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International Journal of RF Technologies - Volume Pre-press, issue Pre-press

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Price: EUR 110.00
ISSN 1754-5730 (P)
ISSN 1754-5749 (E)

Impact Factor 2024: 1.6

International Journal of RF Technologies: Research & Applications will establish a forum for exchanging information and research results regarding RF technology deployment, data analytics, and business value creation.

For technology deployment, articles should focus on how to deploy the technology to ultimately create business value. Potential technologies that will be covered in the Journal include Radio frequency identification (RFID), Real time location sensing (RTLS), Near-field communication (NFC), and RF-based sensors.

For data analytics, the Journal will publish articles that focus on how and where to capture the data (e.g. real-time, at the device, on the server etc.), present approaches for finding patterns in the data which may reveal process anomalies or areas for improvement, and examine the development and use of software related to RF technologies.

Although grounded on solid scientific backgrounds, the Journal will only publish innovative and challenging papers that have a clear applicability to the business world and are focused on driving business value.

Both original papers and review articles are welcomed. All papers are peer-reviewed.
Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50
Price: EUR 27.50