Category:Talk boxes

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English: Talk box is an effect device that allows a musician to modify the sound by lip syncing or by changing the shape of their mouth.
<nowiki>Talk box; Talkbox; Talk box; Ток-бокс; Talkbox; Talkbox; 說話盒子; Talk box; トーキング・モジュレーター; Talkbox; Talk box; Kotak bicara; talk box; טוקבוקס; talkbox; 說話箱; Ток-бокс; Talkbox; Talk box; Talk box; Parolkesto; 说话箱; talkbox; apparecchio musicale; エフェクター; Effektgerät; effects unit that allows musicians to modify the sound of a musical instrument; dispositiu d'efectes de so que permet al seu usuari modificar el so que té un instrument musical; блок ефектів, який дозволяє музикантам змінювати звучання музичного інструменту; effectapparaat voor gitaar; Talkbox; Talk-box; Talkbox; トーク・ボックス; Talk box; Talking box; Talk-box; Plastslang som musikinstrument; Talk box; Jappiotube; Talk box; Talk-box; Talk-Box; Guitarra falada; Talk Box; 說話調變器; 说话箱; 人聲效果器; Talkbox</nowiki>
Talk box 
effects unit that allows musicians to modify the sound of a musical instrument
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Media in category "Talk boxes"

The following 12 files are in this category, out of 12 total.