Spherical Earth
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Deutsch: Diese Kategorie beinhaltet historische und weitere aufschlußreiche Bilder über die Kugelgestalt der Erde.
English: This category includes historical and other instructive images which inform about the sphericity of the Earth.
Español: Esta categoría incluye históricos y otros imagenes instructivos sobre la esfericidad de la Tierra.
Svenska: Den här kategorin innehåller historiska och övriga lärorika bilder som förklarar jordens sfäriska form.
Medieval images
Spherical earth with the four seasons (Liber Divinorum Operum, 12th century)
Two men walk around the spherical earth, one to each direction, and meet on the opposite side (14th century manuscript).
Detailed view of the 14th century miniature
John Gower prepares to shoot the world, a sphere with compartments representing earth, air, and water (Vox Clamantis, ca. 1400).
Detailed view of the earth in Vox Clamantis
1550 edition of the medieval astronomy textbook De sphaera mundi ("On the Sphere of the World")
The Erdapfel, the oldest surviving terrestial globe (1492/93)
Portuguese circumnavigation 1519−1522
When a ship is at the horizon, its lower part is invisible due to Earth's curvature
The Earth as seen from the Apollo 17 mission in 1972 (The Blue Marble)
Round Earth umbra during the August 2008 lunar eclipse
Semicircular shadow of the Earth during the July 2019 lunar eclipse