This compendium collects a number of articles from FutureLab participants on the current refugee ... more This compendium collects a number of articles from FutureLab participants on the current refugee crisis in Europe, providing a series of unique perspectives from all over Europe.
European leaders are making much ado about the European Union (EU) facing an unprecedented migrat... more European leaders are making much ado about the European Union (EU) facing an unprecedented migration crisis. However, the images of boats and long marching columns of people seeking to reach the EU that emerged in summer 2015 represent rather only the peak of a migratory and refugee crisis the Union has been facing for over two decades now, highlighting the lack of practical implementation of the Dublin asylum system.
La finele anului 2010, Institutul European din România, în calitatea sa de instituţie publică res... more La finele anului 2010, Institutul European din România, în calitatea sa de instituţie publică responsabilă printre altele cu creşterea nivelului de cunoştinţe şi abilităţi în domeniul afacerilor europene, a lansat un proiect pilot de cercetare dedicat politicilor europene - „Ghidul politicilor Uniunii Europene” - proiect menit să permită realizarea unor materiale de informare în domeniul afacerilor europene, care să ofere informaţii fundamentale şi corecte, într-un limbaj accesibil tuturor celor interesaţi. "Politica de cooperare pentru dezvoltare şi Politica de ajutor umanitar" este una din broșurile care au abordat arii tematice relevante în domeniul afacerilor europene, cu un impact direct asupra evoluţiilor României în calitate de stat membru. Lucrarea îşi propune să prezinte principalele coordonate ale politicii de cooperare pentru dezvoltare şi ale politicii de ajutor umanitar a UE. Are o structură bipolară, oferind o prezentare a celor două politici atât din perspectivă instituţional- istorică cât şi a evoluţiilor viitoare. Utilitatea acestui material se regăseşte atât în calitatea sa informativă generală, cât şi în ansamblul de date actualizate pe care le oferă cititorilor pentru buna înţelegere a aplicabilităţii concrete ale celor două politici ale UE.
This compendium collects a number of articles from FutureLab participants on the current refugee ... more This compendium collects a number of articles from FutureLab participants on the current refugee crisis in Europe, providing a series of unique perspectives from all over Europe.
Local and International Determinants of Kosovo's Statehood, 2019
Kosovo is one of the potential candidates for EU membership. It remains, however, the only countr... more Kosovo is one of the potential candidates for EU membership. It remains, however, the only country in the Western Balkans which has not yet concluded an agreement with the EU regarding visa-free travel in the Schengen area for its citizens. There was a momentum for this to happen in 2018, when the EU’s Council of Ministers was chaired by two enlargement-friendly member states, Bulgaria and Austria. The same year, the EU institutions - Commission, Council and Parliament - showed strong support for the Western Balkans’ EU perspective through the adoption of a new Enlargement Strategy. This chapter analyses the reasons behind the stalling of the visa liberalisation process with Kosovo during 2018, which convolute Kosovo domestic issues, but also the Council’s insistence on two remaining conditions being met: the demarcation of the border with Montenegro and demonstrated track-record by Kosovo in fighting corruption and crime. The research shows that timing was also crucial. Kosovo ultimately fulfilled the two conditions, but after the Commission proposal and European Parliament approval to grant it visa liberalisation, the Council did not concur. The wide-range of EU and domestic-focused problems preoccupied the member states in the Council during the actual process of negotiating the proposal, and their concerns regarding the state of anti-corruption reforms and the large number of asylum applications from Kosovo affected the process.
The European Union is a great success story. For more than six decades, it has generated unpreced... more The European Union is a great success story. For more than six decades, it has generated unprecedented levels of freedom, peace, prosperity, openness, and stability across the continent, proving that we wield far greater influence if we work together, economically and politically. However, today, the hard-won achievements of European integration are taken for granted or are openly questioned, while the wider international conditions that benefitted the Union’s development are fraying. Internal and external centrifugal forces are putting European integration under pressure. The EU cannot afford to stall – muddling through clearly entails the risk of losing relevance in the global context and in the eyes of citizens.
The 24th issue of Challenge Europe delivers an alternative to those who cynically claim that European cooperation no longer works and should be abandoned. It argues instead that integration can still work, and that it is still the best answer to the many problems we are now facing. We want to remind people of the value of European cooperation and offer some suggestions on how we can continue to shape and improve the project now, so that we are better equipped to respond to the underlying political, socio-economic, and cultural insecurities plaguing Europe, and later down the line, to radically rethink the way we organise our societies.
Each of the 24 contributions in this volume, authored by renowned experts and practitioners in their respective fields, presents a set of concrete recommendations for the next EU leadership, both in terms of key priority areas – sustainable prosperity, values, migration and Schengen, and Europe’s place in the world – and on how the EU can use the instruments it already has at its disposal to act in a more effective, transparent, and decisive way.
Challenge Europe is a multi-authored, periodical publication appearing at key moments and dealing with key issues in the EU integration debate. This is the 24th issue.
This compendium collects a number of articles from FutureLab participants on the current refugee ... more This compendium collects a number of articles from FutureLab participants on the current refugee crisis in Europe, providing a series of unique perspectives from all over Europe.
European leaders are making much ado about the European Union (EU) facing an unprecedented migrat... more European leaders are making much ado about the European Union (EU) facing an unprecedented migration crisis. However, the images of boats and long marching columns of people seeking to reach the EU that emerged in summer 2015 represent rather only the peak of a migratory and refugee crisis the Union has been facing for over two decades now, highlighting the lack of practical implementation of the Dublin asylum system.
La finele anului 2010, Institutul European din România, în calitatea sa de instituţie publică res... more La finele anului 2010, Institutul European din România, în calitatea sa de instituţie publică responsabilă printre altele cu creşterea nivelului de cunoştinţe şi abilităţi în domeniul afacerilor europene, a lansat un proiect pilot de cercetare dedicat politicilor europene - „Ghidul politicilor Uniunii Europene” - proiect menit să permită realizarea unor materiale de informare în domeniul afacerilor europene, care să ofere informaţii fundamentale şi corecte, într-un limbaj accesibil tuturor celor interesaţi. "Politica de cooperare pentru dezvoltare şi Politica de ajutor umanitar" este una din broșurile care au abordat arii tematice relevante în domeniul afacerilor europene, cu un impact direct asupra evoluţiilor României în calitate de stat membru. Lucrarea îşi propune să prezinte principalele coordonate ale politicii de cooperare pentru dezvoltare şi ale politicii de ajutor umanitar a UE. Are o structură bipolară, oferind o prezentare a celor două politici atât din perspectivă instituţional- istorică cât şi a evoluţiilor viitoare. Utilitatea acestui material se regăseşte atât în calitatea sa informativă generală, cât şi în ansamblul de date actualizate pe care le oferă cititorilor pentru buna înţelegere a aplicabilităţii concrete ale celor două politici ale UE.
This compendium collects a number of articles from FutureLab participants on the current refugee ... more This compendium collects a number of articles from FutureLab participants on the current refugee crisis in Europe, providing a series of unique perspectives from all over Europe.
Local and International Determinants of Kosovo's Statehood, 2019
Kosovo is one of the potential candidates for EU membership. It remains, however, the only countr... more Kosovo is one of the potential candidates for EU membership. It remains, however, the only country in the Western Balkans which has not yet concluded an agreement with the EU regarding visa-free travel in the Schengen area for its citizens. There was a momentum for this to happen in 2018, when the EU’s Council of Ministers was chaired by two enlargement-friendly member states, Bulgaria and Austria. The same year, the EU institutions - Commission, Council and Parliament - showed strong support for the Western Balkans’ EU perspective through the adoption of a new Enlargement Strategy. This chapter analyses the reasons behind the stalling of the visa liberalisation process with Kosovo during 2018, which convolute Kosovo domestic issues, but also the Council’s insistence on two remaining conditions being met: the demarcation of the border with Montenegro and demonstrated track-record by Kosovo in fighting corruption and crime. The research shows that timing was also crucial. Kosovo ultimately fulfilled the two conditions, but after the Commission proposal and European Parliament approval to grant it visa liberalisation, the Council did not concur. The wide-range of EU and domestic-focused problems preoccupied the member states in the Council during the actual process of negotiating the proposal, and their concerns regarding the state of anti-corruption reforms and the large number of asylum applications from Kosovo affected the process.
The European Union is a great success story. For more than six decades, it has generated unpreced... more The European Union is a great success story. For more than six decades, it has generated unprecedented levels of freedom, peace, prosperity, openness, and stability across the continent, proving that we wield far greater influence if we work together, economically and politically. However, today, the hard-won achievements of European integration are taken for granted or are openly questioned, while the wider international conditions that benefitted the Union’s development are fraying. Internal and external centrifugal forces are putting European integration under pressure. The EU cannot afford to stall – muddling through clearly entails the risk of losing relevance in the global context and in the eyes of citizens.
The 24th issue of Challenge Europe delivers an alternative to those who cynically claim that European cooperation no longer works and should be abandoned. It argues instead that integration can still work, and that it is still the best answer to the many problems we are now facing. We want to remind people of the value of European cooperation and offer some suggestions on how we can continue to shape and improve the project now, so that we are better equipped to respond to the underlying political, socio-economic, and cultural insecurities plaguing Europe, and later down the line, to radically rethink the way we organise our societies.
Each of the 24 contributions in this volume, authored by renowned experts and practitioners in their respective fields, presents a set of concrete recommendations for the next EU leadership, both in terms of key priority areas – sustainable prosperity, values, migration and Schengen, and Europe’s place in the world – and on how the EU can use the instruments it already has at its disposal to act in a more effective, transparent, and decisive way.
Challenge Europe is a multi-authored, periodical publication appearing at key moments and dealing with key issues in the EU integration debate. This is the 24th issue.
Papers by Doris Manu
Kosovo during 2018, which convolute Kosovo domestic issues, but also the Council’s insistence on two remaining conditions being met: the demarcation of the border with Montenegro and demonstrated track-record by Kosovo in fighting corruption and crime. The research shows that timing was also crucial.
Kosovo ultimately fulfilled the two conditions, but after the Commission
proposal and European Parliament approval to grant it visa liberalisation, the Council did not concur. The wide-range of EU and domestic-focused problems preoccupied the member states in the Council during the actual process of negotiating the proposal, and their concerns regarding the state of anti-corruption reforms and the large number of asylum applications from Kosovo affected the process.
The 24th issue of Challenge Europe delivers an alternative to those who cynically claim that European cooperation no longer works and should be abandoned. It argues instead that integration can still work, and that it is still the best answer to the many problems we are now facing. We want to remind people of the value of European cooperation and offer some suggestions on how we can continue to shape and improve the project now, so that we are better equipped to respond to the underlying political, socio-economic, and cultural insecurities plaguing Europe, and later down the line, to radically rethink the way we organise our societies.
Each of the 24 contributions in this volume, authored by renowned experts and practitioners in their respective fields, presents a set of concrete recommendations for the next EU leadership, both in terms of key priority areas – sustainable prosperity, values, migration and Schengen, and Europe’s place in the world – and on how the EU can use the instruments it already has at its disposal to act in a more effective, transparent, and decisive way.
Challenge Europe is a multi-authored, periodical publication appearing at key moments and dealing with key issues in the EU integration debate. This is the 24th issue.
Kosovo during 2018, which convolute Kosovo domestic issues, but also the Council’s insistence on two remaining conditions being met: the demarcation of the border with Montenegro and demonstrated track-record by Kosovo in fighting corruption and crime. The research shows that timing was also crucial.
Kosovo ultimately fulfilled the two conditions, but after the Commission
proposal and European Parliament approval to grant it visa liberalisation, the Council did not concur. The wide-range of EU and domestic-focused problems preoccupied the member states in the Council during the actual process of negotiating the proposal, and their concerns regarding the state of anti-corruption reforms and the large number of asylum applications from Kosovo affected the process.
The 24th issue of Challenge Europe delivers an alternative to those who cynically claim that European cooperation no longer works and should be abandoned. It argues instead that integration can still work, and that it is still the best answer to the many problems we are now facing. We want to remind people of the value of European cooperation and offer some suggestions on how we can continue to shape and improve the project now, so that we are better equipped to respond to the underlying political, socio-economic, and cultural insecurities plaguing Europe, and later down the line, to radically rethink the way we organise our societies.
Each of the 24 contributions in this volume, authored by renowned experts and practitioners in their respective fields, presents a set of concrete recommendations for the next EU leadership, both in terms of key priority areas – sustainable prosperity, values, migration and Schengen, and Europe’s place in the world – and on how the EU can use the instruments it already has at its disposal to act in a more effective, transparent, and decisive way.
Challenge Europe is a multi-authored, periodical publication appearing at key moments and dealing with key issues in the EU integration debate. This is the 24th issue.