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32nd ICMC 2006: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
- Proceedings of the 2006 International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2006, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, November 6-11, 2006. Michigan Publishing 2006
- Olivier Tache, Claude Cadoz:
Generation of Complex Sound Sequences using Physical Models with Dynamical Structures. - Timothy Opie, Andrew R. Brown:
An Introduction to Eco-Structuralism. - Michael Clarke:
Enmeshed: live in 3D fog~. - Brian Evans:
Time Slices, Graphic Scores and Music Composition. - Niklas Röber, Martin Spindler, Maic Masuch:
Waveguide-based Room Acoustics through Graphics Hardware. - Mikael Laurson, Vesa Norilo, Henri Penttinen:
From Score-Based Approach Towards Real-Time Control in PWGLSynth. - Lydia Ayers:
Fantasy Birds in Yazi's Dream. - Woon Seung Yeo, Jonathan Berger:
Raster Scanning: A New Approach to Image Sonification, Sound Visualization, Sound Analysis And Synthesis. - Thor Magnusson:
The ixi Instruments as Semiotic Machines. - Greg Schiemer, Mark Havryliv:
Pocket Gamelan: mobile media for microtonal performance. - Matthew Wright:
Shifty Looping: meter-aware, non-repeating rhythmic loops. - Lars Graugaard:
Sound Synthesis Affected by Physical Gestures in Real-time. - Lars Graugaard, Jens Arnspang:
Mood Mapping Technologies Within Hybrid Audio Design. - Stephen Travis Pope, Xavier Amatriain, Lance Putnam, Jorge Castellanos, Ryan Avery:
Metamodels and Design Patterns in CSL4. - Terry A. Lee:
GranCloud - A New SuperCollider Class for Real-time Granular Synthesis. - Spencer Salazar, Ge Wang, Perry R. Cook:
miniAudicle and ChucK Shell: New Interfaces for ChucK Development and Performance. - Yoshinari Takegawa, Tsutomu Terada, Shojiro Nishio:
Design and Implementation of a Real-Time Fingering Detection System for Piano Performance. - David Psenicka:
FOMUS, a Music Notation Software Package for Computer Music Composers. - Neil Burroughs, Adam Parkin, George Tzanetakis:
Flexible Scheduling for DataFlow Audio Processing. - Guerino Mazzola, Gérard Milmeister:
Functors for Music: The Rubato Composer System. - Albert Gräf:
On Musical Scale Rationalization. - Emmanuel Amiot, Thomas Noll, Moreno Andreatta, Carlos Agón:
Fourier Oracles for Computer-Aided Improvisation. - Chantal Buteau:
Melodic Clustering Within Topological Spaces of Schumann's Träumerei. - Kamil Adiloglu, Klaus Obermayer:
Melodic Topologies. - Alessandro Cipriani, Maurizio Giri:
Integrated System for Cross-Platform/Cross-Application Education on Sound Synthesis and Signal Processing. - Adam Lockhart, Damián Keller:
Exploring Cognitive Process Through Music Composition. - Graham Wakefield:
Third-Order Ambisonic Extensions for Max/MSP with Musical Applications. - Jennifer Bernard, Matthew McCabe, Kenneth Hoffmann:
Amber: A Granular Sampling Application for Mac OS X. - Robert Esler:
Digital Autonomy In Electroacoustic Music Performance: Re-Forging Stockhausen. - Bee Ong, Ali Khan, Kia Ng, Pierfrancesco Bellini, Nicola Mitolo, Paolo Nesi:
Cooperative Multimedia Environments for Technology-Enhanced Music Playing and Learning with 3D Posture and Gesture Supports. - David Kim-Boyle:
Spectral and Granular Spatialization with Boids. - Timothy A. Place, Trond Lossius:
Jamoma: A Modular Standard for Structuring Patches in Max. - Lars Graugaard:
Providing Rhythm Patterns in Sound Synthesis. - Golan Levin:
The Table is The Score: An Augmented-Reality Interface for Real-Time, Tangible, Spectrographic Performance. - Masatoshi Hamanaka, SeungHee Lee:
Sound Scope Headphones: Controlling an Audio Mixer through Natural Movement. - Michael Spicer:
Agents in ChucK: A Timely Programming Experience. - Esteban Maestre, Amaury Hazan, Rafael Ramírez, Alfonso Pérez:
Using Concatenative Synthesis for Expressive Performance in Jazz Saxophone. - Axel Roebel:
Estimation of partial parameters for non stationary sinusoids. - Shlomo Dubnov:
YASAS - Yet Another Sound Analysis-Synthesis Method. - James McDermott, Niall J. L. Griffith, Michael O'Neill:
Timbral, Perceptual, And Statistical Attributes for Synthesized Sound. - Shlomo Dubnov:
Analysis of musical structure in Audio and MIDI signals using information rate. - Roger B. Dannenberg:
The Interpretation of MIDI Velocity. - Sinan Bökesoy, Jean-Baptiste Thiebaut:
An approach to visualization of complex event data for generating sonic structures. - Eric Lee, Jan O. Borchers:
Semantic Time: Representing Time and Temporal Transformations for Digital Audio in Interactive ComputerMusic Systems. - Rafael Ramírez:
A Logic-based Language for Modeling and Verifying Musical Processes. - Robert J. Gluck:
The Shiraz Festival: avant-garde arts performance in 1970s Iran. - Elizabeth Hinkle-Turner:
Hear Me Now: the implication and significance of the female composer's voice as sound source in her electroacoustic music. - Sarah L. Jacobs, Paul Rudy:
Noise, Dissonance and the Twentieth-Century Spiritual Crisis: Synchresis in Chion's Requiem. - Manuel Rocha Iturbide:
Sound Art in Mexico. - Henrik Frisk, Stefan Östersjö:
Negotiating the Musical Work: An empirical study. - Ajay Kapur, George Tzanetakis, W. Andrew Schloss, Peter F. Driessen, Eric Singer:
Towards the One-Man Indian Computer Music Performance System. - Daichi Ando, Palle Dahlstedt, Mats G. Nordahl, Hitoshi Iba:
Computer Aided Composition by Means of Interactive GP. - Mikael Laurson, Mika Kuuskankare:
Recent Trends in PWGL. - Cristyn Magnus:
Aesthetics, Score Generation, and Sonification in a Game Piece. - Leandro Ferrari Thomaz, Regis Rossi Alves Faria, Marcelo Knörich Zuffo, João Antonio Zuffo:
Orchestra Spatialization Using The AUDIENCE Engine. - Woon Seung Yeo:
The Bluetooth Radio Ball Interface (BRBI): A Wireless Interface for Music/Sound Control And Motion Sonification. - Jan C. Schacher, Philippe Kocher:
Ambisonics Spatialization Tools for Max/MSP. - Georg Essl, Michael Rohs:
Mobile STK for Symbian OS. - David Topper, Juraj Kojs:
VScore: A Real-time Visual Application for Scoring Music. - Timothy M. Walker:
PerfComp: A Heuristic-Based Program for Analysis of MIDI Performance Files. - Kalika Navin Doloswala:
Creativity and Access in Electronic Music: Cracked and Pirated Software Instruments. - Jason Freeman:
Summarizing Musical Preferences as Audio Signatures. - Cory McKay, Ichiro Fujinaga:
jSymbolic: A Feature Extractor for MIDI Files. - Kyogu Lee:
Automatic Chord Recognition from Audio Using Enhanced Pitch Class Profile. - Parag Chordia:
Automatic Raag Classification of Pitch-tracked Performances Using Pitch-class and Pitch-class Dyad Distributions. - Michael Kexin Ma, Sidney S. Fels, Robert Pritchard:
A Parallel-Formant Speech Synthesizer in Max/MSP. - Kazuaki Shiota:
{TranSpell}. - David Topper:
Extended Applications of the Wireless Sensor Array (WISEAR). - Suguro Goto:
An Application of The System, "BodySuit" and "RoboticMusic" - Its Introduction and Aesthetics. - Satoru Morita, Sayaka Tokunou:
Visualizing Sound Environment during Orchestra Performance based on Time Frequency Analysis. - Ananya Misra, Perry R. Cook, Ge Wang:
Musical Tapestry: Re-composing Natural Sounds. - Rodrigo F. Cádiz, Gary S. Kendall:
Fuzzy Logic Control Tool Kit: Real-time Fuzzy Control for Max/MSP and Pd. - Simon Wun, Andrew Horner:
ScalableWavetable Matching for Real-Time Polyphonic Synthesis. - Roger B. Dannenberg:
Concatenative Synthesis Using Score-Aligned Transcriptions. - Georg Essl:
Circle Maps as Simple Oscillators for Complex Behavior: I. Basics. - Mark T. Marshall, Nils Peters, Alexander Refsum Jensenius, Julien Boissinot, Marcelo M. Wanderley, Jonas Braasch:
On the Development of a System for Gesture Control of Spatialization. - Douglas Geers, Maja Cerar:
Development of a Versatile Interactive Performance System. - Ben Nevile, Peter F. Driessen, W. Andrew Schloss:
Radio drum gesture detection system using only sticks, antenna and computer with audio interface. - Robert J. Frank:
Performer Adaptive Scores: An Introduction. - Christopher J. Keyes, Marcel Wierckx:
The ArtsSync Project: Methods and Architectures for Mapping Foreground, Middle-ground and Background Musical Structures to Visual Images. - Victor Lazzarini, Thomas Lysaght, Joseph Timoney:
Spectral Signal Processing in Csound 5. - Jesse Kriss:
MaxLink: a New Tool for Networked Performance. - Doug Van Nort, Marcelo M. Wanderley:
The LoM Mapping Toolbox for Max/MSP/Jitter. - Matthew J. Dovey, Ian S. Gibson:
A Collaborative Composition System Based On A Service Oriented Architecture. - Niall Moody, Nick Fells, Nicholas Bailey:
Motion as the Connection Between Audio and Visuals. - Ajay Kapur, Adam R. Tindale, Manjinder Singh Benning, Peter F. Driessen:
The KiOm: A Paradigm for Collaborative Controller Design. - Gil Weinberg, Jason Freeman, Parag Chordia, Frank Clark, Chris Moore, Scott Driscoll, Travis Thatcher:
Georgia Tech Music Technology Group - Studio Report. - Sanford Hinderlie:
The University Music Technology Lab. - Conner Richardson, James T. E. Cook, Tae Hong Park:
tMt: tulane Music technology Studio Report. - Dan Overholt:
Musical Interaction Design with the CREATE USB Interface Teaching HCI with CUIs instead of GUIs. - David Birchfield, Thomas Ciufo, Harvey D. Thornburg, Wilhelmina C. Savenye:
Sound and Interaction for K-12 Mediated Education. - Charles Nichols, W. Scott Deal, Timothy J. Rogers, Jimmy Miklavcic, Beth Miklavcic, Many Ayromlou, Robert Wachtel, Paul Mercer, Joe Humbert, Rob King:
Musical Performance Over Internet2 Using The AccessGrid. - Daniel Trueman, Perry R. Cook, Scott Smallwood, Ge Wang:
PLOrk: The Princeton Laptop Orchestra, Year 1. - Lonce Wyse:
Real-time synchronization of independently controlled phasors. - Mike Wozniewski, Zack Settel, Jeremy R. Cooperstock:
A Paradigm for Physical Interaction with Sound in 3-D Audio Space. - Gil Weinberg, Scott Driscoll, Travis Thatcher:
Jam'aa - A Middle Eastern Percussion Ensemble for Human and Robotic Players. - Richard Repp:
Recording Quality Ratings by Music Professionals. - Hamid Satar-Boroujeni, Bahram Shafai, Patrick J. Wolfe:
Data Association Techniques for a Robust Partial Tracker of Music Signals. - Min-Joon Yoo, In-Kwon Lee:
Musical Tension Curves and its Applications. - Paul E. Utgoff, Phillip B. Kirlin:
Detecting Motives and Recurring Patterns in PolyphonicMusic. - Yipeng Li:
Melodic Modeling: A Comparison of Scale Degree and Interval. - Alexander Refsum Jensenius:
Using Motiongrams in the Study of Musical Gestures. - Ronald Keith Parks:
Real-time Spectral Attenuation Based Analysis and Resynthesis, Spectral Modification, Spectral Accumulation, and Spectral Evaporation; Theory, Implementation, and Compositional Implications. - Miller S. Puckette:
Phase-bashed packet synthesis: a musical test. - Alberto Pinto:
A Music Information Retrieval system for structural queries. - Panayiotis Kokoras:
Morphopoiesis: An Analytical Model for Electroacoustic Music. - Paul Oehlers, Teresa Larkin, Fred Katz, Matt Boerum, Matt Weiner:
Studio Report: Audio Technology at American University Improving Curriculum through upgrading Facilities. - Vincent Verfaille, Julien Boissinot, Philippe Depalle, Marcelo M. Wanderley:
Ssynth: a Real Time Additive Synthesizer With Flexible Control. - Pierre Alexandre Tremblay:
Pragmatic Considerations in Mixed Music: a Case Study of La Rage. - Kevin Dahan:
ComputerMusic Enaction. - Matthew D. Hoffman, Perry R. Cook:
Feature-Based Synthesis: Mapping Acoustic and Perceptual Features onto Synthesis Parameters. - Juraj Kojs, Stefania Serafin:
The Fujara: A Physical Model of The Bass Pipe Instrument in An Interactive Composition. - Travis Thatcher, David Jimison, John Goetzinger, Jason Freeman, Gil Weinberg:
Mobile Networked Music Demonstration: Sequencer404. - Carlos Pérez-Sancho, Pedro J. Ponce de León, José Manuel Iñesta Quereda:
A Comparison of Statistical Approaches to Symbolic Genre Recognition. - Damon Daylamani Zad, Babak Nadjar Araabi, Caru Lucas:
A Novel Approach to Automatic Music Composing: Using Genetic Algorithm. - Xiao Li, Gang Ji, Jeff A. Bilmes:
A Factored Language Model of Quantized Pitch and Duration. - Arnaud Lallouet, Jérémie Vautard:
Auralization of a Constraint Solver: The music of n-queens. - Matthew Wright, Edgar Berdahl:
Towards Machine Learning of Expressive Microtiming in Brazilian Drumming. - Daniel R. Tuohy, Walter D. Potter:
An Evolved Neural Network/HC Hybrid for Tablature Creation in GA-based Guitar Arranging. - Morten Breinbjerg, Ole Caprani, Rasmus B. Lunding, Line Kramhøft:
An Acousmatic Composition Environment. - Simon Zagorski-Thomas:
"We Don't Write Songs. We Write Records": a compositional methodology based on late 20th century popular music. - Michael Gogins:
Score Generation in Voice-Leading and Chord Spaces. - Robert Hamilton:
Bioinformatic Response Data as a Compositional Driver. - Eric D. Lyon:
A Sample Accurate Triggering System for Pd and Max/MSP. - Christian Sailer, Katja Rosenbauer:
A Bottom-Up Approach to Chord Detection. - Mika Kuuskankare, Mikael Laurson:
A Brief Survey of the Current Applications of ENP. - Nick Didkovsky, Langdon Crawford:
Java Music Specification Language and Max/MSP. - Takefumi Miura, Ayumu Akabane, Makoto Sato, Takao Tsuda, Seiki Inoue:
Score Following of Orchestral Music Using Acoustic Pressure Peak-Tracking and Linear Stretch Matching. - Peter Brinkmann:
Mondrian Music Description Language and Sequencer. - Paul Oehlers, Christopher H. Mich:
MSC: a computer assisted system integrating music and video through magic squares as compositional models. - Adrian Freed, Ahm Lee, John Schott, Frances Marie Uitti, Matthew Wright, Michael Zbyszynski:
Comparing Musical Control Structures and Signal Processing Strategies for the Augmented Cello and Guitar. - Mark Zadel, Gary P. Scavone:
Laptop Performance: Techniques, Tools, and a New Interface Design. - Stephen David Beck, Joseph Patrick, Brian Willkie, Kenley Malveaux:
The Immersive Computer-controlled Audio Sound Theater: Experiments in multi-mode sound diffusion systems for electroacoustic music performance. - Reginald Bain:
The AIMS Project: Creative Experiments in Musical Sonification. - Colby Leider, Kristine H. Burns:
The Sound Recordist as Composer: Aesthestic and Practical Concerns. - Simon Lui, Andrew Horner, Lydia Ayers:
An Intelligent SP-MIDI Polyphonic Reduction Algorithm. - Charlie Cullen, Eugene Coyle:
Musical Pattern Design Using Contour Icons. - Carola Boehm:
The thing about the quotes: "Music Technology" degrees in Britain. - Leigh M. Smith, Henkjan Honing:
Evaluating and Extending Computational Models of Rhythmic Syncopation in Music. - Yann Orlarey, Albert Gräf, Stefan Kersten:
DSP Programming with Faust, Q and SuperCollider. - Kevin J. Di Filippo, Andrew Horner, Eric Fung, Jenny Lim, Lydia Ayers:
AUTUMN: A General Pitch-Extraction Wave-to-MIDI Transcription System. - Thorsten Karrer, Eric Lee, Jan O. Borchers:
PhaVoRIT: A Phase Vocoder for Real-Time Interactive Time-Stretching. - Ian J. Taylor, Eddie Al-Shakarchi, Stephen David Beck:
DARRT: Distributed Audio Rendering & Retrieval using Triana - Experiments in applying Grid Computing technologies for audio processing. - Ryoho Kobayashi:
Squawk: A Graphical Software for Spectral Audio Processing.

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