User:Deror avi/Jerusalem: New City

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Givaat Ram


Knesset Menorah


Rose Garden


The Jerusalem Bird Observatory


Belgium House


The Knesset


German Colony


German Cemetery


Convent of the Borromean Sisters


Greek Colony


Yad Vashem


King David




YMCA Carillon Concert 2012


YMCA Carillon Concert 2013


Teddy Park


Teddy Park - the Sundail


David Amar Centre


Gan HaMenora


Safra Square




The Russian Compound


The Russian Church


Sergei's Court


Museum of the Undergroud's Prisoners


Scenery and Rehearsals for the play Alma


Notre-Dame de Jerusalem


View from Notre Dame de Jerusalem


Saint Louis Hospital


Tabor House


English Mission Hospital


The Ethiopian Church


Jaffa Street


Centeral Post Office


Bank Leumi Building


Plaza Hotel




Mishkenot Sha'ananim


The Scotish Church


Scotish Church Interior


St. Andrew's Guesthouse


Beit Ot Hamutzar


The Armenian Room


Mount Zion Hotel


Yemin Moshe


Bible Hill


Mount Zion


Dormition Church


Attic of the Last Supper Room


King David's Tomb


The Papal Bible Institute


French Consulate


Hebrew Union College Campus


View from the Hebrew Union College Campus




Hamosadot Haleumiyim


Interior of Hamosadot Haleumiyim

The Golden Books
The cistern

Alexander Rubowitz Memorial


Mount Scopus, Mount Olives and Kidron Valley


Dan Jerusalem


Mary's tomb




Pharaoh's Daughter's Tomb


Yad Avshalom


Tomb of Zechariah




St. Simon's Monastery




Levi Eshkol's House


Levi Eshkol's House Garden




Even Israel


Sucat Shalom


Mishcenot Israel/Bathey Goral


Mazkeret Moshe


Ohel Moshe


Knesset Israel


Zichron Tuvya


Neveh Shalom


Achdut Israel - Olei Ha Gardom Synagogue




Southern Jerusalem


Convent of the Clarissian Sisters


Armon Hanatziv


Views from Armon Hanatsiv Promenade


The Yom Kipur War Memorial


The Lower Aqueduct




Mahane Yehuda Market


Ammunition Hill


Ammunition Hill Museum




HaMessila Park


Beit Georgian


Villa Baderia


Alfred Salzmann House


Damiani House


Little House in Baka


