Na základě dlouhodobého etnografického výzkumu mezi Romy v Tercově tato dizertační práce zkoumá o... more Na základě dlouhodobého etnografického výzkumu mezi Romy v Tercově tato dizertační práce zkoumá otázky identity a chudoby. Konstantní prolínání cikánství a chudoby se projevuje jak ve způsobech, jimiž se Romové vypořádávají se sociální marginalizací, tak v dominantních představách o nich. V důsledku toho si Romové osvojují různé strategie přežití, jejichž prostřednictvím unikají takové identifikaci. Podoby cikánství jsou přitom zkoumány na třech úrovních. V první části je pozornost věnována vnitřnímu členění Romů v Tercově na dvě frakce. Toto dělení je zkoumáno na mikroúrovni, která odhaluje, že jedné z frakcí se úspěšně daří uvrhnout obraz cikánství na druhou frakci tak, aby se sama vymanila z tohoto hegemonního uchopení. Ve druhé části je cikánství zkoumáno v oblasti zaměstnanosti. Vzájemné doplňování cikánství a chudoby se zde projevuje v diskurzu záslužnosti, který efektivně přetavuje sociální kategorie na kulturní schémata, a tím zakládá vyloučení Romů z "morálního souruče...
1. When you go from Oslavany to Letkovice you see on the right-hand side a little valley, along t... more 1. When you go from Oslavany to Letkovice you see on the right-hand side a little valley, along the two sides of which extend (rows of) little houses and wooden caravans. There are all together twenty dwellings. These are the Gypsies. There may be altogether some hundred and fifty ...
Samotná práce, rozdělená vedle úvodu a závěru do čtyř kapitol (Escaping Gypsyness, Being unemploy... more Samotná práce, rozdělená vedle úvodu a závěru do čtyř kapitol (Escaping Gypsyness, Being unemployed, The work ofthe unemployd, Exchange in Tercov),je sice tematicky sevřená, přesto však místy působí dosti torzovitě. Na několika místech odkazuje autor na pasáže, které nejspíš měly být součástí práce, ale v předložené verzi práce je nenacházíme (pozn. 4 na s. 22, odkaz na nečíslovanou kapitolu na s. 149). Místy jsou na scénu uváděny osoby, které nebyly nikterak představeny (rodina Giňových, s. 19; Radek, s 21; rodina Belakovách, s. 113) nebo se odkazuje na situace, o nichž nebylo předem referováno (angažovanost autora při získávání grantu z OSF, s. 20.)
The choice of interdisciplinaritiesStephen M. LyonMultidisciplinarity as a necessity and challeng... more The choice of interdisciplinaritiesStephen M. LyonMultidisciplinarity as a necessity and challenge: the Department of General Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague (FHS UK)Yasar Abu Ghosh, Pavel Himl, Tereza Stöckelová and Lucie StorchováResponse to Sluis and Edwards, 'Rethinking combined departments'Robert GibbResponse to Sluis and Edwards, 'Rethinking combined departments'Jakob Krause-JensenResponse to Sluis and Edwards, 'Rethinking combined departments'Veerendra P. LeleResponse from the authors, Ageeth Sluis and Elise Edwards
Please see our new website of the Prague Forum for Romani Historie... more Please see our new website of the Prague Forum for Romani Histories. You can find there the first CfP for the conference in Prague, September 2017
Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Romany Studies, 2010
Yasar Abu Ghosh CREDITING RECOGNITION: Monetary Transactions of Poor Roma in Tercov In Tercov (So... more Yasar Abu Ghosh CREDITING RECOGNITION: Monetary Transactions of Poor Roma in Tercov In Tercov (South Bohemia) nearly all adult Roma have been long-term unemployed since the beginning of 1990s when the two main employers of local villagers, the cooperative farm ...
Jozef (Jožka) Miker is a native of Slovakia, but he left there at the age of twelve with his pare... more Jozef (Jožka) Miker is a native of Slovakia, but he left there at the age of twelve with his parents when his father got a job in Trnovany near the North Bohemian town of Teplice. He graduated from the secondary technical school, and while still a student he started working in opencast mines as a miner. He eventually spent more than thirty years there, working in the shaft and as a highly skilled operator of the mine's big machines. He had to leave his job at the age of forty-fi ve due to advanced Bechterew's Disease. As a pensioner, he took up full-time activism. Especially in 2011 and 2012, during the anti-Roma racist marches in North Bohemia, he was one of the most visible mobilizers of local Roma resistance. He also strongly advocated the removal of the industrial pig farm from the site of the former concentration camp for Roma in Lety u Písku. I have met with Jožka on several occasions during the pandemic. What follows are excerpts from a series of conversations we had, formally and informally, in person and virtually, between March 2020 and September 2021. Initially, I had intended our conversations to serve as a window into the experiences and viewpoints of a veteran Roma rights activist into the pandemic crisis. Given his strong and long-standing involvement, particularly at the less visible local level, his experiences of how Roma have dealt with the eff ects of the pandemic are specifi c. He does not encounter their diffi culties as an observer, but as someone to whom those aff ected turn for help.
This chapter is from Romani Chronicles of COVID-19 Testimonies of Harm and Resilience Edited by Paloma Gay y Blasco and Martin Fotta CONTRIBUTOR COPY. NOT FOR RESALE This chapter is from Romani Chronicles of COVID-19 Testimonies of Harm and Resilience Edited by Paloma Gay y Blasco and Martin Fotta CONTRIBUTOR COPY. NOT FOR RESALE
ROMANI CHRONICLES OF COVID-19 Testimonies of Harm and Resilience, 2023
Th ere is no mention of Roma in relation to the pandemic whatsoever in the media. Th e authoritie... more Th ere is no mention of Roma in relation to the pandemic whatsoever in the media. Th e authorities haven't addressed the specifi c circumstances of socially excluded localities under the pandemic. Th e Roma suddenly don't exist.-Gwen Albert, human rights activist, December 2020 1 I never did better.. . Th ere is work everywhere, we eat what we want, I go shopping every second day. I have never earned as much as I do now. I hope this will never end.-Petr Kaliňák, young Roma man from South Bohemia,
Na základě dlouhodobého etnografického výzkumu mezi Romy v Tercově tato dizertační práce zkoumá o... more Na základě dlouhodobého etnografického výzkumu mezi Romy v Tercově tato dizertační práce zkoumá otázky identity a chudoby. Konstantní prolínání cikánství a chudoby se projevuje jak ve způsobech, jimiž se Romové vypořádávají se sociální marginalizací, tak v dominantních představách o nich. V důsledku toho si Romové osvojují různé strategie přežití, jejichž prostřednictvím unikají takové identifikaci. Podoby cikánství jsou přitom zkoumány na třech úrovních. V první části je pozornost věnována vnitřnímu členění Romů v Tercově na dvě frakce. Toto dělení je zkoumáno na mikroúrovni, která odhaluje, že jedné z frakcí se úspěšně daří uvrhnout obraz cikánství na druhou frakci tak, aby se sama vymanila z tohoto hegemonního uchopení. Ve druhé části je cikánství zkoumáno v oblasti zaměstnanosti. Vzájemné doplňování cikánství a chudoby se zde projevuje v diskurzu záslužnosti, který efektivně přetavuje sociální kategorie na kulturní schémata, a tím zakládá vyloučení Romů z "morálního souruče...
1. When you go from Oslavany to Letkovice you see on the right-hand side a little valley, along t... more 1. When you go from Oslavany to Letkovice you see on the right-hand side a little valley, along the two sides of which extend (rows of) little houses and wooden caravans. There are all together twenty dwellings. These are the Gypsies. There may be altogether some hundred and fifty ...
Samotná práce, rozdělená vedle úvodu a závěru do čtyř kapitol (Escaping Gypsyness, Being unemploy... more Samotná práce, rozdělená vedle úvodu a závěru do čtyř kapitol (Escaping Gypsyness, Being unemployed, The work ofthe unemployd, Exchange in Tercov),je sice tematicky sevřená, přesto však místy působí dosti torzovitě. Na několika místech odkazuje autor na pasáže, které nejspíš měly být součástí práce, ale v předložené verzi práce je nenacházíme (pozn. 4 na s. 22, odkaz na nečíslovanou kapitolu na s. 149). Místy jsou na scénu uváděny osoby, které nebyly nikterak představeny (rodina Giňových, s. 19; Radek, s 21; rodina Belakovách, s. 113) nebo se odkazuje na situace, o nichž nebylo předem referováno (angažovanost autora při získávání grantu z OSF, s. 20.)
The choice of interdisciplinaritiesStephen M. LyonMultidisciplinarity as a necessity and challeng... more The choice of interdisciplinaritiesStephen M. LyonMultidisciplinarity as a necessity and challenge: the Department of General Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University in Prague (FHS UK)Yasar Abu Ghosh, Pavel Himl, Tereza Stöckelová and Lucie StorchováResponse to Sluis and Edwards, 'Rethinking combined departments'Robert GibbResponse to Sluis and Edwards, 'Rethinking combined departments'Jakob Krause-JensenResponse to Sluis and Edwards, 'Rethinking combined departments'Veerendra P. LeleResponse from the authors, Ageeth Sluis and Elise Edwards
Please see our new website of the Prague Forum for Romani Historie... more Please see our new website of the Prague Forum for Romani Histories. You can find there the first CfP for the conference in Prague, September 2017
Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Romany Studies, 2010
Yasar Abu Ghosh CREDITING RECOGNITION: Monetary Transactions of Poor Roma in Tercov In Tercov (So... more Yasar Abu Ghosh CREDITING RECOGNITION: Monetary Transactions of Poor Roma in Tercov In Tercov (South Bohemia) nearly all adult Roma have been long-term unemployed since the beginning of 1990s when the two main employers of local villagers, the cooperative farm ...
Jozef (Jožka) Miker is a native of Slovakia, but he left there at the age of twelve with his pare... more Jozef (Jožka) Miker is a native of Slovakia, but he left there at the age of twelve with his parents when his father got a job in Trnovany near the North Bohemian town of Teplice. He graduated from the secondary technical school, and while still a student he started working in opencast mines as a miner. He eventually spent more than thirty years there, working in the shaft and as a highly skilled operator of the mine's big machines. He had to leave his job at the age of forty-fi ve due to advanced Bechterew's Disease. As a pensioner, he took up full-time activism. Especially in 2011 and 2012, during the anti-Roma racist marches in North Bohemia, he was one of the most visible mobilizers of local Roma resistance. He also strongly advocated the removal of the industrial pig farm from the site of the former concentration camp for Roma in Lety u Písku. I have met with Jožka on several occasions during the pandemic. What follows are excerpts from a series of conversations we had, formally and informally, in person and virtually, between March 2020 and September 2021. Initially, I had intended our conversations to serve as a window into the experiences and viewpoints of a veteran Roma rights activist into the pandemic crisis. Given his strong and long-standing involvement, particularly at the less visible local level, his experiences of how Roma have dealt with the eff ects of the pandemic are specifi c. He does not encounter their diffi culties as an observer, but as someone to whom those aff ected turn for help.
This chapter is from Romani Chronicles of COVID-19 Testimonies of Harm and Resilience Edited by Paloma Gay y Blasco and Martin Fotta CONTRIBUTOR COPY. NOT FOR RESALE This chapter is from Romani Chronicles of COVID-19 Testimonies of Harm and Resilience Edited by Paloma Gay y Blasco and Martin Fotta CONTRIBUTOR COPY. NOT FOR RESALE
ROMANI CHRONICLES OF COVID-19 Testimonies of Harm and Resilience, 2023
Th ere is no mention of Roma in relation to the pandemic whatsoever in the media. Th e authoritie... more Th ere is no mention of Roma in relation to the pandemic whatsoever in the media. Th e authorities haven't addressed the specifi c circumstances of socially excluded localities under the pandemic. Th e Roma suddenly don't exist.-Gwen Albert, human rights activist, December 2020 1 I never did better.. . Th ere is work everywhere, we eat what we want, I go shopping every second day. I have never earned as much as I do now. I hope this will never end.-Petr Kaliňák, young Roma man from South Bohemia,
Papers by Yasar Abu Ghosh
News by Yasar Abu Ghosh
Books by Yasar Abu Ghosh
This chapter is from Romani Chronicles of COVID-19 Testimonies of Harm and Resilience Edited by Paloma Gay y Blasco and Martin Fotta CONTRIBUTOR COPY. NOT FOR RESALE This chapter is from Romani Chronicles of COVID-19 Testimonies of Harm and Resilience Edited by Paloma Gay y Blasco and Martin Fotta CONTRIBUTOR COPY. NOT FOR RESALE
This chapter is from Romani Chronicles of COVID-19 Testimonies of Harm and Resilience Edited by Paloma Gay y Blasco and Martin Fotta CONTRIBUTOR COPY. NOT FOR RESALE This chapter is from Romani Chronicles of COVID-19 Testimonies of Harm and Resilience Edited by Paloma Gay y Blasco and Martin Fotta CONTRIBUTOR COPY. NOT FOR RESALE