Is there a way to mark a Learning Journey Favorite or Pin the Learning Journeys or courses that I want to Pursue in future or the selected courses to my Personal Learning Path ?Also, as of now, I do not see a differentiator for completed courses and ...
Different ways to transport SAC ContentSAC Provides three ways to transport your content from one tenant to another,File System mode - In this method, using the menu option Transport > Export > File System, you create a package of your SAC content & ...
In this blog I have tried to capture my understanding of the process to refresh the Cloud Connector CertificateCloud Connector can be defined as a connecting link between the Cloud applications or applications installed on cloud and the applications ...
I was recently using the Analytics Designer API Reference Guide, though the guide explains the Syntax of a methods & functions well, I found it lacking in examples to better understand the working or various possibilities of an API or related method,...
I have an input control, which list the users. Based on the Profit Center selected by the user, the Usernames in the Input control are set as selected.
Now, as a next step, the user can unselect some of the users. Is there a way to identify these ...
@Matan, Were you able to solve the above issue. Looks like even am facing the same issue. When i login, it accepts my credentials, but then it opens up a new external browser tab for SAC, but nothing happens. Also, I feel ideally it should be open SA...
Thanks @Margit_Wagner , but this is not exactly what I was looking for. Though this is close. But in this you will be able to see only the Learning Journeys which are In-Progress or already completed. I want to have ability to queue or create a list ...
Hello eeddggaarr Thanks for your response, but I am trying to achieve the opposite, I want to identify which are the values which were initially selected and are now unselected.e.g if in initial state of input control, user1, user2, user3, user4, us...