Ralph Fischer is the owner and head coach of the Fischer Sports Academy/M.A.A.F. Schwenningen and has been practicing various martial arts and martial arts systems for over 40 year...mehr sehenRalph Fischer is the owner and head coach of the Fischer Sports Academy/M.A.A.F. Schwenningen and has been practicing various martial arts and martial arts systems for over 40 years. He began his martial arts training at the age of 10 with western wrestling. After just 2 years of training, he was committed to the second Bundesliga by AB-Aichhalden and signed. Among other things, he also learned Wing Tsun Kung Fu for 3.5 years up to the advanced level. But he also occupied himself with boxing, kickboxing, Ju.Jutsu, Judo and Karate for a while until he found his way to Jeet Kune Do and Inosanto Kali. He is a qualified sports teacher and grandmaster in kickboxing (6th Dan) and holds several instructor and examiner licenses for Jeet Kune Do, Inosanto-Kali, Brazilian Ji-Jitsu, kickboxing and MMA and is authorized to train kickboxing and MMA teachers himself. Since 2013 he has held the positions of sports director and national trainer for MMA and grappling. In his competitive career, where he fought over 350 fights in wrestling and kickboxing, he was able to win several national and international titles. He has also successfully participated in three world records. In 2009 he was voted Instructor of the Year by an international martial arts magazine and was featured in an international book with an action trading card and was inducted into the Hall of Fame. In 2010 he was again awarded the Hall of Fame induction for his 30 years of service as a competitor and coach. In 2013, he was voted Instructor of the Year as a Martial Arts Ambassador by Europe's most renowned martial arts hall of fame, the Munich Hall of Honor, and was honored along with Cynthia (Lady Dragon) Rothrock.weniger sehen