Book Reviews by André Waldheuser
Since the publication of the first volume on robot ethics in 2012, things have significantly chan... more Since the publication of the first volume on robot ethics in 2012, things have significantly changed. The trans-and interdisciplinary field of robot ethics became larger; more and more papers are being published, which are often scattered across very diverse academic journals. Most importantly, ethical issues concerning autonomous cars have gained public interest. This book deals successfully with both developments. It serves as a concentrated reflection and bundling of diverse discussions within the wide field of robot ethics. The editors are bringing autonomous cars and neglected ethical issues, at least in the first part of the book, more into focus. This collection of essays contains a wide range of questions and fruitfully shows that ethical issues and concerns within robotics are not just bound to questions of moral responsibility and legal liability. For example, the reader will encounter questions such as´how should we evaluate the possibility that increased automation will change human skills? ´ (pp. 80). Further questions regard the risks we face when we over-trust robots (pp. 129) or what kind of concerns will emerge with the increased Internet of Things (pp. 229). The volume also attends to more philosophical and less practical questions such as personal identity and AI (pp. 307) or how to test the moral status of artificial beings (pp. 293). The diversity of questions serves as an apt starting point for everyone interested in the field and does not require expert knowledge in ethics, law or robot engineering. The book is divided into four topical parts with a brief editorial introduction to each section. Each part contains six original articles. Part one is on Moral and Legal Responsibility, part two deals with Trust and Human-Robot Interactions and is followed by a further section concerned with Applications: From Love to War. The last part deals with AI and the Future of Robot Ethics. Because of the large number of chapters in this volume and to avoid a mere summary, the review will only discuss a small selection of the most interesting chapters.
Papers by André Waldheuser
Ethical Theory and Moral Practice
Book Reviews by André Waldheuser
Papers by André Waldheuser