The virulence of 33 populations of Meloidogyne incognita collected from greenhouses under monocul... more The virulence of 33 populations of Meloidogyne incognita collected from greenhouses under monoculture and crop rotation was studied to evaluate the influence of the cropping system on the selection of virulent biotypes in Uruguay, using bioassays including cultivars of tomato and pepper, resistant to M. incognita. Over thirty six percent of the populations were virulent on resistant tomato and pepper; 33.3% were virulent on resistant tomato, but not on pepper; 24.2% were avirulent on resistant cultivars of tomato and pepper and 6.1% were virulent only on peppers carrying resistance genes. There was a positive association between monoculture of resistant tomato or pepper and the presence of virulent populations of M. incognita.
This dataset includes 6,825 georeferenced soil samples from all continents and biomes. For geospa... more This dataset includes 6,825 georeferenced soil samples from all continents and biomes. For geospatial mapping purposes these samples are aggregated into 1,933 unique 1-km pixels, each of which is linked to 73 global environmental covariate data layers.
Este trabajo forma parte de los proyectos INIA OT 03-006-C7-6 y AGL2002-04040-C05-01 AGR-FOR. Ana... more Este trabajo forma parte de los proyectos INIA OT 03-006-C7-6 y AGL2002-04040-C05-01 AGR-FOR. Ana Piedra Buena es becaria de la Agencia Espanola de Cooperacion Internacional (AECI-MAEC).
Trabajo presentado en el 10th Biennial Meeting of Comission 1.5 Pedometrics Division 1 of Interna... more Trabajo presentado en el 10th Biennial Meeting of Comission 1.5 Pedometrics Division 1 of International Union of Soil Science, celebrado en Nairobi (Kenia) , del 26 al 31 de agosto de 2013
Se estudia la viabilidad de utilizar el pino carrasco como bioindicador de la presencia de metale... more Se estudia la viabilidad de utilizar el pino carrasco como bioindicador de la presencia de metales pesados en el suelo.
Hg is a global concern given its adverse effects on human health, food security and the environme... more Hg is a global concern given its adverse effects on human health, food security and the environment, and it requiring actions to identify major local Hg sources and to evaluate pollution. Our study provides the first assessment of Hg stock trends on the entire Majorca surface, identifying major Hg sources by studying the spatiotemporal soil Hg variation at two successive times (2006 and 2016-17). The Hg soil concentration ranged from 14 to 258 μg kg-1 (mean 52 μg kg-1). Higher concentrations (over 100 μg kg-1) were found in two areas: (i) close to the Alcudia coal-fired power plant; (ii) in the city of La Palma. During the 11-year, the total Hg stock in Majorcan soil increased from 432.96 tons to 493.18 tones (14% increase). Based on a block kriging analysis, soil Hg enrichment due to power plant emissions was clearly detectable on a local scale (i.e. a shorter distance than 18 km from the power plant). Nonetheless, a significant island-wide Hg increase due to diffuse pollution was reported. This result could be extrapolated to other popular tourist destinations in the Mediterranean islands where tourism has increased in recent decades In short, more than 60 tons of Hg have accumulated on Majorca island in 11 years.
Summary Specimens of a thin longidorid species collected in Peñalba (Huesca), north-west Spain, w... more Summary Specimens of a thin longidorid species collected in Peñalba (Huesca), north-west Spain, were previously described as Paralongidorus iberis. However, we conclude, through scanning electron microscopy and molecular studies on a population from about 15 km from the type locality and on paratype specimens, that this species was originally placed in the wrong genus. Both populations have pore-like amphidial apertures, not slit-like as in Paralongidorus, and the species is therefore transferred to Longidorus. Longidorus iberis n. comb. is regarded as a valid species and is clearly different from closely related species such as L. tabernensis, L. iliturgiensis, L. alvegus and L. indalus in morphometrics and molecular markers. Molecular data are reported for the first time, including the D2-D3 expansion segments of 28S rRNA, ITS1 rRNA, partial 18S rRNA and partial mitochondrial coxI regions. These molecular markers were used for inferring the phylogenetic relationships with other sp...
As the most abundant animals on earth, nematodes are a dominant component of the soil community. ... more As the most abundant animals on earth, nematodes are a dominant component of the soil community. They play critical roles in regulating biogeochemical cycles and vegetation dynamics within and across landscapes and are an indicator of soil biological activity. Here, we present a comprehensive global dataset of soil nematode abundance and functional group composition. This dataset includes 6,825 georeferenced soil samples from all continents and biomes. For geospatial mapping purposes these samples are aggregated into 1,933 unique 1-km pixels, each of which is linked to 73 global environmental covariate data layers. Altogether, this dataset can help to gain insight into the spatial distribution patterns of soil nematode abundance and community composition, and the environmental drivers shaping these patterns.
For quite a long time, soil organic carbon stock (SOCS) has reduced from reconverting forest area... more For quite a long time, soil organic carbon stock (SOCS) has reduced from reconverting forest areas into agricultural land or by inadequate agronomic practices. However in recent decades in Mediterranean areas, abandonment of agricultural areas due to lack of economic profits and to promoting tourism has fostered a change in land use that has impacted edaphic carbon. In line with this, the Majorca Island (Spain) could be a good scenario to evaluate temporary changes in carbon stocks in soils in areas with a Mediterranean climate. For 11 years, the present study analysed the spatial distribution of SOCS and assessed temporal changes in *Manuscript Click here to view linked References
Mining activities pollute the environment with by-products that cause unpredictable impacts in su... more Mining activities pollute the environment with by-products that cause unpredictable impacts in surrounding areas. Cartagena-La Unión mine (Southeastern-Spain) was active for >2500years. Despite its closure in 1991, high concentrations of metals and waste residues remain in this area. A previous study using nematodes suggested that high lead content diminished soil biodiversity. However, the effects of mine pollution on specific ecosystem services remain unknown. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) play a major role in the biocontrol of insect pests. Because EPNs are widespread throughout the world, we speculated that EPNs would be present in the mined areas, but at increased incidence with distance from the pollution focus. We predicted that the natural enemies of nematodes would follow a similar spatial pattern. We used qPCR techniques to measure abundance of five EPN species, five nematophagous fungi species, two bacterial ectoparasites of EPNs and one group of free-living nematod...
Among soil organisms, nematodes are seen as the most promising candidates for bioindications of s... more Among soil organisms, nematodes are seen as the most promising candidates for bioindications of soil health. We hypothesized that the soil nematode community structure would differ in three land use areas (agricultural, forest and industrial soils), be modulated by soil parameters (N, P, K, pH, SOM, CaCO 3 , granulometric fraction, etc.), and strongly affected by high levels of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, and Hg) and emerging contaminants (pharmaceuticals and personal care products, PPCPs). Although these pollutants did not significantly affect the total number of free-living nematodes, diversity and structure community indices vastly altered. Our data showed that whereas nematodes with r-strategy were tolerant, genera with k-strategy were negatively affected by the selected pollutants. These effects diminished in soils with high levels of heavy metals given their adaptation to the historical pollution in this area, but not to emerging pollutants like PPCPs.
The distribution of Meloidogyne arenaria in Spain was revised and new samples collected from repr... more The distribution of Meloidogyne arenaria in Spain was revised and new samples collected from representative areas. Species and races of the populations were determined by morphometrics, differential host tests and SCAR-PCR. Meloidogyne arenaria was found most often in warm areas, but it can occur in Northern Spain in greenhouses. A total of 125 citations were found, corresponding to 45 different host plants, of which 41 new reports (32.8%) are from this study. The populations studied belong to race 2, which reproduces on tomato plants carrying the Mi gene, or race 3, which reproduces on both resistant pepper and tomato. The most frequent hosts were vegetables, fruit trees, tobacco, grapevine, and weeds.
The genus Ogma is cited tram the lberian Peninsula, for the first time. Measurements and illustra... more The genus Ogma is cited tram the lberian Peninsula, for the first time. Measurements and illustrations of O. rhombosquamatum afe given and O. zemovi is redescribed and illustrated. A previous reference to O. rhombosoquamatum tram Spain is considered to be Resumen. El genero Ogma Southern, 1914 (Nematoda: Criconematidae) en la PeninsuIa Ibérica. Se cita el género Ogma por primera vez en la Peninsula Ibérica, encontrando O. rhombosquamatum y O. zernovi, cuyas poblaciones se describen e ilustran. La referencia anterior de O. rhombosquamatum se considera erronea: The genus Ogma was reinstated by Andrassy (1979) far those species of Criconema s.I. in which females and juve-niles bave submedian lobes and longitudinal non-alternating across of cuticular projection, wbich afe neither palmate nor split in the apex. ODe species of this genus was reported far Spain by PaIamo (1975), in the published summary of bis doctoral thesis, as Criconema (Variasqua-mata) rhombosquamatum, which was consid...
La redescription d'#Aorolaimus capsici$ Jiménez Millan, Arias & Fijo, 1964 et une étude compa... more La redescription d'#Aorolaimus capsici$ Jiménez Millan, Arias & Fijo, 1964 et une étude comparative du matériel type de cette espèce et de trois populations d'#A. perscitus$ (Doucet, 1980) Fortuner, 1987 ont été réalisées. Les faibles différences morphométriques montrées par les populations étudiées ne justifiant pas l'existence de deux espèces, il est proposé de considérer #A. persicus$ comme un synonyme mineur d'#A. capsici$. (Résumé d'auteur)
The virulence of 33 populations of Meloidogyne incognita collected from greenhouses under monocul... more The virulence of 33 populations of Meloidogyne incognita collected from greenhouses under monoculture and crop rotation was studied to evaluate the influence of the cropping system on the selection of virulent biotypes in Uruguay, using bioassays including cultivars of tomato and pepper, resistant to M. incognita. Over thirty six percent of the populations were virulent on resistant tomato and pepper; 33.3% were virulent on resistant tomato, but not on pepper; 24.2% were avirulent on resistant cultivars of tomato and pepper and 6.1% were virulent only on peppers carrying resistance genes. There was a positive association between monoculture of resistant tomato or pepper and the presence of virulent populations of M. incognita.
This dataset includes 6,825 georeferenced soil samples from all continents and biomes. For geospa... more This dataset includes 6,825 georeferenced soil samples from all continents and biomes. For geospatial mapping purposes these samples are aggregated into 1,933 unique 1-km pixels, each of which is linked to 73 global environmental covariate data layers.
Este trabajo forma parte de los proyectos INIA OT 03-006-C7-6 y AGL2002-04040-C05-01 AGR-FOR. Ana... more Este trabajo forma parte de los proyectos INIA OT 03-006-C7-6 y AGL2002-04040-C05-01 AGR-FOR. Ana Piedra Buena es becaria de la Agencia Espanola de Cooperacion Internacional (AECI-MAEC).
Trabajo presentado en el 10th Biennial Meeting of Comission 1.5 Pedometrics Division 1 of Interna... more Trabajo presentado en el 10th Biennial Meeting of Comission 1.5 Pedometrics Division 1 of International Union of Soil Science, celebrado en Nairobi (Kenia) , del 26 al 31 de agosto de 2013
Se estudia la viabilidad de utilizar el pino carrasco como bioindicador de la presencia de metale... more Se estudia la viabilidad de utilizar el pino carrasco como bioindicador de la presencia de metales pesados en el suelo.
Hg is a global concern given its adverse effects on human health, food security and the environme... more Hg is a global concern given its adverse effects on human health, food security and the environment, and it requiring actions to identify major local Hg sources and to evaluate pollution. Our study provides the first assessment of Hg stock trends on the entire Majorca surface, identifying major Hg sources by studying the spatiotemporal soil Hg variation at two successive times (2006 and 2016-17). The Hg soil concentration ranged from 14 to 258 μg kg-1 (mean 52 μg kg-1). Higher concentrations (over 100 μg kg-1) were found in two areas: (i) close to the Alcudia coal-fired power plant; (ii) in the city of La Palma. During the 11-year, the total Hg stock in Majorcan soil increased from 432.96 tons to 493.18 tones (14% increase). Based on a block kriging analysis, soil Hg enrichment due to power plant emissions was clearly detectable on a local scale (i.e. a shorter distance than 18 km from the power plant). Nonetheless, a significant island-wide Hg increase due to diffuse pollution was reported. This result could be extrapolated to other popular tourist destinations in the Mediterranean islands where tourism has increased in recent decades In short, more than 60 tons of Hg have accumulated on Majorca island in 11 years.
Summary Specimens of a thin longidorid species collected in Peñalba (Huesca), north-west Spain, w... more Summary Specimens of a thin longidorid species collected in Peñalba (Huesca), north-west Spain, were previously described as Paralongidorus iberis. However, we conclude, through scanning electron microscopy and molecular studies on a population from about 15 km from the type locality and on paratype specimens, that this species was originally placed in the wrong genus. Both populations have pore-like amphidial apertures, not slit-like as in Paralongidorus, and the species is therefore transferred to Longidorus. Longidorus iberis n. comb. is regarded as a valid species and is clearly different from closely related species such as L. tabernensis, L. iliturgiensis, L. alvegus and L. indalus in morphometrics and molecular markers. Molecular data are reported for the first time, including the D2-D3 expansion segments of 28S rRNA, ITS1 rRNA, partial 18S rRNA and partial mitochondrial coxI regions. These molecular markers were used for inferring the phylogenetic relationships with other sp...
As the most abundant animals on earth, nematodes are a dominant component of the soil community. ... more As the most abundant animals on earth, nematodes are a dominant component of the soil community. They play critical roles in regulating biogeochemical cycles and vegetation dynamics within and across landscapes and are an indicator of soil biological activity. Here, we present a comprehensive global dataset of soil nematode abundance and functional group composition. This dataset includes 6,825 georeferenced soil samples from all continents and biomes. For geospatial mapping purposes these samples are aggregated into 1,933 unique 1-km pixels, each of which is linked to 73 global environmental covariate data layers. Altogether, this dataset can help to gain insight into the spatial distribution patterns of soil nematode abundance and community composition, and the environmental drivers shaping these patterns.
For quite a long time, soil organic carbon stock (SOCS) has reduced from reconverting forest area... more For quite a long time, soil organic carbon stock (SOCS) has reduced from reconverting forest areas into agricultural land or by inadequate agronomic practices. However in recent decades in Mediterranean areas, abandonment of agricultural areas due to lack of economic profits and to promoting tourism has fostered a change in land use that has impacted edaphic carbon. In line with this, the Majorca Island (Spain) could be a good scenario to evaluate temporary changes in carbon stocks in soils in areas with a Mediterranean climate. For 11 years, the present study analysed the spatial distribution of SOCS and assessed temporal changes in *Manuscript Click here to view linked References
Mining activities pollute the environment with by-products that cause unpredictable impacts in su... more Mining activities pollute the environment with by-products that cause unpredictable impacts in surrounding areas. Cartagena-La Unión mine (Southeastern-Spain) was active for >2500years. Despite its closure in 1991, high concentrations of metals and waste residues remain in this area. A previous study using nematodes suggested that high lead content diminished soil biodiversity. However, the effects of mine pollution on specific ecosystem services remain unknown. Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) play a major role in the biocontrol of insect pests. Because EPNs are widespread throughout the world, we speculated that EPNs would be present in the mined areas, but at increased incidence with distance from the pollution focus. We predicted that the natural enemies of nematodes would follow a similar spatial pattern. We used qPCR techniques to measure abundance of five EPN species, five nematophagous fungi species, two bacterial ectoparasites of EPNs and one group of free-living nematod...
Among soil organisms, nematodes are seen as the most promising candidates for bioindications of s... more Among soil organisms, nematodes are seen as the most promising candidates for bioindications of soil health. We hypothesized that the soil nematode community structure would differ in three land use areas (agricultural, forest and industrial soils), be modulated by soil parameters (N, P, K, pH, SOM, CaCO 3 , granulometric fraction, etc.), and strongly affected by high levels of heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Zn, Cr, Ni, Cu, and Hg) and emerging contaminants (pharmaceuticals and personal care products, PPCPs). Although these pollutants did not significantly affect the total number of free-living nematodes, diversity and structure community indices vastly altered. Our data showed that whereas nematodes with r-strategy were tolerant, genera with k-strategy were negatively affected by the selected pollutants. These effects diminished in soils with high levels of heavy metals given their adaptation to the historical pollution in this area, but not to emerging pollutants like PPCPs.
The distribution of Meloidogyne arenaria in Spain was revised and new samples collected from repr... more The distribution of Meloidogyne arenaria in Spain was revised and new samples collected from representative areas. Species and races of the populations were determined by morphometrics, differential host tests and SCAR-PCR. Meloidogyne arenaria was found most often in warm areas, but it can occur in Northern Spain in greenhouses. A total of 125 citations were found, corresponding to 45 different host plants, of which 41 new reports (32.8%) are from this study. The populations studied belong to race 2, which reproduces on tomato plants carrying the Mi gene, or race 3, which reproduces on both resistant pepper and tomato. The most frequent hosts were vegetables, fruit trees, tobacco, grapevine, and weeds.
The genus Ogma is cited tram the lberian Peninsula, for the first time. Measurements and illustra... more The genus Ogma is cited tram the lberian Peninsula, for the first time. Measurements and illustrations of O. rhombosquamatum afe given and O. zemovi is redescribed and illustrated. A previous reference to O. rhombosoquamatum tram Spain is considered to be Resumen. El genero Ogma Southern, 1914 (Nematoda: Criconematidae) en la PeninsuIa Ibérica. Se cita el género Ogma por primera vez en la Peninsula Ibérica, encontrando O. rhombosquamatum y O. zernovi, cuyas poblaciones se describen e ilustran. La referencia anterior de O. rhombosquamatum se considera erronea: The genus Ogma was reinstated by Andrassy (1979) far those species of Criconema s.I. in which females and juve-niles bave submedian lobes and longitudinal non-alternating across of cuticular projection, wbich afe neither palmate nor split in the apex. ODe species of this genus was reported far Spain by PaIamo (1975), in the published summary of bis doctoral thesis, as Criconema (Variasqua-mata) rhombosquamatum, which was consid...
La redescription d'#Aorolaimus capsici$ Jiménez Millan, Arias & Fijo, 1964 et une étude compa... more La redescription d'#Aorolaimus capsici$ Jiménez Millan, Arias & Fijo, 1964 et une étude comparative du matériel type de cette espèce et de trois populations d'#A. perscitus$ (Doucet, 1980) Fortuner, 1987 ont été réalisées. Les faibles différences morphométriques montrées par les populations étudiées ne justifiant pas l'existence de deux espèces, il est proposé de considérer #A. persicus$ comme un synonyme mineur d'#A. capsici$. (Résumé d'auteur)
Papers by Miguel Escuer