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Vés al contingut


De Viccionari


  • Pronúncia: /ɡɛt/ àudio (EUA) 
  • Etimologia: Del nòrdic antic geta, del protogermànic *getaną, del protoindoeuropeu *gʰed- («agafar, aconseguir»).



get ‎(3a persona singular present gets, gerundi getting, passat got o gat [arcaic], participi got)

  1. aconseguir
    I can't get it to work.
    No puc aconseguir que funcioni.
  2. comprar, adquirir
    I'm going to get a computer tomorrow from the discount store.
    Demà aniré a comprar un ordinador a les rebaixes.
  3. rebre, aconseguir
    You need to get permission to leave early.
    Has de rebre permís per sortir abans.
  4. tenir
    I've got a concert ticket for you.
    Tinc una entrada del concert per a tu.
  5. atansar, portar, acostar, apropar
    Can you get my bag from the living-room, please?.
    M'atanses la bossa que tinc a la sala, si us plau?.
  6. posar-se, esdevenir
    He goes out to get drunk.
    Ell surt per posar-se hebri.
  7. fer anar
    I got him to his room.
    Rl vaig fer anar a la seva habitació.
  8. començar
    We ought to get moving or we'll be late.
    Hauríem de començar a moure'ns o farem tard.
  9. agafar
    I normally get the 7:45 train..
    Normalment agafo el tren de les 7:45.
  10. contestar, agafar el telèfon
    Can you get that call, please? I'm busy.—Pots contestar tu al telèfon? Estic enfeinat.»
  11. entendre, copsar
    Yeah, I get it, it's just not funny.
    Si, ara ho entenc, però no fa gràcia.
  12. ser dit
    "You look just like Helen Mirren." / "I get that a lot.".
    T'assembles mot a Helen Mirren./Sí, m'ho diuen força.
  13. ésser (forma passiva)
    He got bitten by a dog.
    Ell va ser mossegat per un gos.
  14. impactar, sorprendre, sobtar, aclaparar
    That question's really got me.
    Aquella pregunta em va sobtar de debó.
  15. posar, respondre, contestar
    What did you get for question four?.
    Què has posat a la pregunta quatre?
  16. agafar, enxampar, atrapar
    The cops finally got me.
    Al final els polis em van enxampar.
  17. entendre, sentir
    Sorry, I didn't get that. Could you repeat it?.
    Ho sento no ho he sentit bé. M'ho pot repetir?
  18. memoritzar
    Have you get the Greek lesson?
    Has memoritzat la lliçó de grec.
  19. prendre
    Did you get her temperature?
    Li vas prendre la temperatura?



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