor: BMBF - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung


Adaptive Services Grid

September 2004 to February 2007

Dominik Kuropka, Guido Laures, Harald Meyer, Mathias Weske


The goal of Adaptive Services Grid (ASG) is to develop a proof-of-concept prototype of an open platform for adaptive services discovery, creation, composition, and enactment.


  • Sponsor: European Union, IST, FP-6


Process Family Engineering in Service-Oriented Applications

October 2003 to September 2006

Hagen Overdick, Frank Puhlmann, Arnd Schnieders, Mathias Weske


The objective of PESOA is to develop an approach for the product line based development of process oriented software (Product Family Engineering), which is validated by developing a platform prototype for Process Family Engineering.


  • Sponsor: BMBF - Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung

Industry Funded Research Projects


Production Case Management

January 2014 to January 2018

Marcin Hewelt, Andreas Meyer, Nico Herzberg, Mathias Weske


The project targets on an approach catering for (1) flexible process management including run-time adaptations and corresponding change management as well as (2) process variant management. Thereby, we aim at support on design-time and run-time level. Especially for the latter, we analyze the interplay of processes, events, and rules and incorporate these findings into a combined execution of business processes.


  • Project partner: Bosch Software Innovations GmbH

Other Industry Cooperations

In the past, we’ve partnered with the following companies for various projects:


D-Labs provides its expertise in Design Thinking to clients as a service. It is an innovative consulting firm with a clear focus on conceptualizing and designing software solutions, while taking technical feasibility, business and user goals into account.

We worked together with D-LABS to maximize the value of their service. The goal was to integrate their existing artifacts and to extend their process oriented methodology.


Camunda is a business process company. They provide expertise at the organisational as well as on the technical level. The portfolio spans consulting BPM projects and teaching BPM knowledge (such as process modeling). Moreover, they have deep technical knowledge and provide process-as-a-service solutions for small-medium enterprises.

We worked together with Camunda on BPM at various points. They were our industry partner for the Bachelor project Process Collaboration Platform.

AOK Brandenburg

Being one of the largest health insurance companies in Germany, AOK manages a large number of detailed business process models. The goal of our project with AOK was to develop automatic business process abstraction of large event-driven process chains (EPCs).


eBay is one of the biggest online market places, well known to everybody. Behind the scenes the company captures and manages their processes professionally with focus on customer support. To lift the standards, the BPT group coached eBay process modeling experts in using BPMN and applying best practises. The project was conducted with eBay Europe.

Software AG

Software AG is one of Germany’s largest software vendors. We conducted joint research and teaching together, which included Bachelor projects and an integration of Oryx and Centrasite.

T-Systems Multimedia Solutions

Among other things, T-Systems MMS has gained varied experiences in projects in the business processes field. The goal of the project was to combine these practical experiences with current research results of the BPT group and apply them to a practical example. To support the design and implementation phases of the business process lifecycle, we developed a prototype combining different tools for each phase, including Signavio Modeler (Design), Activiti Process-Engine (Implementation) and Drupal CMS (Portal integration).