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IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Volume 15
Volume 15, Number 1, February 1999
- Spyros A. Reveliotis:
Accommodating FMS operational contingencies through routing flexibility. 3-19 - Ulrich A. W. Tetzlaff, Erwin Pesch:
Optimal workload allocation between a job shop and an FMS. 20-32 - Philippe Ciprut, Max-Olivier Hongler, Yves Salama:
On the variance of the production output of transfer lines. 33-43 - Chun-Hung Chen, S. David Wu, Liyi Dai:
Ordinal comparison of heuristic algorithms using stochastic optimization. 44-56 - William B. Thompson, Jonathan C. Owen, H. James de St. Germain, Stevan R. Stark Jr., Thomas C. Henderson:
Feature-based reverse engineering of mechanical parts. 57-66 - Vladimir Brajovic, Takeo Kanade:
A VLSI sorting image sensor: global massively parallel intensity-to-time processing for low-latency adaptive vision. 67-75 - José Neira
, Juan D. Tardós, Joachim Horn, Günther Schmidt:
Fusing range and intensity images for mobile robot localization. 76-84 - Steven Scheding, Gamini Dissanayake
, Eduardo Mario Nebot
, Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte:
An experiment in autonomous navigation of an underground mining vehicle. 85-95 - Michele Rucci
, Gerald M. Edelman, Jonathan Wray:
Adaptation of orienting behavior: from the barn owl to a robotic system. 96-110 - James P. Ostrowski:
Computing reduced equations for robotic systems with constraints and symmetries. 111-123 - R. Mantripragada, Daniel E. Whitney:
Modeling and controlling variation propagation in mechanical assemblies using state transition models. 124-140 - Hee-Joo Yeo, Il Hong Suh, Byung-Ju Yi, Sang-Rok Oh
A single closed-loop kinematic chain approach for a hybrid control of two cooperating arms with a passive joint: an application to sawing task. 141-151 - Tamio Tanikawa, Tatsuo Arai:
Development of a micro-manipulation system having a two-fingered micro-hand. 152-162 - Yun-Hui Liu:
Qualitative test and force optimization of 3-D frictional form-closure grasps using linear programming. 163-173 - Russell G. Brown, Randy C. Brost:
A 3-D modular gripper design tool. 174-186 - T. C. Edwin Cheng
, Guoqing Wang:
A note on scheduling the two-machine flexible flowshop. 187-190 - Eyal Zussman, Mengchu Zhou:
A methodology for modeling and adaptive planning of disassembly processes. 190-194
Volume 15, Number 2, April 1999
- Moëz Cherif:
Motion planning for all-terrain vehicles: a physical modeling approach for coping with dynamic and contact interaction constraints. 202-218 - Leopoldo Jetto, Sauro Longhi
, Giuseppe Venturini:
Development and experimental validation of an adaptive extended Kalman filter for the localization of mobile robots. 219-229 - Martin David Adams
High speed target pursuit and asymptotic stability in mobile robotics. 230-237 - Ezio Malis, François Chaumette
, Sylvie Boudet:
2½D visual servoing. 238-250 - Hiroshi Ishida
, Akito Kobayashi, Takamichi Nakamoto, Toyosaka Moriizumi:
Three-dimensional odor compass. 251-257 - Yun-Hui Liu, Yangsheng Xu, Marcel Bergerman:
Cooperation control of multiple manipulators with passive joints. 258-267 - Ranjan Mukherjee, Masayuki Kamon:
Almost smooth time-invariant control of planar space multibody systems. 268-280 - Ernest D. Fasse, Clément M. Gosselin
Spatio-geometric impedance control of Gough-Stewart platforms. 281-288 - Fabrizio Caccavale
, Ciro Natale
, Bruno Siciliano
, Luigi Villani
Six-DOF impedance control based on angle/axis representations. 289-300 - Young Ho Kim, Frank L. Lewis:
Neural network output feedback control of robot manipulators. 301-309 - Wen-Hong Zhu, Joris De Schutter
Adaptive control of mixed rigid/flexible joint robot manipulators based on virtual decomposition. 310-317 - Kevin M. Lynch:
Locally controllable manipulation by stable pushing. 318-327 - Peter B. Luh, Dong Chen, Lakshman S. Thakur:
An effective approach for job-shop scheduling with uncertain processing requirements. 328-339 - B. J. Choi, S. V. Sreenivasan:
Gross motion characteristics of articulated mobile robots with pure rolling capability on smooth uneven surfaces. 340-343 - Chris Kreucher
, Sridhar Lakshmanan
LANA: a lane extraction algorithm that uses frequency domain features. 343-350 - Benedetto Allotta
, Carlo Colombo
On the use of linear camera-object interaction models in visual servoing. 350-357 - Pritam Kumar Sarkar, Motoji Yamamoto, Akira Mohri:
On the trajectory planning of a planar elastic manipulator under gravity. 357-362 - Mingli Bai, Dong Hua Zhou, Helmut Schwarz:
Identification of generalized friction for an experimental planar two-link flexible manipulator using strong tracking filter. 362-369 - Mahmoud Tarokh:
Decoupled nonlinear three-term controllers for robot trajectory tracking. 369-380 - Rafael Kelly:
Regulation of manipulators in generic task space: an energy shaping plus damping injection approach. 381-386 - Seong-Jin Park, Jong-Tae Lim:
Fault-tolerant robust supervisor for discrete event systems with model uncertainty and its application to a workcell. 386-391 - Marcio S. de Queiroz
, Hüseyin Canbolat
Comments on "nonlinear adaptive control for flexible-link manipulators". 392-
Volume 15, Number 3, June 1999
- Antal K. Bejczy, Kazuo Tanie, Philippe Coiffet:
Foreword special section on virtual reality in robotics and automation. 397-399 - Grigore C. Burdea:
Invited review: the synergy between virtual reality and robotics. 400-410 - Eckhard Freund, Jürgen Rossmann:
Projective virtual reality: bridging the gap between virtual reality and robotics. 411-422 - John E. Lloyd, Jeffrey S. Beis, Dinesh K. Pai, David G. Lowe:
Programming contact tasks using a reality-based virtual environment integrated with vision. 423-434 - Vijaimukund Raghavan, Jose Molineros, Rajeev Sharma:
Interactive evaluation of assembly sequences using augmented reality. 435-449 - Won S. Kim:
Computer vision assisted virtual reality calibration. 450-464 - Richard J. Adams
, Blake Hannaford:
Stable haptic interaction with virtual environments. 465-474 - Tom Molet, Ronan Boulic, Serge Rezzonico, Daniel Thalmann:
An architecture for immersive evaluation of complex human tasks. 475-485 - Hong-Bae Jun, Yeong-Dae Kim, Hyo-Won Suh:
Heuristics for a tool provisioning problem in a flexible manufacturing system with an automatic tool transporter. 488-496 - Mark A. Lawley:
Deadlock avoidance for production systems with flexible routing. 497-509 - Kazuhiro Saitou:
Conformational switching in self-assembling mechanical systems. 510-520 - Yi Ma, Jana Kosecká, S. Shankar Sastry:
Vision guided navigation for a nonholonomic mobile robot. 521-536 - Sanghoon Sull, Banavar Sridhar:
Runway obstacle detection by controlled spatiotemporal image flow disparity. 537-547 - Dragomir N. Nenchev, Kazuya Yoshida
Impact analysis and post-impact motion control issues of a free-floating Space robot subject to a force impulse. 548-557 - John Ting-Yung Wen, Lee S. Wilfinger:
Kinematic manipulability of general constrained rigid multibody systems. 558-567 - Arthur C. Sanderson:
Assemblability based on maximum likelihood configuration of tolerances. 568-572 - Salah Sukkarieh, Eduardo Mario Nebot
, Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte:
A high integrity IMU/GPS navigation loop for autonomous land vehicle applications. 572-578 - Jong-Min Yang, Jong-Hwan Kim:
Sliding mode control for trajectory tracking of nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots. 578-587 - Ralf Möller:
Path planning using hardware time delays. 588-592 - Jing Yuan, S. L. Yu:
End-effector position-orientation measurement. 592-595
Volume 15, Number 4, August 1999
- Richard Quint van der Linde:
Design, analysis, and control of a low power joint for walking robots, by phasic activation of McKibben muscles. 599-604 - Louis J. Everett, Jennchen Tang, Marc Compere
Designing flexible manipulators with the lowest natural frequency nearly independent of position. 605-611 - Doik Kim, Wankyun Chung:
Analytic singularity equation and analysis of six-DOF parallel manipulators using local structurization method. 612-622 - Susan Hert, Vladimir J. Lumelsky:
Motion planning in R3 for multiple tethered robots. 623-639 - Florent Lamiraux, Sepanta Sekhavat, Jean-Paul Laumond:
Motion planning and control for Hilare pulling a trailer. 640-652 - Juan Manuel Ahuactzin, Kamal K. Gupta:
The kinematic roadmap: a motion planning based global approach for inverse kinematics of redundant robots. 653-669 - Homayoun Seraji, Bruce Bon:
Real-time collision avoidance for position-controlled manipulators. 670-677 - Marilena Vendittelli
, Jean-Paul Laumond, Carole Nissoux:
Obstacle distance for car-like robots. 678-691 - Xiaolan Xie, MuDer Jeng:
ERCN-merged nets and their analysis using siphons. 692-703 - Vladimir Kats, Eugene Levner, Leonid K. Meyzin:
Multiple-part cyclic hoist scheduling using a sieve method. 704-713 - Steven N. Spitz, Antonia J. Spyridi, Aristides A. G. Requicha:
Accessibility analysis for planning of dimensional inspection with coordinate measuring machines. 714-727 - Murat Cenk Çavusoglu
, Frank Tendick, Michael Cohn, S. Shankar Sastry:
A laparoscopic telesurgical workstation. 728-739 - Matthew D. Berkemeier, Ronald S. Fearing
Tracking fast inverted trajectories of the underactuated Acrobot. 740-750 - Perry Y. Li
, Roberto Horowitz
Passive velocity field control of mechanical manipulators. 751-763 - Sooyong Lee, H. Harry Asada:
A perturbation/correlation method for force guided robot assembly. 764-773 - Peter Veelaert, Wim Bogaerts
Ultrasonic potential field sensor for obstacle avoidance. 774-779 - Marcio S. de Queiroz
, Darren M. Dawson, M. Agarwal, Fumin Zhang:
Adaptive nonlinear boundary control of a flexible link robot arm. 779-787 - Herman Bruyninckx, Joris De Schutter
Comments on "Closed form forward kinematics solution to a class of hexapod robots". 788-789
Volume 15, Number 5, October 1999
- Jorge J. Feliu-Batlle, Vicente Feliu
, Carlos Cerrada
Load adaptive control of single-link flexible arms based on a new modeling technique. 793-804 - Yih-Guang Leu, Wei-Yen Wang, Tsu-Tian Lee:
Robust adaptive fuzzy-neural controllers for uncertain nonlinear systems. 805-817 - Hideki Ando, Yoshinobu Oasa, Ichiro Suzuki, Masafumi Yamashita:
Distributed memoryless point convergence algorithm for mobile robots with limited visibility. 818-828 - Louis J. Everett, Rajiv Ravuri, Richard A. Volz, Marjorie Skubic:
Generalized recognition of single-ended contact formations. 829-836 - Moëz Cherif, Kamal K. Gupta:
Planning quasi-static fingertip manipulations for reconfiguring objects. 837-848 - Ken Goldberg
, Brian Mirtich, Yan Zhuang, John Craig, Brian Carlisle, John F. Canny:
Part pose statistics: estimators and experiments. 849-857 - Myron A. Diftler, Ian D. Walker:
Experiments in aligning threaded parts using a robot hand. 858-868 - Thomas L. DeFazio, Stephen J. Rhee, Daniel E. Whitney:
Design-specific approach to design for assembly (DFA) for complex mechanical assemblies. 869-881 - Yadati Narahari, Nukala Viswanadham, V. Kiran Kumar:
Lead time modeling and acceleration of product design and development. 882-896 - Jorge P. Batista
, Helder Araújo
, Anibal T. de Almeida
Iterative multistep explicit camera calibration. 897-917 - Israel A. Wagner, Michael Lindenbaum, Alfred M. Bruckstein
Distributed covering by ant-robots using evaporating traces. 918-933 - Bing-Ran Zuo, Wen-Han Qian:
On the equivalence of internal and interaction forces in multifingered grasping. 934-941 - Tsuneo Yoshikawa:
Virtual truss model for characterization of internal forces for multiple finger grasps. 941-947 - José A. Castellanos, J. M. M. Montiel
, José Neira
, Juan D. Tardós:
The SPmap: a probabilistic framework for simultaneous localization and map building. 948-952 - Rodney G. Roberts:
Minimal realization of a spatial stiffness matrix with simple springs connected in parallel. 953-958 - Leo J. Stocco, Septimiu E. Salcudean
, Farrokh Sassani:
On the use of scaling matrices for task-specific robot design. 958-965 - Shahram Tafazoli, Peter D. Lawrence, Septimiu E. Salcudean
Identification of inertial and friction parameters for excavator arms. 966-971
Volume 15, Number 6, December 1999
- Masayoshi Wada, H. Harry Asada:
Design and control of a variable footprint mechanism for holonomic omnidirectional vehicles and its application to wheelchairs. 978-989 - Angelo Arleo
, José del R. Millán
, Dario Floreano:
Efficient learning of variable-resolution cognitive maps for autonomous indoor navigation. 990-1000 - Byung-Ju Yi, Sang-Rok Oh
, Il Hong Suh:
A five-bar finger mechanism involving redundant actuators: analysis and its applications. 1001-1010 - Dragomir N. Nenchev, Kazuya Yoshida
, Prasart Vichitkulsawat, Masaru Uchiyama:
Reaction null-space control of flexible structure mounted manipulator systems. 1011-1023 - Min Ki Lee, Kun Woo Park:
Kinematic and dynamic analysis of a double parallel manipulator for enlarging workspace and avoiding singularities. 1024-1034 - Kohji Tomita
, Satoshi Murata, Haruhisa Kurokawa, Eiichi Yoshida, Shigeru Kokaji:
Self-assembly and self-repair method for a distributed mechanical system. 1035-1045 - Euisu Park, Dawn M. Tilbury, Pramod P. Khargonekar
Modular logic controllers for machining systems: formal representation and performance analysis using Petri nets. 1046-1061 - Yadati Narahari, Rachuri Sudarsan, Kevin W. Lyons, M. R. Duffey, Ram D. Sriram:
Design for tolerance of electro-mechanical assemblies: An integrated approach. 1062-1079 - Alexandre Bernardino
, José Santos-Victor
Binocular tracking: integrating perception and control. 1080-1094 - Jason J. Heuring, David William Murray:
Modeling and copying human head movements. 1095-1108 - Kenneth N. Groom, Anthony A. Maciejewski
, Venkataramanan Balakrishnan
Real-time failure-tolerant control of kinematically redundant manipulators. 1109-1115 - Wisama Khalil, Sébastien Besnard:
Self calibration of Stewart-Gough parallel robots without extra sensors. 1116-1121 - Tian Huang, Jinsong Wang, Clément M. Gosselin
, David J. Whitehouse:
Determination of closed form solution to the 2-D orientation workspace of Gough-Stewart parallel manipulators. 1121-1125 - Ali Yalcin, Thomas O. Boucher:
An architecture for flexible manufacturing cells with alternate machining and alternate sequencing. 1126-1130 - Scott R. Ploen, Frank C. Park:
Coordinate-invariant algorithms for robot dynamics. 1130-1135 - Zen Chen, Jen-Bin Huang:
A vision-based method for the circle pose determination with a direct geometric interpretation. 1135-1140 - Roy Featherstone, Amir Fijany:
A technique for analyzing constrained rigid-body systems, and its application to the constraint force algorithm. 1140-1144 - Kimon P. Valavanis:
Autonomous agents [Book Reviews]. 1149

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