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[CEUR Workshop Proceedings] Vol-160

© 2005 for the individual papers by the papers' authors. Copying permitted for private and scientific purposes. Re-publication of material on this page requires permission by the copyright owners.

Enterprise Modelling and Ontologies for Interoperability

Proceedings of the Open Interop Workshop on
Enterprise Modelling and Ontologies for Interoperability

Co-located with CAiSE'05 Conference
Porto (Portugal), 13th-14th June 2005

Edited by

Michele Missikoff *

Antonio De Nicola *


* LEKS, IASI-CNR, Rome, Italy


Table of Contents


  1. E-Business Model Ontology For Improving Business/It Alignment
    Y. Pigneur
  2. Peer-to-Peer Semantic Integration
    G. Vetere

Regular papers:

Ontology Representation, Reasoning and Engineering

  1. Modeling Data & Processes for Service Specifications in Colombo
    D. Berardi, D. Calvanese, G. De Giacomo, R. Hull, M. Lenzerini, M. Mecella
  2. Reasoning domain ontologies at the meta-level
    F. Trichet, F. Furst
  3. A Method for Ontology Modeling in the Business Domain
    M. Missikoff, F. Schiappelli
  4. Detecting The Emergence Of New Concepts In Web Communities
    P. D'Amadio, P. Velardi
  5. Meta-Modelling as a Means for Improved Communication and Interoperability ‐ The Case of Frisco
    P. Wohed, B. Andersson

Application of Ontologies

  1. Using Multi-Tier Contract Ontology to deduce Contract Workflow Model for enterprise interoperability
    V. Kabilan, J. Zdravkovic, P. Johannesson
  2. An Architecture for Heterogenous Federated Mediators
    D. Cheng, N. Boudjlida
  3. System Ontology and its role in Software Development
    J. L.G. Dietz
  4. Capability Matching and Similarity Reasoning in Service Discovery
    D. Bianchini, V. De Antonellis, M. Melchiori
  5. Dynamic Configurability of a Semantic Matchmaker for Ontology-based Resource Discovery in Open Distributed Systems
    Silvana Castano, Alfio Ferrara, and Stefano Montanelli

Ontologies in Enterprise & Business Modelling

  1. A Meta Model for Process Mining Data
    B. F. Van Dongen , W. M. P. Van Der Aalst
  2. Ontology Based Business Process Description
    A. Koschmider, A. Oberweis
  3. A language for modeling enterprise contextual ontologies
    M. L. Caliusco, C. Maidana, M. R. Galli, O. Chiotti

Short Papers:

  1. The coDBz Information Integration System for Autonomous Data Sources
    E. Franconi, A. Lopatenko
  2. High-value document generation: a common methodology proposal
    N. Perry, A. Candlot, A. Bernard, S.A. Khodja
  3. Interoperability of catalog based systems
    S. Abels, A. Hahn
  4. Competence Management Within and Between Organizations
    M. Laukkanen, H. Helin
  5. Security Issues in Health Care Process Integration ‐ a Research-in-Progress Report
    R.M. Åhlfeldt, P. Backlund, B. Wangler, E. Söderström
  6. Interoperability in Temporal Ontologies
    J. Eder, C. Koncilia
  7. Relaxed Service-Type matching and Transformation management
    L. Kutvonen
  8. Semantic and Pragmatic Interoperability: A Model for Understanding
    S. Pokraev, M. Reichert, M. W.A. Stehen, R. J. Wieringa
  9. Development of a formal REA-ontology Representation
    F. Gailly, G. Poels
  10. Ontology Management: a Case Study and Research Plans
    J. Hoppenbrouwers, M. A. Jeusfeld, H. Weigand, W.J. van den Heuvel
  11. A Model Proposal of the Interoperability Problem
    V. Rosener, Y. Naudet, T. Latour
  12. On the Requirements for Cooperative Assistance in the Medical Domain
    L. Ardissono, A. Di Leva, G. Petrone, M. Segnan and M. Sonnessa
  13. A Typology Of Ontology-Based Semantic Measures
    E. Blanchard, M. Harzallah, H. Briand, Pascale Kuntz
  14. An MDD annotation methodology for Semantic Enhanced Service Oriented Architectures
    L. Pondrelli

submitted by Antonio De Nicola, November 15, 2005