Category:Parthian shot

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English: The Parthian shot (sometimes incorrectly described as a "parting shot") was a military tactic made famous by the Parthians, an Iranian people. The Parthian archers, mounted on Light horse, would feign retreat; then, at a full gallop, turn their bodies back to shoot at the pursuing enemy. The maneuver required superb equestrian skills, since the rider's hands were occupied by his bow. As the stirrup had not been invented at the time of the Parthians, the rider relied solely on pressure from his legs to guide his horse.
فارسی: تیراندازی پارتی نوعی تیراندازی بر روی اسب که توسط پارت‌ها معروف گشت.
<nowiki>Tiro alla partica; 帕提亞回射; Tir parthe; Парфянский выстрел; Parthisches Manöver; Chiến thuật Parthia; تیراندازی پارتی; 安息回马箭; Парћански хитац; Part vuruşu; Tirang Parto; Partyjski strzał; Parthisch schot; Partiese pyl; Partski hitac; パルティアンショット; disparo parto; Parthian shot; Tir part; Flecha de parto; பார்த்திய எய்வு; táctica militar; technique de tir à l'arc à cheval; técnica de tiro ao arco a cavalo; expert mounted archery while fleeing; tattica militare; disparo armenio; Seta de parto; Disparo parto</nowiki>
Tiro alla partica 
tattica militare
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File nella categoria "Parthian shot"

Questa categoria contiene 15 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 15.