... director Morten Hahn-Pedersen, director Kristen D. Nedergaard, Dr Bo Poulsen, Dr Jacob Kronba... more ... director Morten Hahn-Pedersen, director Kristen D. Nedergaard, Dr Bo Poulsen, Dr Jacob Kronbak, Morten Karnøe Søndergaard and Anne Lif Lund ... Later liner shipping analysts, Gunnar K. Sletmo and Ernest W. Williams, Jr., argued likewise in their book on container shipping ...
We examine ecolabels’ environmental effectiveness in the context of the international shipping in... more We examine ecolabels’ environmental effectiveness in the context of the international shipping industry. Shipping faces major environmental challenges, and has recently witnessed the introduction of several ecolabels aiming for better environmental outcomes. Extending the ecolabel literature into a mature service industry with global operations, we show that concerns about ecolabel environmental effectiveness also have relevance here. Shipping ecolabels fall short of best practices for design and governance. Our study has policy implications for the achievement of better environmental outcomes in the shipping industry.
The Nordic countries have played a key role in shipping for over a century, but have had to conte... more The Nordic countries have played a key role in shipping for over a century, but have had to contend with declining employment and loss of markets over the last fifty years. Globalization has led to a series of new challenges and opportunities in the maritime industries - both the rules of the game and the playing field have changed. This book analyzes how shipping companies and authorities in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland have adapted to these changes. It explains why important parts of Nordic shipping failed to respond effectively to the economic integration process, while other parts were able to exploit the global growth opportunities. By linking company strategies to changes in political and institutional frameworks, this book maps out the transformation of an entire industry.
... director Morten Hahn-Pedersen, director Kristen D. Nedergaard, Dr Bo Poulsen, Dr Jacob Kronba... more ... director Morten Hahn-Pedersen, director Kristen D. Nedergaard, Dr Bo Poulsen, Dr Jacob Kronbak, Morten Karnøe Søndergaard and Anne Lif Lund ... Later liner shipping analysts, Gunnar K. Sletmo and Ernest W. Williams, Jr., argued likewise in their book on container shipping ...
We examine ecolabels’ environmental effectiveness in the context of the international shipping in... more We examine ecolabels’ environmental effectiveness in the context of the international shipping industry. Shipping faces major environmental challenges, and has recently witnessed the introduction of several ecolabels aiming for better environmental outcomes. Extending the ecolabel literature into a mature service industry with global operations, we show that concerns about ecolabel environmental effectiveness also have relevance here. Shipping ecolabels fall short of best practices for design and governance. Our study has policy implications for the achievement of better environmental outcomes in the shipping industry.
The Nordic countries have played a key role in shipping for over a century, but have had to conte... more The Nordic countries have played a key role in shipping for over a century, but have had to contend with declining employment and loss of markets over the last fifty years. Globalization has led to a series of new challenges and opportunities in the maritime industries - both the rules of the game and the playing field have changed. This book analyzes how shipping companies and authorities in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Finland have adapted to these changes. It explains why important parts of Nordic shipping failed to respond effectively to the economic integration process, while other parts were able to exploit the global growth opportunities. By linking company strategies to changes in political and institutional frameworks, this book maps out the transformation of an entire industry.
Nærværende artikel præsenterer hovedkonklusionerne i et PhD-projekt, der blev gennemført af under... more Nærværende artikel præsenterer hovedkonklusionerne i et PhD-projekt, der blev gennemført af undertegnede ved Center for Maritime og Regionale Studier fra juli 2002 til juli 2005. Projektet kombinerer fiskeri-historie med fiskeribiologiske metoder i et forsøg på at forstå langsigtede ændringer i Nordsøens økosystem og deres indflydelse på kystsamfund. I artiklen argumenteres det for, at en ny tværdisciplinær tilgang til fiskerihistorie, kaldet marin miljøhistorie, kan øge vores forståelse af de store forandringer, havnenes økosystemer har undergået gennem århundreder. Samtidig kan den marine miljøhistorie skærpe vores forståelse for havmiljøets betydning for kystsamfunds historiske udvikling.
Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet gennemførte i 2002 og 2003 en undersøgelse af konceptændringerne i pass... more Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet gennemførte i 2002 og 2003 en undersøgelse af konceptændringerne i passagertrafikken på DFDS’ rute fra Esbjerg til Harwich. I et videre perspektiv er det hensigten at få belyst hele udviklingen af den danske passagertrafik på Nordsøen. Nærværende artikel er et delresultat af dette arbejde og indgår samtidig som led i et internationalt samarbejdsprojekt, som under titlen “North Sea Passenger Lines” udføres af Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet i samarbejde med de maritime museer i Gøteborg, Stavanger, Torshavn, Aberdeen, Hull, Bremerhaven, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Antwerpen og Dunkerque.
I løbet af årene 2002 og 2003 gennemførte DFDS en markant omstrukturering af sejladsen på Esbjerg... more I løbet af årene 2002 og 2003 gennemførte DFDS en markant omstrukturering af sejladsen på Esbjerg-Harwich ruten. »Dana Anglia«, der gennem næsten et kvart århundrede havde været flagskib på DFDS’Englandsruter fra Esbjerg, blev afløst af ny tonnage. Samtidig ændredes rutens koncept fra flydende hoteldrift til ro/pax-transport med højere vægtning af godselementet. En projektgruppe fra Center for Maritime og Regionale Studier (Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet/Syddansk Universitet) har fulgt denne proces på tæt hold. I efteråret 2002 foretog projektgruppen en dokumentationstur med »Dana Anglia«,og efter omlægningerne har gruppen i 2003 foretaget en tilsvarende rejse med rutens nye skib »Dana Sirena«. I denne artikel fortælles, hvordan besætning og passagerer har oplevet forandringerne på DFDS’ Englandsrute fra Esbjerg.
Efter at have været indsat på DFDS-ruten mellem Esbjerg og Harwich siden bygningen i 1978 blev M/... more Efter at have været indsat på DFDS-ruten mellem Esbjerg og Harwich siden bygningen i 1978 blev M/S “Dana Anglia” pr. 1. oktober 2002 overført til en ny DFDS-rute mellem København, Trelleborg og Gdansk. Inden “Dana Anglia” efter henved et kvart århundrede i Englandsfarten for sidste gang lod trosserne gå i Esbjerg, gennemførte en projektgruppe fra Center for Maritime og Regionale Studier (Fiskeri- og Søfartsmuseet/Syddansk Universitet) en dokumentationstur med skibet som indledning til et større forskningsprojekt. Nærværende artikel fortæller om turen og de videre perspektiver i undersøgelsesarbejdet.
Næppe mange danske er i tvivl om A.P. Møller-Mærsk Gruppens engagement i indvindingen af olie og ... more Næppe mange danske er i tvivl om A.P. Møller-Mærsk Gruppens engagement i indvindingen af olie og naturgas fra undergrunden. Færre er imidlertid klar over, hvor omfattende engagementet i virkeligheden er. Formålet med nærværende artikel er at skabe overblik over A.P. Møller-Mærsks engagement i denne sektor ved at følge aktiviteterne i olie- og gasindustriens værdikæde fra kulbrinte-fund til forbruger og indplacere virksomhedsgruppens forskellige kulbrinterelaterede aktiviteter heri. Historien om A.P. Møller-Mærsk og kulbrinterne går tilbage til 1920’erne og har efterhånden udviklet sig til et væsentligt element i gruppens samlede virksomhed. Artiklen belyser denne historie og vurderer afslutningsvis olie- og gasindustriens samlede strategiske betydning for virksomhedsgruppen samt graden af integration mellem de forskellige olie-relaterede aktiviteter i A.P. Møller-Mærsk Gruppen.
In this article, we examine the relations between global value chain governance and environmental... more In this article, we examine the relations between global value chain governance and environmental upgrading in maritime shipping. Drawing from interviews with global shipping companies and major buyers of shipping services (cargo-owners), we reveal the key issues and challenges faced in improving the environmental performance of maritime transportation. Contributing to the Global Value Chain (GVC) literature, we compare and analyze the influence of three main external drivers on environmental upgrading in the tanker, bulk and container shipping segments: regulation, cooperation and buyer demands. Our findings suggest that environmental upgrading is more likely to occur when global value chains are characterized by unipolar governance and where the lead firms are consumer-facing companies with reputational risks. Furthermore, environmental upgrading in shipping is not likely to materialize without clear and enforceable global regulation and stronger alignment between regulation and voluntary sustainability initiatives.
In a dynamic world, long-lasting business ventures are rare. Many once successful firms have fail... more In a dynamic world, long-lasting business ventures are rare. Many once successful firms have failed to respond to major commercial, technological, or political changes and suffered from strategic mistakes. A few firms, however, have survived for centuries, and scholars have debated how and why. This book concerns such a firm: Weilbach, one of the oldest maritime suppliers in the world.
Established in 1755, Weilbach has navigated over 265 years of maritime history. Initially producing sails and nautical instruments, Weilbach has experienced several market crashes, radical technological changes, and major political transformations. Responding to these challenges, Weilbach has fundamentally transformed, while maintaining a strong focus on delivering navigational solutions of high practical value to seafarers.
Studying how and why Weilbach has survived in a dynamic, maritime world, the book brings maritime history into wider scholarly debates on businesses’ survival abilities. It also sheds new light on maritime suppliers, who have made shipping more efficient, reliable, and immensely safer.
Papers by René Taudal Poulsen
Established in 1755, Weilbach has navigated over 265 years of maritime history. Initially producing sails and nautical instruments, Weilbach has experienced several market crashes, radical technological changes, and major political transformations. Responding to these challenges, Weilbach has fundamentally transformed, while maintaining a strong focus on delivering navigational solutions of high practical value to seafarers.
Studying how and why Weilbach has survived in a dynamic, maritime world, the book brings maritime history into wider scholarly debates on businesses’ survival abilities. It also sheds new light on maritime suppliers, who have made shipping more efficient, reliable, and immensely safer.