Un estudio novedoso y exhaustivo sobre la enseñanza y aprendizaje del idioma inglés en España desde sus orígenes en 1769 hasta 1900. Es decir, casi un siglo y medio de presencia de manuales para aprender la llengua inglesa publicados en... more
Un estudio novedoso y exhaustivo sobre la enseñanza y aprendizaje del idioma inglés en España desde sus orígenes en 1769 hasta 1900. Es decir, casi un siglo y medio de presencia de manuales para aprender la llengua inglesa publicados en España. A novel and thorough study on the teaching and learning of English in Spain since its origins back in 1769 until 1900. A period that covers almost a century and a half and heralded by the creation and further development of a new Spanish (editorial/educational) tradition in terms of foregin Language teaching and learning.
In a very recent study, Dr R. Smith (2015) coined a new term: " The historiography of applied linguistics " (HAL). Not just a term but a consolidated field which has hitherto had many a guise depending on national traditions. The present... more
In a very recent study, Dr R. Smith (2015) coined a new term: " The historiography of applied linguistics " (HAL). Not just a term but a consolidated field which has hitherto had many a guise depending on national traditions. The present article seeks to track down the origins and further development of HAL in order to (re)claim its due merit and presence in applied linguistic departments worldwide. If we are to demand high standards of quality in present-day education as far as foreign languages are concerned, then, an urge is felt to include HAL as part of the core syllabus in tertiary education. Only by doing this can teachers-to-be acquire a more solid theoretical and practical knowledge in order to lessen modern strains on the complex task of foreign language teaching and learning.