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Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 12, 1969
Volume 12, Number 1, January 1969
- Bernard A. Galler:
President's letter to the ACM membership: the graduate. 1 - John J. Cannon:
Computers in group theory: a survey. 3-12 - Edward S. Lowry, C. W. Medlock:
Object code optimization. 13-22 - S. Y. Ku, R. J. Adler:
Computing polynomial resultants: Bezout's determinant vs. Collins' reduced P.R.S. algorithm. 23-30 - Bruce W. Arden:
The role of programming in a Ph.D. computer science program. 31-38 - David A. Levine:
Algorithm 344: student's t-distribution [S14]. 37-38 - I. Farkas:
Certification of algorithm 165 [S21]: complete elliptic integrals. 38 - James Vandergraft, Charles K. Mesztenyi:
Remark on algorithm 314 [C5]: finding a solution of N functional equations in N unknowns. 38-39 - J. B. F. Field:
Certification of algorithm 322 [S14]. 39 - Oliver K. Smith:
Remark on algorithm 337 [C1]: calculation of a polynomial and its derivative values by Horner scheme. 39 - Joyce Friedman:
Directed random generation of sentences. 40-46 - Saul Stimler:
Some criteria for time-sharing system performance. 47-53
Volume 12, Number 2, February 1969
- Bernard A. Galler:
President's letter to the ACM membership: The journal. 65-66 - Richard H. Day, M. K. Mansfield, Max E. Ellis:
CODAS: a data display system. 67-72 - Yale N. Patt:
Variable length tree structures having minimum average search time. 72-76 - S. R. Arora, W. T. Dent:
Randomized binary search technique. 77-80 - Roman R. Redziejowski:
On arithmetic expressions and trees. 81-84 - William H. Payne, John R. Rabung, T. P. Bogyo:
Coding the Lehmer pseudo-random number generator. 85-86 - Richard F. King, David L. Phillips:
The logarithmic error and Newton's method for the square root. 87-88 - Lyle B. Smith:
Interval arithmetic determinant evaluation and its use in testing for a Chebyshev system. 89-93 - Joseph B. Kruskal:
Extremely portable random number generator. 93-94 - Manfred R. Schroeder:
Images from computers and microfilm plotters. 95-101 - Ernst G. Ulrich:
Exclusive simulation of activity in digital networks. 102-110 - Gerard Salton:
Information science in a Ph.D. computer science program. 111-117
Volume 12, Number 3, March 1969
- Gerald M. Berns:
Description of FORMAT, a text-processing program. 141-146 - Stephen P. Morse:
Concepts of use in contour map processing. 147-152 - A. C. McKellar, Edward G. Coffman Jr.:
Organizing Matrices and Matrix Operations for Paged Memory Systems. 153-165 - E. L. Lohse:
Data communications control procedures for the USA standard code for information interchange. 166-178 - Richard C. Singleton:
Algorithm 345: an algol convolution procedure based on the fast fourier transform [C6]. 179-184 - John Morris:
Algorithm 346: F-test probabilities [S14]. 184-185 - Richard C. Singleton:
Algorithm 347: an efficient algorithm for sorting with minimal storage [M1]. 185-187 - M. Gray:
Remark on algorithm 329 [G6]: distribution of indistinguishable objects into distinguishable slots. 187 - Richard C. Singleton:
Remark on algorithm 339 [C6]: an algol procedure for the fast fourier transform with arbitrary factors. 187 - Bernard A. Galler:
President's letters to the ACM membership: the AFIPS constitution. 188
Volume 12, Number 4, April 1969
- Bernard A. Galler:
President's letter to the ACM membership: let's face it. 193 - C. C. Gotlieb:
Editorial: on the ACM publications. 197-198 - Thomas C. Lowe:
Analysis of boolean program models for time-shared, paged environments. 199-205 - R. Galimberti:
An algorithm for hidden line elimination. 206-211 - R. R. Klimpel:
Algorithm 348: matrix scaling by integer programming [F1]. 212-213 - Georges Schwachheim:
Algorithm 349: polygamma functions with arbitrary precision [S14]. 213-214 - Jesse H. Katz:
Simulation of outpatient appointment systems. 215-222 - Stanley R. Petrick, Paul M. Postal, Peter S. Rosenbaum:
On coordination reduction and sentence analysis. 223-233 - Donald J. Rose:
An algorithm for solving a special class of tridiagonal systems of linear equations. 234-236 - A. H. Stroud, J. P. Kohli:
Computation of Jn(x) by numerical integration. 236-238
Volume 12, Number 5, May 1969
- John R. B. Whittlesey:
Letters to the editor: on the multidimensional uniformity of pseudorandom generators. 247 - Derick Wood:
A few more trouble spots in ALGOL 60. 247-248 - Michael M. Gold:
Time-sharing and batch-processing: an experimental comparison of their values in a problem-solving situation. 249-259 - Keith A. Bartlett, Roger A. Scantlebury, Peter T. Wilkinson:
A note on reliable full-duplex transmission over half-duplex links. 260-261 - Stanley E. Lass:
Automated printed circuit routing with a stepping aperture. 262-265 - Richard H. Bartels, Gene H. Golub:
The simplex method of linear programming using LU decomposition. 266-268 - Philip Rabinowitz:
Rough and ready error estimates in Gaussian integration of analytic functions. 268-270 - Herbert E. Salzer:
Chebyshev interpolation and quadrature formulas of very high degree. 271 - Jan B. Hext, J. W. Winings:
An automatic grading scheme for simple programming exercises. 272-275 - Richard H. Bartels, Gene H. Golub:
Algorithm 350: simplex method procedure employing Lu decomposition [H]. 275-278 - Kurt Siegfried Kölbig:
Certification of algorithm 292 [S22]: regular coulomb wave functions and of remark on algorithm 292 [S22]: regular coulomb wave functions. 278-279 - Kurt Siegfried Kölbig:
Certification of algorithm 300 [S22]: coulomb wave functions. 279-280 - Walter Gautschi:
Remark on algorithm 292 [S22]: regular coulomb wave functions. 280 - I. D. Hill:
Remark on algorithm 331: Gaussian quadrature formulas [D1]. 280-281 - Robert E. Knop:
Remark on algorithm 334 [G5]: normal random deviates. 281 - Albert Noltemeier:
Remark on algorithm 340 [C2]: roots of polynomials by a root-squaring and resultant routine. 281 - Laszlo A. Belady, C. J. Kuehner:
Dynamic space-sharing in computer systems. 282-288
Volume 12, Number 6, June 1969
- Bernard A. Galler:
ACM president's letter: NATO and software engineering? 301 - Eric A. Weiss:
Letters to the editor: response to Galler, Pinkerton, Arden letter. 302 - Jerrold M. Grochow:
Letters to the editor: ACM has a tremendous story to tell. 302 - George E. Collins:
Letters to the editor: comment on a paper by Ku and Adler. 302-303 - Roger M. Firestone:
Letters to the editor: move ACM 1971 conference from Chicago? 303 - Currie S. Downie:
Letters to the editor: on obtaining technical information from the federal government. 303 - Heinz Zemanek:
Letters to the editor: on selecting the sites for IFIP congresses. 303-304 - Katherine M. Jamerson, T. M. R. Ellis:
Letters to the editor: restore professional atmosphere at ACM meetings. 304 - Herbert Ohlman:
Letters to the editor: a graduated dues structure for ACM. 304 - Victor L. Wallace, D. L. Mason:
Degree of multiprogramming in page-on-demand systems. 305-308 - D. Ophir, Robert J. Spinrad:
Three-dimensional computer display. 309-310 - Toshiyuki Sakai, Makoto Nagao:
Simulation of traffic flows in a network. 311-318 - Louis T. Parker, Thomas M. Gallie, Frederick P. Brooks Jr., James K. Ferrell:
Introducing computing to smaller colleges and universities - a progress report. 319-323 - B. J. Duke:
Certification of algorithm 298 [F1]: determination of the square root of a positive definite matrix. 325-326 - Iain D. G. Macleod:
Certification of algorithm 302 [K2]: transpose vector stored array. 326 - Norman L. Schreyer:
Certification of algorithm 328 [F4]: Chebyshev solution to an overdetermined linear system. 326 - James L. Blue:
Spline function methods for nonlinear boundary-value problems. 327-330 - Roland A. Sweet:
A recursive relation for the determinant of a pentadiagonal matrix. 330-332 - Melvin A. Breuer:
Generation of optimal code for expressions via factorization. 333-340 - Joyce Friedman:
A computer system for transformational grammar. 341-348 - Laszlo A. Belady, Robert A. Nelson, Gerald S. Shedler:
An anomaly in space-time characteristics of certain programs running in a paging machine. 349-353
Volume 12, Number 7, July 1969
- Bernard A. Galler:
ACM president's letter: "what's yours?". 359 - Brian Randell:
A note on storage fragmentation and program segmentation. 365-369 - Joseph Weizenbaum:
Recovery of reentrant list structures in SLIP. 370-372 - A. Nico Habermann:
Prevention of system deadlocks. 373-377 - A. J. Schneider:
Generation of test matrices having certain sign patterns and prescribed positive spectra. 378-379 - W. J. Hemmerle:
Generating pseudorandom numbers on a two's complement machine such as the IBM 360. 382-383 - Bennett L. Fox:
Accelerating LP algorithms. 384-385 - G. Cottafava, Gesualdo Le Moli:
Automatic contour map. 386-391 - T. Donnelly:
Some techniques for using pseudorandom numbers in computer simulation. 392-394 - Richard Y. Kain:
Block structures, indirect addressing, and garbage collection. 395-398 - Donald S. Clemm:
Algorithm 352: characteristic values and associated solutions of Mathieu's differential equation [S22]. 399-407 - G. Sauer:
Remark on algorithm 268 [R2]: ALGOL 60 reference language editor. 407 - J. Boothroyd:
Remark on algorithm 274 [F1]: generation of Hilbert derived test matrix. 407-408 - D. K. Messham:
Remark on algorithm 333 [H]: minit algorithm for linear programming. 408 - Michael Kennedy:
On obtaining correct input: a new approach. 409-411 - William W. Hooker:
On the expected lengths of sequences generated in sorting by replacement selecting. 411-413 - M. Douglas McIlroy:
Letters to the editor: a scheme for specifying running titles. 413 - Bryna M. Fellen:
Letters to the editor: an implementation of the Tausworthe generator. 413
Volume 12, Number 8, August 1969
- Bernard A. Galler:
ACM president's letter: "I protest". 421 - Aaron Finerman:
Computing capabilities at Argentine and Chilean universities. 425-431 - Bruce W. Arden, Bernard A. Galler, Robert M. Graham:
The MAD definition facility. 432-439 - Jerome A. Feldman, Paul Rovner:
An ALGOL-based associative language. 439-449 - Charles Allan Hall:
Error bounds for periodic quintic splines. 450-452 - Stephen M. Chase, Lloyd D. Fosdick:
An algorithm for Filon quadrature. 453-457 - Stephen M. Chase, Lloyd D. Fosdick:
Algorithm 353: Filon quadrature [D1]. 457-458 - M. Ross Quillian:
The teachable language comprehender: a simulation program and theory of language. 459-476 - Hamish Dewar, Paul Bratley, James Peter Thorne:
A program for the syntactic analysis of English sentences. 476-479
Volume 12, Number 9, September 1969
- Bernard A. Galler:
ACM president's letter: "tell it like it is". 487 - Niklaus Wirth:
On multiprogramming, machine coding, and computer organization. 489-498 - Wilfred J. Hansen:
Compact list representation: definition, garbage collection, and system implementation. 499-507 - Richard J. Orgass, William M. Waite:
A base for a mobile programming system. 507-510 - M. Douglas McIlroy:
Algorithm 354: generator of spanning trees [H]. 511 - I. M. Leitch:
Certification of algorithm 323 [G6]: generation of permutations in lexicographic order. 512 - P. A. Hamilton, J. Boothroyd:
Remark on algorithm 251 [E4]: function minimization. 512-513 - Keith Paton:
An algorithm for finding a fundamental set of cycles of a graph. 514-518 - David Lorge Parnas:
On simulating networks of parallel processes in which simultaneous events may occur. 519-531
Volume 12, Number 10, October 1969
- Walter M. Carlson:
Letter from the ACM vice-president: "there is a tide in the affairs of men...". 537 - Bernadine C. Lanzano:
Loader standardization for overlay programs. 541-550 - Herbert Baskin, Elsa B. Horowitz, Robert D. Tennison, Larry E. Rittenhouse:
A modular computer sharing systems. 551-559 - W. S. Brown, Paul L. Richman:
The choice of base. 560-561 - J. M. S. Simões-Pereira:
Algorithm 355: an algorithm for generating ising configurations [Z]. 562 - Richard C. Singleton:
Algorithm 356: a prime number generator using the treesort principle [A1]. 563 - Richard C. Singleton:
Algorithm 357: an efficient prime number generator [A1]. 563-564 - Peter A. Businger, Gene H. Golub:
Algorithm 358: singular value decomposition of a complex matrix [F1, 4, 5]. 564-565 - Arthur G. Adams:
Remark on algorithm 304 [S15]: normal curve integral. 565-566 - James R. Bell:
A new method for determining linear precedence functions for precedence grammars. 567-569 - Robert B. K. Dewar, Ronald R. Hochsprung, William S. Worley Jr.:
The IITRAN programming language. 569-575 - C. A. R. Hoare:
An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming. 576-580 - John G. Herriot:
An ambiguity in the description of ALGOL 60. 581 - Charles B. Dunham:
Minimax logarithmic error. 581-582 - Larry E. Stanfel:
A comment on optimal tree structures. 582 - A. J. Bayes:
Retrieval times for a packed direct access inverted file. 582-583
Volume 12, Number 11, November 1969
- Bernard A. Galler:
ACM president's letter: J'accuse! 593 - Alan H. Bond, Jerry Rightnour, L. Steven Coles:
An interactive graphical display monitor in a batch-processing environment with remote entry. 595-603 - Arie Shoshani, Arthur J. Bernstein:
Synchronization in a parallel-accessed data base. 604-607 - Tad B. Pinkerton:
Performance monitoring in a time-sharing system. 608-610 - Robert Fenichel, Jerome C. Yochelson:
A LISP garbage-collector for virtual-memory computer systems. 611-612 - A. J. Korenjak:
A practical method for constructing LR(k) processors. 613-623 - Robert Balzer, David J. Farber:
APAREL - A parse-request language. 624-631 - John R. Howell:
Algorithm 359: factorial analysis of variance [G1]. 631-632 - Robert B. Dial:
Algorithm 360: shortest-path forest with topological ordering [H]. 632-633 - Bruce D. Shriver, Patricia J. Eberlein, R. D. Dixon:
Algorithm 361: permanent function of a square matrix I and II [G6]. 634 - John Michael Robson:
Algorithm 362: generation of random permutations [G6]. 634-635 - Walter Gautschi:
Algorithm 363: complex error function [S15]. 635 - Stanley M. Cobb:
Certification of algorithm 47 [S16]: associated Legendre functions of the first kind for real or imaginary arguments. 635-636 - Gillian Hall, Valeria A. Ray:
Certification of algorithm 255 [C6]: computation of Fourier coefficients. 636 - Wayne T. Watson:
Certification of algorithm 296 [E2]: generalized least squares fit by orthogonal polynomials. 636-637 - F. K. Tomlin, Lyle B. Smith:
Remark on algorithm 178 [E4]: direct search. 637-638 - Lyle B. Smith:
Remark on algorithm 178 [E4]: direct search. 638 - L. R. Grosenbaugh:
More on Fortran random number generators. 639
Volume 12, Number 12, December 1969
- Bernard A. Galler:
ACM president's letter: and in the corner .... 643 - Jack L. Rosenfeld:
A case study in programming for parallel-processors. 645-655 - David Sayre:
Is automatic "folding" of programs efficient enough to displace manual? 656-660 - Seymour V. Parter:
Numerical analysis in a Ph.D. computer science program. 661-663 - Dennie Van Tassel:
Advanced cryptographic techniques for computer. 664-665 - Vincent A. Busam, Donald E. Englund:
Optimization of expressions in Fortran. 666-674 - Henning Bach:
On the downhill method. 675-677 - Daniel J. Lasser:
Productivity of multiprogrammed computers-progress in developing an analytic prediction method. 678-684 - Robert G. Herriot:
Algorithm 364: coloring polygonal regions [Z]. 685-686 - Henning Bach:
Algorithm 365: complex root finding [C5]. 686-687 - P. J. Claringbold:
Algorithm 366: regression using certain direct product matrices [G2]. 687-688 - P. J. Claringbold:
Algorithm 367: analysis of variance for balanced experiments [G2]. 688-691 - Ronald G. Parson:
Certification of algorithm 147 [S14]: PSIF. 691-692 - T. A. Bray:
Certification of algorithm 229 [B1]: elementary functions by continued fractions. 692 - Kurt Siegfried Kölbig:
Remark on algorithm 300 [S22]: Coulomb wave functions. 692 - Les G. Proll:
Remark on algorithm 341 [H]: solution of linear programs in 0-1 variables by implicit enumeration. 692 - Richard J. Fateman:
Optimal code for serial and parallel computation. 694-695 - Dominic S. Seraphin:
A fast random number generator for IBM 360. 695 - C. Kerpelman:
Presentation of alphameric characters for information processing. 696-698
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