E. R. Nele or Eva Renée Nele Bode is a German sculptor that works goldsmithing and large scale metal sculptures. Nele was born in Berlin, the daughter of Marie-Louise (1908–1989) and Arnold Bode (1900–1977). She started her career in 1950 as a student of the Central School of Arts and Crafts in London. She participated in Documenta II, organised by her father in 1959. She joined the Situationist International, but was excluded in February 1962.
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| - E. R. Nele (de)
- Renee Nele (fr)
- Renee Nele (en)
- Renée Nele (sv)
| - E. R. Nele, eigentlich: Eva Renée Nele Bode (* 17. März 1932 in Berlin; lebt in Frankfurt am Main) ist eine deutsche Bildhauerin, Grafikerin, Goldschmiedin, Schmuckkünstlerin und Designerin. (de)
- Fille du peintre et fondateur de la Documenta de Kassel, Arnold Bode, Renee Nele, née le 15 mars 1932 à Berlin (Allemagne), est une sculptrice et plasticienne allemande s'étant fait connaître sous ce nom. Elle est connue pour son travail d'orfèvrerie et ses sculptures en métal de grand format. (fr)
- E. R. Nele or Eva Renée Nele Bode is a German sculptor that works goldsmithing and large scale metal sculptures. Nele was born in Berlin, the daughter of Marie-Louise (1908–1989) and Arnold Bode (1900–1977). She started her career in 1950 as a student of the Central School of Arts and Crafts in London. She participated in Documenta II, organised by her father in 1959. She joined the Situationist International, but was excluded in February 1962. (en)
- Eva Renée Nele Bode, född 17 mars 1932 i Berlin, är en tysk skulptör, grafiker, smyckeskonstnär och formgivare. Hon arbetar framför allt med metall, från stora skulpturer till filigran och smycken. Renée Nele är dotter till Marie-Louise Bode (1908–89) och Arnold Bode och växte upp i Kassel i Tyskland. Hon utbildade sig i Berlin och 1951-55 vid Central School of Arts and Crafts i London i Storbritannien för Richard Hamilton. Efter en tid i London vidareutbildade hon sig i koppardjuptryck i Studio Lacourière i Paris i Frankrike 1957-58. Hon studerade också vid Hochschule für Bildende Künste i Berlin för (1900–75). (sv)
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| - E. R. Nele, eigentlich: Eva Renée Nele Bode (* 17. März 1932 in Berlin; lebt in Frankfurt am Main) ist eine deutsche Bildhauerin, Grafikerin, Goldschmiedin, Schmuckkünstlerin und Designerin. (de)
- Fille du peintre et fondateur de la Documenta de Kassel, Arnold Bode, Renee Nele, née le 15 mars 1932 à Berlin (Allemagne), est une sculptrice et plasticienne allemande s'étant fait connaître sous ce nom. Elle est connue pour son travail d'orfèvrerie et ses sculptures en métal de grand format. (fr)
- E. R. Nele or Eva Renée Nele Bode is a German sculptor that works goldsmithing and large scale metal sculptures. Nele was born in Berlin, the daughter of Marie-Louise (1908–1989) and Arnold Bode (1900–1977). She started her career in 1950 as a student of the Central School of Arts and Crafts in London. She participated in Documenta II, organised by her father in 1959. She joined the Situationist International, but was excluded in February 1962. She learned to handle all sorts of metal and to weld steel for her artwork. After her return to Berlin she worked with the artist Hans Uhlmann during her time at the "Berliner Akademie" and later on at the "Studio Lacourière" in Paris. Since the late 1960s, Nele has lived and worked in Frankfurt. Since the early 1990s she has been teaching at the Universities of Frankfurt and Giessen. Her best-known sculpture is named Die Rampe, a Holocaust memorial dated from 1980. Her latest metal sculpture at large scale is now located at the Dalbergplatz in Frankfurt-Höchst and named Windsbraut. E. R. Nele was awarded with the Goethe Plaque of the City of Frankfurt from the hands of the city's governing mayor Petra Roth on 12 September 2008 in the historic "Limpurgsaal". (en)
- Eva Renée Nele Bode, född 17 mars 1932 i Berlin, är en tysk skulptör, grafiker, smyckeskonstnär och formgivare. Hon arbetar framför allt med metall, från stora skulpturer till filigran och smycken. Renée Nele är dotter till Marie-Louise Bode (1908–89) och Arnold Bode och växte upp i Kassel i Tyskland. Hon utbildade sig i Berlin och 1951-55 vid Central School of Arts and Crafts i London i Storbritannien för Richard Hamilton. Efter en tid i London vidareutbildade hon sig i koppardjuptryck i Studio Lacourière i Paris i Frankrike 1957-58. Hon studerade också vid Hochschule für Bildende Künste i Berlin för (1900–75). Hon deltog i Documenta II 1959 och Documenta III 1964 i Kassel. Sedan 1965 bor och arbetar Renée Nele i Frankfurt am Main. Hon fick 2008 staden Frankfurt am Mains Goetheplakette. (sv)
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