Lions Gate

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 See also category: Lion Gate.
English: The Lions' Gate (Hebrew: שער האריות), also St. Stephen's Gate or Sheep Gate) is located in the Old City Walls of Jerusalem and is one of seven Gates in Jerusalem's Old City Walls.Located in the east wall, the entrance marks the beginning of the traditional Christian observance of the last walk of Jesus from prison to execution, the Via Dolorosa. Near the gate’s crest are four figures of lions, two on the left and two on the right. Legend has it that Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent placed the figures there because he believed that if he did not construct a wall around Jerusalem he would be killed by lions.
Deutsch: Das Löwentor, auch: Stephanstor, ist eines der sieben Stadttore der Altstadt von Jerusalem.




Français : Les lions sont l'emblême des Baibars. On les retrouve sur d'autres monuments comme le pont de Lod par exemple.
  • We can see the same decoration on Baibars bridge in Lod :